
Chapter 1051 - SIG

Chapter 1051: SIG

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

SIG, in fact, was the advanced version of IG. Regardless of the scope, age, and powers of the participating “students,” it would be completely different and would be at a much higher level. The age limit would be 16 to 30. At the same time, the competition would also quietly agree to some “over-age” students.

In summary, all these were just concepts. Actually, throughout the years, SIG was not as good as IG. The various countries still attached greater importance to IG. It was mainly a comprehensive evaluation of young people from the various countries, which had a strong reference value. But for SIG, sometimes the stronger was not the better. Some countries felt that it was meaningless. After all, there were specialized competitions in the army, and students also had IG. SIG, which was in between, on the contrary, became a thing of little value. You lose, you would be a disgrace. You won, others would not recognize it. Hence, the enthusiasm of the various countries was not very high.

In the past, SIG was not taken seriously because it did not test the important things. On individual items, the competition in armies from various countries was crueler and more direct, challenging all sorts of human body limits. If it was on the comprehensive evaluation of individuals, the advantages of IG would be more obvious. And now, after Elite Academy X promoted the Greatest King Competition, almost everyone realized a problem: SIG’s focus should be on small-scale special forces team battle.

It could fully reflect the military accomplishments of a military academy and stimulate the students’ personal leadership skills and cooperation ability.

A student who could lead or cooperate with others was more likely to integrate into society and the army. The chance to complete the transformation and to become a general would also be higher.

Well, all said, the above were meaningless.

The important thing was that this year’s SIG host country was changed from the Republic of Boral to the Aslan Empire.

Because of domestic financial problems, the Republic of Boral did not complete the basic facilities construction. The country was too unorganized; even the delegations did not have a place to live, so they also withdrew sensibly.

Due to the flow of events, it was obviously too late to re-elect. At this time, the Aslan Empire took the initiative and said that they would hold a SIG with an unprecedented scale, which would give military academies from all over the world a fair stage to show off their abilities!

What did this mean?

Elite Academy X should not shut their doors and claim that they were the kings and treat others as fools. Here was the true strongest king!

Previously, such events were relatively low-key. Only people from the relevant industries would pay attention, but this time, Aslan’s strong public relations power was very fierce. The scale of promotion was shocking. SIG was just a name. Aslan just needed this international name, and the rest would be completely new.

For this reason, Prime Minister Kashawen held a special press conference, promising that the SIG hosted by Aslan this time would be an unprecedented grand event, fully demonstrating the Milky Way Alliance’s power.

“Prime Minister Kashawen, I am a reporter from Galaxy Watch. I heard that you have successfully invited representatives from the Atlantis Empire and the Mayan Empire to participate in the battles. They would not have participated in SIG in the past?”

Kashawen smiled gently. “SIG will be improved in all aspects. The students and warriors involved are the core of the Milky Way Alliance’s future. They will be tested most comprehensively, both individually and in teams. As members of the Milky Way Alliance, the Atlantis Empire and the Maya Empire are also willing to exchange views and engage in friendly battles. When the time comes, everyone can feel the collision between the strongest.”

Obviously, Kashawen emphasized the word “strongest.”

“Prime Minister Kashawen, I am a reporter from the Solar System Times. The Aslan Empire took over the organization of this event halfway. The scale is so unprecedented. Will the infrastructure and combat content be arranged in time?”

“Believe in Aslan, this country has never let you down.” Kashawen’s voice was calm, but also very domineering. The eyes of the Aslan people present there were almost burning.

This was a sense of national pride. Aslan was indeed very powerful. They had the money and the technology. They were also efficient. Only Aslan dared to say so.

Although the military strength of Arbiter was strong, it was still slightly inferior in this aspect.

There was also applause from the audience. Kashawen made such a promise, so it meant that there would be no problems.

You know, you could get people to participate. Just because of Aslan, everyone would be willing to participate, but if it was not done well, they would offend everyone, and all in all, Aslan had to show some sincerity.

“For the SIG this time, we have set up a high reward. Of course, this is not for individual warriors, but for the academies they represent. It will become scholarships, and as for whether the schools will award them, it is not for me to decide,” Kashawen said laughingly. Immediately, everyone present gave friendly smiles.

The Aslan Empire offered a huge reward worth five billion dollars, which would go to the top eight teams.

You could say that she was rich and could do anything she wanted. Actually, there was another intention. That was to use the title of scholarship to expand the influence of the Aslan Empire. This had always been something that Aslan had spared no efforts to do.

“Prime Minister Kashawen, I am a reporter from Roland Garros Space. We are all full of expectations for the SIG this time. I heard that countries like Arbiter and Manalasuo have responded, but how are the quotas allocated among them?”

“We will refer to the achievements of previous IGs to allocate the specific quotas. We will use a large federation as a unit to allocate quotas. While ensuring the Milky Way Alliance’s participation, we still have to give excellent talents opportunities to show off their abilities.”

Kashawen’s responses to the media were so perfect that it was enough to satisfy everyone.

But this reporter did not end his interview. “Prime Minister Kashawen, I have another question. Some people say that the reason Aslan is holding the SIG this time is because the Aslan battle team returned from Elite Academy X’s Greatest King Competition crestfallen. They want to take advantage of this competition to turn the tables. Is there such a thing? Have you seen those competitions?”

This reporter from Roland Garros was really not afraid of death, but everyone’s interest was ignited. In fact, some of the people present also had this feeling.

Kashawen laughed lightly. “I haven’t seen the competition, but I heard that the battle teams from Aslan and Arbiter lost to a group of youngsters. Frankly speaking, as an Aslan citizen, I wished that I could go to battle personally. But as a member of the Milky Way Alliance, I think this is normal. It can let everyone face up to themselves and make constant progress. This is also the purpose of holding IG, the Special Forces Competition, and SIG. We can learn strengths to make up for our weaknesses, provide more opportunities for young people, and at the same time discover more talents.”

Kashawen’s words immediately gave rise to applause from the audience. In war, sometimes there was victory and sometimes loss. It was just a competition. It did not represent much. Look at her bearing and generosity. The way Kashawen spoke was also very artistic. It was not only Aslan who lost, but also Arbiter. All of a sudden, everyone thought that this did not matter anymore.

Elite Academy X’s Greatest King Competition had some influence in the military academies, but in terms of social scope, it was still quite limited. Maybe people had heard about it before, but who really cared? There were too many big things happening every year.

Faced with the sharp questions of various media, Kashawen resolved them one by one. There was no doubt that after this conference, various countries would be greatly interested in the SIG.

As long as more than a dozen major powers were going to fight, there would be no problems for the other countries. No one wanted to miss such a grand event, which was also an opportunity.

After leaving the press conference, Kashawen’s secretary had already arrived.

“In the future, ban that reporter from entering, and you will have to look into the Royal College in person. You must succeed, and not fail.”

“Understood, Prime Minister.”

The secretary nodded. Kashawen just needed to give a general concept, and the rest he would know.

For example, for that reporter, he had to find a serious-sounding reason to ban him.

And the SIG this time was largely due to the failure at Elite Academy X.

The defeat of the Imperial Glory battle team was too ugly. If it was just a failure, it would be fine, but it was when the two princesses were present. Whether it was for foreign or domestic reasons, it was necessary to salvage the situation.

Of course, Elite Academy X had started this new notion and scale for competitions. Just right, Aslan would take advantage of the opportunity to host SIG to expand its international influence. One move, multiple gains. Otherwise, even if Aslan spent its energy on this large scale promotion, the level of participation of other countries would not necessarily be high. At least Arbiter would not buy it.

Arbiter was also very enthusiastic.

Clearly, Arbiter was also depressed. The Van brothers had made a move and were defeated. It created a big commotion in all the major military academies. The key was that they had lost so badly.

On the surface, all looked happy. Friendships were the priority, competition was secondary, but who did not know, f*ck, the reason they came to participate in the competition was to win. The rest was meaningless.

The only uncertain thing now was whether countries like the Atlantis Empire and the Maya Empire would take part in the competition with a casual attitude like they did in the past, or they would fight seriously.

There was still some time before SIG. It would not be long before everyone knew it.

She sat alone and quietly drank a cup of authentic Yunfeng Qiwu Black Tea in the lounge. The market price of this cup of tea was over one hundred thousand. The key was that there was no market for it. Of course, to Prime Minister Kashawen, it was about the same as plain boiled water.

She opened her Skylink. Although SIG had not yet started, the information on all countries had arrived. Ranking first was definitely Elite Academy X.

Aslan was very unhappy with how the Milky Way Alliance did things; thinking in one way and behaving in another. As a representative of the coalition, Elite Academy X should serve with its tail between its legs, but they actually publicized it openly. So recently, Aslan had also used their powers and made a round of criticism of the Milky Way Alliance Parliament. The Milky Way Alliance headquarters included the Parliament, and their only position should be a public servant. They must not have small group interests and feelings.

This was politics. Kashawen knew it very well and could manage it with ease. She could teach them how to be humans once she made her move, but now this youngster was in front of her.

Unexpectedly, he had appeared in front of her again...

On the spaceship, Wang Zheng sneezed, and soon he sneezed again. Recently, he was missed by a lot of people.

He liked traveling. Relatively speaking, he still liked places with sunshine, such as Titatitan Star. Maklou was too dark. As an established mining planet, under the prosperity and extravagance was a planet of declining vitality. Perhaps it was the influence of the Primordial Regression Technique that made Wang Zheng very sensitive. He hoped that the alliance between Tita and Maklou would form a good complementary relationship.

It had been a few days since he left. The situation in Maklou should be completely stable now. He thought that the Saint Sect would take some action, but in fact, there was none at all. Tuned out, this was an organization that could take failures. Once it failed, it disappeared without a trace.

But just by thinking that they actually “transformed” Yue Jing into that state, Wang Zheng also had an indescribable anger in his heart.

Lear obviously knew, but he seemed to be the one who knew the least.

That guy was like a smooth pebble. There was nowhere to deal with him.

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