
Chapter 866: Retribution

Chapter 866: Retribution

No one thought that Ye Xiwen was a money tyrant!

This is the money tyrant. A superb tyrant that is beyond our Wang Family Master. We can’t spend twenty million spirit crystals without batting an eye.

Most importantly, it wasn’t Ye Xiwen’s bottom line yet. He didn’t seem to have any bottom line at all. No matter how many spirit crystals it was, he could withdraw it, unfazed.

A tyrant who threw money like dirt. Many warriors coveted Ye Xiwen and wanted to rob him clean later on.

After all, compared to those giants, Ye Xiwen was not only weak, but most importantly, he had enough wealth to make everyone jealous.

However, everyone in the Wang family was quite pleased. After all, the map was not only useful to Ye Xiwen, but it gave benefits to them. After all, the Wang Family would go along with Ye Xiwen.

Wang Mengyu looked at Ye Xiwen and said nothing in the end. She would never get to see the bottom line of this man. Every time she felt Ye Xiwen was at his limit, he would be able to resolve it easily. It was like Doraemon’s pocket [1]. She would never have a way to guess what was the next thing awaiting.

Ye Xiwen was still immersed in joy. He didn’t realize what everyone was thinking. Even if he was taken as a fool, he was not displeased at all. Those who take him as a fool would deeply regret it later on.

The Wood Burning Saber Technique cost nine million spirit crystals. After completing it via the mysterious space, its value would soar more than fifty million. Although the process would consume a lot of spirit crystals, it was still worth the value. Those who thought Ye Xiwen had suffered a significant loss would not know that.

In actual fact, this was a worthwhile investment. During ordinary times, it would be impossible to purchase an Advanced Human Level martial technique. Even if it were available for sales, the price would bring Ye Xiwen into bankruptcy.

Ye Xiwen was quite satisfied with buying it at the price one-fifth of its actual value.

On that Sea Region Map, Ye Xiwen directly called fifteen million yuan, which seemed to be a stupid approach. After all, the bidding price was only twelve million at the time. After all, spirit crystals don’t drop from the sky.

But in fact, for Ye Xiwen, he felt it was a wise move. The auction for the first map would be less competitive. For those who were interested in maps, there were nine more of them. Therefore, the farther the auction progressed, the higher the price would be. Bidding it by that time not only took time and effort, but the price would soar to an incredible height.

Sure enough, as Ye Xiwen had imagined, the second copy’s price competition became more intense after Ye Xiwen took the first map. Although no one spent a lot of money like Ye Xiwen, the second copy’s price was higher than the first map by one million. It reached sixteen million and fell into the hands of the Scarlet Thunder Gang. It was Scarlet Thunder Immortal that joined the bid.

However, the price of the third and fourth shares did not drop. Instead, they were bought at the price of eighteen million and nineteen million. The fifth copy afterward soared to two million.

The prices of the next few copies kept hitting new heights. The last one was at the highest price, reaching twenty-six million, eleven million higher than Ye Xiwen’s copy.

Many people could not help but admire Ye Xiwen. Before that, many people laughed at Ye Xiwen secretly, thinking that he was a fool. What happened in reality was a slap. Ye Xiwen was not a fool, but the one got the most advantage, acquiring the map at the lowest price.

On the other hand, Ye Xiwen admired the Sunny Bamboo Chamber of Commerce’s plan. Since it was divided into ten copies, each copy’s price was reduced by a significant margin. However, the profit added up to more than two hundred million spirit crystals. Their gain went further than the price of a single sale.

Moreover, many forces have gotten the maps they want. The Chamber of Commerce did not offend them. As for those individual cultivators, they would less likely put their blame on the Sunny Bamboo Chamber of Commerce.

It was a brilliant plan.

But then, Ye Xiwen did not see anything else that would excite him. Although there was also a great martial instrument, he couldn’t be interested in it. E Ying bid it at the price of twenty-five million spirit crystals.

The auction ended very soon. There was nothing that attracted Ye Xiwen. It was true as the rumors said. The Chamber of Commerce auctioned items found in Immortals Mansion. They were items that individual cultivators or lone warriors obtained in Immortals Mansion while they didn’t need them. Apart from a few items, there was nothing excellent and eye-catching for Ye Xiwen. After all, if there were great things, they would have kept them.

Even that was the case, Ye Xiwen had received a Wood Burning Saber Technique and a map.

After leaving the auction room, Ye Xiwen separated from the Wang family. First, it was because the auction was over. But, the opening of the Immortals Mansion would take some time. Ye Xiwen could only wait. On the other hand, he had some private matters. The Wang Family could not follow Ye Xiwen all the time.

Again, it was because Ye Xiwen noticed that a lot of eyes were on him.

“Ye Xiwen, there are a lot of eyes on you. You have to be careful!” said Ye Mo.

Ye Xiwen nodded. Initially, only Vanishing Shadow Poisonous Crocodile Clan’s members were watching him. His spending at the auction attracted many people coveting him. To them, killing Ye Xiwen was no doubt an opportunity to get rich overnight.

If Ye Xiwen were a disciple of a powerful force, they would forget it. Contrary to that, Ye Xiwen was a lone wolf without much influence. It was akin to a kid walking around the streets with gold bars in his hand.

This was the best target!

Many people had bad intentions. Ye Xiwen could sense it too!

Ye Xiwen just sneered.

“If they think I’m a weakling, then they are wrong!”

“That will delay your progress. You should improve your cultivation as soon as possible instead of hunting them down. After attaining Transcendent Realm First Level, you can even defeat Transcendent Realm Fourth Level warriors. Those who covet you are courting death!” sneered Ye Mo.

Ye Xiwen nodded. This was indeed the case. It didn’t matter what the others thought. Great strength defeats all conspiracies.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiwen separated from the Wang family directly and made an appointment with them. If Immortals Mansion had opened and he had not returned, then they should head into Immortals Mansion first and wait until he returned. When Ye Xiwen reencountered them, they would naturally party up.

Everyone in the Wang family was a little depressed about this. After all, without Ye Xiwen, their safety would undoubtedly diminish a lot. There was no other way. Evidently, Ye Xiwen had other matters to deal with.

Wang Mengyu’s words made them have nothing to say.

“No matter how strong Brother Ye is, it has nothing to do with us. After all, we are separate entities!”

Everyone in the Wang family finally woke up. In any case, there was a gap between Ye Xiwen and the Wang family. If the Wang Family wanted to cultivate and grow, they had to rely on themselves.

But Ye Xiwen also promised to come back as soon as possible, if he could still catch up by that time!

After parting from the Wang family, Ye Xiwen went straight out of the city and cruised the sea. At this time, he could feel that there were more than a dozen figures directly chasing up. Although they were from different directions, Ye Xiwen could be sure that these people tailed him for a long time.

Among them were people Ye Xiwen familiar with – Bi Chen from Jade Shadow Sea Snake Clan, an elder from Scarlet Thunder Gang, etc. These were all Transcendent Realm Fourth Level experts and Fifth Level Experts. Ye Xiwen was amused with the fact that these figures were utilized to deal with a Half-step Transcendent Realm.

When did I, the little Half-step Transcendent Realm warrior, intimidate so many others? It could be related to my actions at the auction.

But Ye Xiwen had no time to continue to entangle with them now. The Storm Wings behind him unfolded instantly. His figure turned into a stream of light, flying towards the depths of the sea. After spreading the Demon Wings, Ye Xiwen’s speed accelerated again. It was so fast that it appeared like teleportation. The golden cluster of light was constantly flickering, appearing in a distant place in each flicker.

Those tailing Ye Xiwen were utterly dumbfounded, staring blankly at Ye Xiwen. They had lost his trace. They didn’t expect that Ye Xiwen could accelerate in this manner.

[1] https://doraemon.fandom.com/wiki/4D_Pocket

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