
Chapter 306

"Ah . . . " After listening to Thunder Tiger’s words, Li Qingshui did not speak any more and did not explain too much . People still walked slowly and leisurely as if they were waiting for something .

The fighting sound is very loud . Although it has been less than three minutes since the explosion of the bomb, everything is swift and lightning . However, it is obvious that the army on the side of the research institute has been ordered by Thunder Tiger for a long time . At the beginning of the fight, Liu Chang heard the roar of various machines and the sound of army assembly .

In less than three minutes, a large number of elite troops have gathered around the Institute, one by one, aiming at this direction .

After seeing these, Li Qingshui’s face showed a reassuring smile - and then no longer hesitated, he rushed to the Thunder Tiger again .

The speed is still very fast, and before Li Qingshui rushed to Thunder Tiger, Liu Chang felt a lot of static electricity in the air . This time, the electrostatic flow was very large . Even Liu Chang, who was tens of meters away, felt his hair standing up one by one - he had never seen such a powerful brain wave output power - which let him know that thunder tiger was dangerous 。

The speed is close to the speed of sound . Li Qingshui can collapse a house with the reaction force of stepping out . Although soldiers are surrounded from afar . However, with a heavy weapon in hand, it is impossible to see what is going on inside, not to mention the dense fog . The visibility of these soldiers is extremely low . In fact, even in the past, their retinas could not capture the dynamic imaging of moving objects at the speed of sound even in the clear sky . Therefore, for Li Qingshui . These soldiers are blind - they’re used to cover with artillery, not to hit him .

In other words, these soldiers came to die together .

So . He was not afraid, not afraid, lost the last layer of fear in his heart . After Li Qingshui rushed to the Thunder Tiger, the brain wave was released, which directly made the opposite strong body lose consciousness for a second .

In a second, Li Qingshui rushed to the Thunder Tiger’s face, then pinched his cheek with five fingers - and then the Thunder Tiger woke up from a trance - but met the pause of the second second second .

The second second second is a second related to life and death . Li Qingshui’s five fingers mutated again and turned into willow . Then he tried to invade the body of Thunder Tiger from the inside of seven orifices .

However, two seconds is enough time for Liu Chang to do a lot of things . From the moment of Li Qingshui’s movement, Liu Chang once again grasped the right time . The second time from behind to catch up, intended to interfere with Li Qingshui’s control of this time .

Unfortunately - obviously, the same method is not suitable for this skinny person twice . The second time, when Liu Chang followed him, Li Qingshui’s five fingers were slightly open . Liu Chang immediately felt a sudden unconsciousness of consciousness - and then in such an instant, when he saw the things in front of him again - he saw a big hand covering his cheek .

He was also carried by Li Qingshui!

"It’s over Seeing the five fingers opened, Liu Chang felt that the strength of the other party had been deeply embedded in his body . Between the five fingers, Liu Chang felt that his forehead had been scratched and blasted . He felt that Li Qingshui’s five fingers had pressed his skull and jaw . Deep into his brain, in this moment, he felt that he was going to die .

Everything is going fast .

What he didn’t expect was that because of the evolution of brain domain - when Lei tiger faced Li Qingshui, who was only a little stronger than him, he had no resistance at all - at the moment of his death, Liu Chang even thought of the game he had played before - Warcraft competitive game - as if the two heroes looked similar, and their power agility and other attributes were also the same There’s control technology, and the other side doesn’t . That’s a big difference .

In the words of the game world - it’s going to be a dog!

Therefore, Liu Chang was beaten into a dog - and Thunder Tiger, it is obvious that he wants to be a real dog .

After Li Qingshui’s five finger willow sticks were stretched out, they deeply pierced into the Thunder Tiger’s ear hole - and then the Thunder Tiger’s eyes became dull . Seeing all this, Liu Chang did not know what Li Qingshui was going to do, but he could also guess his purpose . For willow, there is nothing more attractive than this kind of strong and extremely intelligent creature - control Live in Thunder Tiger and then put it in the willow tree, make sure you don’t lose!

And Liu Chang’s treatment is not very good - after being held out by Li Qingshui’s five fingers, he was not crushed to death, but was controlled by five willows, watching all this happen .

Everything was so unexpected . Liu Chang felt that all his preparations - what military region, what nuclear bomb, as if everything had become a joke at this moment - thought that he and Thunder Tiger might have the power of World War I, or change something - but now it seems that there is still a lot less .

Things seemed to go in the worst direction - and then, just as Liu Chang felt that thunder tiger was about to become a puppet like Li Qingshui, another brain wave joined in . The fluctuation of this brain wave is very strong, at least not weaker than Li Qingshui . It comes from the surrounding soldiers, but it is floating, obviously hiding the body shape .

And also in this brain wave joined the circle half a second - Thunder Tiger’s confused eyes, suddenly returned to look!

"Ah When I opened my eyes, I saw Li Qingshui’s big hand . The pain of piercing eardrum finally came . Thunder Tiger roared but could not hear any sound . Under the instinctive counterattack, he smashed Li Qingshui, whose hands were occupied, and then covered his ears .

Thunder Tiger in a hurry under a push is very strong, and Li Qingshui was another brain wave interference by a surprise, two under the attack, this is the first time he was attacked to the body .

"Boom" landed on the roof of the house in the distance . Li Qingshui turned his head and looked at the crowd below - obviously, he was looking for the evolutor who attacked his brain region .

And got this gap, Liu Chang also struggled out of the wicker, looked at the Thunder Tiger - "can’t you hear?"

Liu Chang asked tentatively - and then got the affirmative answer - the answer came from the confused face of Thunder Tiger .

Seeing his expression, Liu Chang knew that this guy had been punctured in his eardrum . At this time, he had lost his hearing, that is to say, he lost half of his communication ability . So Liu Chang thought about it and pointed to Li Qingshui, the crowd and his own brain, indicating that foreign aid was coming .

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