
Chapter 165

As the new year was approaching, the account room began to clear the accounts as usual, and when the checked accounts were delivered to Yu Linglong, she couldn’t help being very surprised .

She originally asked Blue and White Tiger and the others to open a gambling house, but she also wanted to do a little business and recruit staff . She also knew that Blue and White Tiger was constantly expanding business according to her instructions . Over the past six months, the industries under her name had been involved in quite a range of ventures . With the reputation and financial resources of the Xu Palace, her planning and guidance, and Blue and White Tiger’s and others’ black-and-white approach, business was really booming these days . Just looking at the small account book in her hand, she saw that in less than a year’s time, she had already received more than one million yuan .

Following this momentum, it wouldn’t take long for her to become rich .

Yu Linglong was sitting in the room thinking . Xuan Cao walked in and handed her the jade pendant that Yu Linglong had handed over to Blue and White Tiger as a token, and said: “Someone sent a message to the princess that the Ruyi Gambling House was in trouble, please come and see . ”

Yu Linglong closed the ledger in her hand and took a look at the jade pendant . It was indeed hers, but what was this? Did the Blue and White Tiger not even send anyone in to report it, but just sent someone to pass on a message?

Yu Linglong thought for a moment, and said, “Xuan Cao, change my clothes . ”

By doing this, Blue and White Tiger could only show that something was urgent and he couldn’t get out of it himself, so he sent a message to her, asking her to go there quickly .

While changing into men’s clothing, Yu Linglong was also a little curious . The Ruyi Gambling House was already a dominating gambling house . Who had the courage to make trouble with the most powerful in the area?

Yu Linglong did not bring the maid and the guards and rode to the Ruyi Gambling House alone .

The usually bustling Baihua Lane was a different scene at this moment . There were almost no people in front of the big brothels, and it seemed that all the people were concentrated on the door of the Ruyi Gambling House .

With the continuous expansion of the Ruyi Gambling House, the shops on both sides were bought by Blue and White Tiger, and they almost occupied half of the street . It was open all day, from morning to night, from night to morning . As long as someone was willing to play, you could come to the Ruyi Gambling House to try your luck .

At this moment, countless people were gathered outside the gate of Ruyi Gambling House . All of them craned their necks and looked into the house as if it was the rarest thing in the world .

Looking at the crowd, Yu Linglong frowned slightly and turned to go to the back door of the gambling house .

Yu Linglong entered the gambling house smoothly and only then saw what was happening in the hall .

The hall seemed to have been smashed by someone just now . There were messy tables and chairs everywhere . The ground was full of broken teapots and bowls, but no one was going to clean them . There was a lonely square table in the center, with two benches facing each other . Blue and White Tiger sat facing the door, looking down at a teacup on the gaming table as if thinking about something .

Yu Linglong saw the man standing opposite him at a glance, and immediately understood .

It seemed that she happened upon this scene .

The man was about forty years old . On such a cold day, his shirt was unbuttoned, exposing the furry chest inside . He had a beard, and his eyes were fierce and evil . At first sight, he was not good .

The most intriguing thing was that there were seven or eight daggers in his left arm, and the blood was still flowing down, but he didn’t seem to feel the pain at all, and he was still screaming in the gambling house .

“If you can’t stand it, I will ask your master to come out . No matter who your bitch is, you cannot gamble with me!”

After speaking, he couldn’t help laughing, his tone full of contempt .

Yu Linglong saw that Blue and White Tiger also had a few knives in his left arm, but he was wearing black clothes and the hilts were also black, and she was so far away that she hadn’t noticed until now .

It seemed that this had been happening for more than a long time, and Blue and White Tiger was also a man, if it was not really troublesome, she would not be allowed to come forward .

Yu Linglong frowned slightly, grabbed the person next to her, and asked in a deep voice, “What’s the matter?”

The person she caught happened to be Guo Jianglong, who had spoken to her last time . At this moment, he suddenly saw Yu Linglong appear, and he couldn’t help being surprised: “Lord...Boss, when did you come?”

Yu Linglong didn’t answer . Guo Jianglong didn’t dare to ask again, and quickly explained the ins and outs of the matter .

It turned out that the business of Ruyi Gambling Shop was getting bigger and bigger, and it had already aroused the coveting and dissatisfaction of many gangs in the capital . From time to time, people came to play at the venue . In the past, it was all minor players . Blue and White Tiger and others came forward to solve it, but this one was not easy to get rid of .

The guy with a furry body resembling a gorilla was the boss of another big gambling house in the capital . He was nicknamed Yan Huzi and was also the number one man . His Tiansha Hall was huge, and his strength was not worse than the current Dragon Tiger Gang . He was also a tyrant of the capital .

Therefore, when Yan Huzi appeared at the Ruyi Gambling House this morning, Blue and White Tiger got the news, and he didn’t dare to neglect him, so he greeted him personally .

Unexpectedly, without saying a few words, Yan Huzi insisted that Blue and White Tiger clean up and leave the capital . This Ruyi Gambling House had to belong to the Tiansha Hall . Naturally, Blue and White Tiger would not agree, and Yan Huzi was also rude and called his men . After the Ruyi Gambling House was smashed, the two groups fought for a long time, and the Ruyi Gambling House was beaten up and down .

Seeing that the Ruyi Gambling House was about to be demolished by Yan Huzi’s people, Blue and White Tiger proposed a solution, that is, the two bet against each other, and whoever loses will leave .

Both of them were familiar with gambling houses, and Yan Huzi naturally agreed . Who knew that Yan Huzi lost but refused to leave . Instead, he stuck a dagger in himself, threatening to exchange a knife for the qualification to bet against Blue and White Tiger . If Blue and White Tiger didn’t dare, it was a confession and could only be regarded as losing .

Blue and White Tiger and Yan Huzi started a thrilling gamble like this . Whoever lost will stab the other . Yan Huzi was stubborn . After piercing himself with so many knives, he didn’t even blink . Blue and White Tiger would defend his property to the death, and after half a day, they were still at the gambling table, and neither of them would come down first .

In the end, Guo Jianglong’s voice trembled: “Boss, what can I do? If they continue to play like this, they will definitely kill people!”

Yu Linglong was silent . She looked at the two bloody figures in the hall, and she couldn’t help but sneer slightly .

Were they tough? What kind of ability did they have to pierce themselves with knives, it was really child’s play!

Yu Linglong turned away without saying a word .

Guo Jianglong who was standing on the spot was stunned . What did the boss mean? Did she not care?

Before he could think about it, Yu Linglong came out again . This time, she didn’t even look at Guo Jianglong and walked straight to Blue and White Tiger and Yan Huzi in the middle of the hall .

Because of this bloody bet, the people around had already cleared the field voluntarily, giving a large area to the two of them . At this moment, Yu Linglong suddenly appeared, and it suddenly appeared very abrupt .

Blue and White Tiger had his back turned to Yu Linglong and didn’t see her coming . He didn’t turn his head until he heard the commotion and discussion from the crowd outside .

Seeing Yu Linglong coming, Blue and White Tiger’s face was a little guilty, he slowly stood up, and whispered: “Boss, I...I’m really useless . ”

Yu Linglong glanced at his arm that was dripping with blood, and said calmly: “It’s nothing, go and wrap your wounds first . ”

Cold eyes fell on the arrogant hairy face opposite him . Yu Linglong’s mouth showed a slight sneer and said: “I will settle it with him!”

Yan Huzi looked at Yu Linglong and couldn’t help but be startled . Even though Yu Linglong was dressed in menswear, her age and her white jade face made it hard to believe that she was the boss of Blue and White Tiger and the master of the Ruyi Gambling Shop .

Seeing Blue and White Tiger leave the gaming table, Yan Huzi laughed wildly: “You are his master? What’s the matter, you came to admit defeat? When does this place close?”

Without answering Yan Huzi’s words, Yu Linglong stretched out her hand, gently picked up the lidded teacup on the gaming table, smiled, and said, “I want to make a bet with you . ”

Slightly startled by her innocence and prestige, Yan Huzi laughed and laughed: “Okay! It’s the same rules as just now, whoever loses, just stab yourself! Those who admit fear are not heroes!”

Even the strong Blue and White Tiger couldn’t stand it . Could this weak little guy stand it? Won’t he be so scared that he will pee his pants when he sees the knife!?

Yu Linglong smiled and shook her head: “You have been betting with him for a long time . If I still follow this rule, wouldn’t it mean that my Ruyi Gambling House is bullying? This can’t be done . ”

Yan Huzi was stunned again . He scratched his head and asked, “Then what do you say?”

Yu Linglong said lightly: “A stab is nothing but a bit of blood . If I lose, I will cut a piece of flesh from myself . If you lose, you can still get a stab . What do you think?”

Hearing what she said, the expression on Yan Huzi’s face was a bit stiff . What, did this kid actually say he would cut off his flesh?

A stab wound on the body was a big deal, but if you cut a piece of your flesh, how can it grow back?

Besides, it did not matter if you cut a piece of flesh, but if you lose a few in a row, how much flesh will you need to cut?

Yan Huzi hesitated for a moment and said stiffly: “Fuck, don’t say I take advantage of you! If you dare to cut, I will cut too!”

He didn’t believe it . This effeminate kid really dared to attack himself!?

Yu Linglong had a soft smile on her face as if she was only participating in an insignificant gambling game . She reached out and picked up the lid from the teacup, shook a few dice randomly, and placed the cup on the table .

As soon as he saw her shaking the dice, Yan Huzi relaxed . This kid’s technique was unfamiliar, and he looked like a novice at first sight! What was he afraid of?

Yu Linglong opened the lid and said, “Two, two, six . Ten points . ”

Seeing that she had so few points, Yan Huzi was even more relieved . He had been in the casino for many years, and he was even bigger than this point . This kid was sure to lose!

Sure enough, Yan Huzi shook it a few times, and when he opened it, it turned out to be three sixes!

Yan Huzi laughed triumphantly, his face trembling: “Boy, you lost!”

Yu Linglong smiled slightly . She didn’t plan to win . First, she wouldn’t play tricks on the dice, and second, if she won, the following good shows would be impossible .

Looking at her indifferent face, Yan Huzi was overjoyed . What was the origin of this kid, how could he always look so indifferent, as if... as if everything was under her control .

Yan Huzi swallowed and bluffed, “Boy, if you don’t have the guts, you can go home and have some milk! This is a gambling house, I’m going to make a deal!”

Yu Linglong stood up slowly, stepped on the stool with her left foot, and lifted her robe to reveal the trousers inside .

Pulling out the dagger, Yu Linglong lightly lifted her pants, revealing a piece of white skin .

“Wow” went the crowd, and everyone speculated that Yu Linglong was really going to cut a piece of meat from her body . This was incredible, right?

When the onlookers thought of this scene, they couldn’t help but shudder . How ruthless was she to use a knife on her own body?

Some people even covered their eyes and didn’t dare watch .

Paying no mind to the commotion around her, Yu Linglong held her dagger and balanced it on her lap . It seemed that she was thinking about where to cut . Seeing her calm appearance, her hands didn’t even shake, and Yan Huzi looked foolish .

Soon, Yu Linglong found the position of the knife, and they saw that she calmly inserted the knife into her leg, and slowly made a cut . The sharp blade wandered carefully on the flesh as if she was carving carefully with some exquisite artwork .

The blood flowed down slowly, and slowly dripped to the ground along the white jade-like skin .

After a while, Yu Linglong cut off a piece of flesh the size of her chin, revealing a hideous scar on her leg, and even the muscle texture inside was clearly visible .

Throwing that piece of flesh on the table casually, Yu Linglong smiled and looked at Yan Huzi: “How is it, is it enough?”

Only then did Yan Huzi recover, and subconsciously moved his body back, farther away from the bloody flesh .

After swallowing hard, Yan Huzi tried to calm his mind and said, “It’s enough, it’s enough . ”

Yu Linglong tilted her head and seemed to be thinking about something . After a while, she raised her voice and said, “Get the charcoal basin!”

The charcoal basin was soon delivered, and Yu Linglong lightly stretched her jade hand . She cut the piece of flesh on the table into several pieces, skewered them onto the blade, and put them in the charcoal basin for roasting .

Yan Huzi was completely dumbfounded . This kid was really evil, what was he going to do!?

The strange smell of roasted meat was floating in the air, but this smell was so strange and inexplicable in everyone’s noses .

Soon, the meat was cooked .

Then, Yu Linglong made a move that made Yan Huzi almost pee his pants in fright .

She picked up the dagger in her hand, put the meat in her mouth, and ate it!

While eating, she nodded approvingly, obviously satisfied with her barbecuing!

After eating a piece of meat, Yu Linglong handed the dagger to Yan Huzi and said with a smile: “You must be hungry after a long time since you have been here . I will ask you to eat barbecue!”

Looking at the black-roasted human flesh in front of him, Yan Huzi broke down instantly, no matter how strong his mental quality was .

It seemed that he had completely forgotten that there were still seven or eight daggers stuck in his body . Yan Huzi quickly backed away, staggering along the way, knocking over several stools one after another .

While escaping at the fastest speed, Yan Huzi shouted this nonsense: “You, you are not a human! You are definitely not a human!”

Yan Huzi ran away, and the rest of the people dispersed in a rush . It seemed that no one wanted to have close contact with a cannibal demon .

Blue and White Tiger walked over quickly, and said anxiously, “Boss, how are you? Sit down, I’ll ask the doctor to help you!”

Yu Linglong couldn’t help but smile, stretched out a hand to pull a piece from her leg, and said, “Look, what is this?”

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