
Chapter 634 - Brutal Team Leader

Chapter 634: Brutal Team Leader

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

After the Great Mecha Competition was announced, it was apparent that the Xuan and Huang Grade students’ zeal was raised dramatically. Of course, this was not just the Azure Dragon Region, but the other 3 major Academies as well. But such times were definitely when the Vermillion Bird and White Tiger Academies would show off. In terms of overall standard, these two schools were slightly stronger.

After a day of class, Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan were training their ability X in the World of Saints. Elite Academy X’s training conditions were undoubtedly good, but only for practice, and not high-level maneuvers. Although the World of Saints difficulty level was lower, but one could experiment to one’s heart’s content.

Zhang Shan was currently demonstrating his newest enlightenment to Wang Zheng. Although there were no mecha here, but ability X had no limits.

Wang Zheng was again surprised by Zhang Shan. Zhang Shan moved as though gone mad, in a rhythm that seemed both erratic and unordered. It looked reckless, but on a closer look, it held a unique feel to it.

This was the Wild Grass tactic that Zhang Shan had gained after being enlightened.

Incorporating the Grass Script’s cold and berserk arrogance into common fighting skills confounded predictability and increased the variations. Besides, it was almost impossible to counter, or to fight with such an opponent.


Wang Zheng’s hands were itchy.

“Zhang Shan, let’s have a quick fight.”

“Sure, but you can only defend, no attacking!” Zhang Shan was no fool, but he also wanted to know what kind of result his berserk attack would have.

“Let’s go!”

Wang Zheng leaped down. Zhang Shan did not use any martial arts. Using arts resulted in flashy results, and superhuman powers, but Zhang Shan knew they were not real. When they fought without martial arts, it in fact revealed the essence better.

Wang Zheng adopted a fighting stance, while Zhang Shan was already rushing over. A straight punch, but it suddenly changed into an uppercut when it reached in front of his face. More accurately, Zhang Shan had intended to deliver an uppercut from the start, but his aggressive manner lulled one into the misperception of a straight punch.

Wang Zheng, who was limited to defense, was a little thrown off. Zahng Shan’s attacks were all in a similar vein. Chaotic misdirection, confusing and messy. But in fact it was all part of his rhythm.

Given Wang Zheng’s ability, very few fighting styles could confuse him for so long. When you thought you had it figured out, his attack pattern changed again, or rather, it had actually eluded one’s predictions. Once the defense lagged, mistakes were made.

As an Earthling, and furthermore an Asian, Wang Zheng was filled with nothing but respect for ancient civilizations. Only, he would not have even dreamed that the calligraphy could be incorporated into battle techniques. This was something that other countries would not accept. Even the Solar System would laugh at them.

But in Zhang Shan’s hands, it had become quite his style. Such an uncommon style was definitely suited to Zhang Shan.

Zhang Shan’s attacks were bold and imaginative, revolutionary and improvised. Wang Zheng had heard of something called a Drunken Fist, although he had never seen such a thing before. But this fighting style seemed very promising if developed.

Zhang Shan was enjoying his offense. He tried out every possible permutation to his heart’s content, which Wang Zheng drew out to the limit. He maintained his defensive stance and pressure, which could neither be too much or too little. Zhang Shan’s attack pattern would create good foundations for himself.

After their battle, Zhang Shan was huffing, having been too enthusiastic. If he could incorporate such a fighting style into mecha, it would be formidable. But the difficulty was not easy. Mecha operation was not as agile as moving one’s body. And the machine had its situational limits.

Of course if they could acquire runic mecha, that was a completely different matter. Such super mecha were limitless. They were privately manufactured, and brought out the pilot’s potential to the fullest. In the entire Milky Way Alliance, only a few had that luxury.

“Next, you’re going to be my punching bag. I want to try out something new.” Wang Zheng said with a smile.

Zhang Shan jerked. “D*mn, no way.”

“You a**. After taking a beating from you, there’s no way I would let you go just like that without revenge. Watch yourself now, I’m training my ability X. Do your best to evade, I won’t take responsibility if you’re hit.” Wang Zheng laughed.

Actual battle was the best form of practice, but Zhang Shan was not willing. He should have kept his big mouth shut. No wonder Wang Zheng had been so quick to agree. He could only acquiesce now.

Wrestling tactics needed no training. Zhang Shan had never met Wang Zheng’s match. Perhaps only those like Olivios or those in Xuan grade’s Class 1 could hold their own.

Wang Zheng wanted to try out ability X. Recently, he had put in considerable effort. Windflame Wheel was considered a killing move, especially against those with a high level of ability X. But unfortunately after the previous time, his Iceflame had met with little success. Under extreme circumstances, he could readily exceed his limits, but such situations were hard to find.

However, if he could plunge the depths of the Windflame Wheel, that would be a trump card as well.

Wang Zheng extended his arms. BOOM... 2 gusts of air welled up, and Zhang Shan’s face darkened.

F*ck, he was going at it for real!

They had been at Elite Academy for a while now. Ability X here was not as special. It was widely used, and had no special meaning attached to it. Having it countered by others was the only way to realize avenues for improvement. One should not be afraid of weaknesses, but instead flaws that one did not know about, which were fatal.

Zhang Shan was eloquent and loved to make friends. Following Yan Ge, he had also witnessed firsthand many experts from Huang Class 1. Of course he had to feign respect and reverence, but he privately had their measure. They must be competent – otherwise they would not enter the first class – but Zhang Shan believed that he would surpass them someday.

Only, Wang Zheng’s move was 2 simultaneous ability X. Wind-type and fire-type. It was not uncommon for one to have 2 abilities, some even having unique abilities. It was readily combined, but in ability X, the closer it was to the basic natures of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, the lower the chances of simultaneous use. At least, Zhang Shan had never seen such a thing before.

Wang Zheng made his move, fire and wind flew out together from Wang Zheng. What the f*ck was this!

What happened next almost made Zhang Shan pee his pants. The wind and fire was emitted out together. However it was being controlled and was spinning within Wang Zheng’s hands. They formed a wind wheel and a flame wheel, continuing to revolve under Wang Zheng’s controlled pressure. Just looking at it made one’s knees go weak.

But what happened next almost made Zhang Shan’s bowels give way as well.

Wang Zheng actually combined the wind wheel and flame wheel. As the two ability X neared, a violent response erupted.


As the wind wheel and flame wheel were forcefully combined, there was an explosion, and the waves of energy swept Zhang Shan steadily backwards. Each wheel’s diameter was more than 1m, and suddenly expanded to more than 5m across, as though it was a fearsome beast.

Zhang Shan was a little hesitant. “Ah, haha, Wang Zheng, leader, this... must you try this?”

Wang Zheng laughed. “I’m gonna do it. Remember to pre-emptively use your warp ability.”

As he spoke, the Windflame Wheel flew out. Zhang Shan was completely focused. Although his tone was apprehensive, but he was completely unfazed. D*mn, he had warping abilities, how could he be scared of a head-on attack?

Anything that did not hit was useless.

But as the Windflame Wheel left Wang Zheng, the wind became even more violent. It scythed towards Zhang Shan, who let out a confident smile. Warp!

But his trusty warp had met with issues!

The Windflame Wheel was too close, creating a “field” about his whole body. Such a field affected the warp field, and Zhang Shan’s teleportation was affected. He tried again...


The feeling was as though he had been stampeded by countless hippos.

Wang Zheng was gloomy too. This guy. He told him he had to use it pre-emptively. He just didn’t listen.

Did he even pay attention in logic class? Ability X would interfere with each other. A high-rank move against a low-rank move caused the most interference. Zhan Shan’s warp was also an ability X. It looked invulnerable, but was actually a very quick space warp. But if an even bigger energy field neared, it would create waves that slowed the warp speed, even causing it to fail.

But it was a good lesson taught.

Zhang Shan was annoyed too. Till now, he had thought his warp was the ultimate escape tool. Perhaps it had many flaws, but escaping was a sure thing. He did not expect that it would be countered.

This was a real wake-up call for him. In other words, a strong enough power field could interfere with his warp. After all, warp was also an energy transfer. Luckily this happened in their practice in the World of Saints. If this had been a real battle, things could have been dangerous.

But there were silver linings too. His new fighting style had wonderful results. This had also been inspired by Zhang Runan, who used art as her foundation. He would use the Grass Script as his inspiration.

But it was curious. He had never thought this way before, and it had now occurred to him.

With regards to Zhang Shan’s way of thinking, Wang Zheng had some thoughts as well. Recently it seemed that some changes were occurring. A transformation of the world, that was gradually manifesting on humanity. Only, besides him, the majority of others would not care about a problem on this level.

Finishing their practice, Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan began some basic body training. Getting caught up in ability X would not do. The body was the base. Without sufficient stamina in the body, one would not amount to much on the battlefield. Most of the time, the enemy would not seek to end things quickly, and you needed to hang on!

Whoever could outlast their opponent would win!

Those clever enough would not put everything in one move. Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan were such people. They needed to master sufficient skills, and the more basic it was, the more important it was. Flashy skills could earn you fame, but the basics would protect your life.

A new day was beginning. Ability X control class, which was one of the major modules. Everyone in the classroom was excitedly discussing something, but it was definitely not the curriculum itself.

Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan had recently been engrossed in training. Zhang Shan’s drastic improvement had come at the cost of being beaten to within an inch of his life by Wang Zheng. Wang Zheng was not just a good opponent, but these spars could also complement his training to draw Zhang Shan’s skills out. Even if they could not achieve a good result in this competition, but it would definitely be a meaningful one.

Of course, Zhang Shan’s current situation also had another reason, which was the breakup with Yan Ge. Their getting together had been a whirlwind, whose speed was only matched by their breakup. It seemed like Zhang Shan had not been too affected, instead focusing on training. He did not know what the reason had been, and had not found the right time to ask. In this regard Zhang Shan was better than him, although most of the blame fell to Yan Ge.

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