
Chapter 59 - Higher Family Member

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Charlus did not go back yet. He took out his mask and went back into the store. He waited for a few hours. Charlus knew that since there were only 2 Chione Stores close by, he would have to drive a lot to go to the next Chione Store to look for Chione Family Members. Here, however, as long as he waited he would know that someone would come up to check on the shipment that was going to be running late. Charlus just needed to make sure that not too many people came. Else he would abandon his mission. He would go to another Chione's.

Charlus saw a person dressed in a suit come up. He was flanked by two other people in similar suits. All of them were white males with that look of arrogance plastered over their faces. Charlus observed their status.

[Chione Family Member Lvl 47]

[Chione Family Member Lvl 49]

[Sam Growsky (Chione Higher Family Member) Lvl 57] 

Charlus finally understood the difference between normal and higher family members. He forgot what major difference he got when he hit Lvl 50. He got a class. While they didn't have a system to check which class they had, they would know that some people had special powers in them and those people would be considered superior to normal people. If Charlus joined the Chione Family, he would probably become a Higher Family Member as well. As for the Lower Family Members, they were probably new family members who needed to prove themselves to become actual family members.

Charlus followed them discreetly. He saw them go through the back. Charlus went to the back and immediately put his mask on. He got ready to fight. He waited though, to get some valuable information from them.

"What happened here?" One of the Family Members asked.

Sam Growsky was quiet and had a very cold expression on his face. He quietly went to one of the trucks and checked its contents. He did not find what he wanted to see.

"This means that a family is declaring war against us." Sam Growsky said quietly.

"Is it those damned Boreases? Tell us, boss. We'll go rough them up in an instant."

Sam Growsky looked at the person who said that in disgust.

"Stop groveling at my feet. I am disgusted by you lot. I wish I was with some ladies instead of you ugly brutes. And as for the Boreas Family, you would be seeing the police here if it was them." Sam spat out those words.

Charlus smiled at this. At least he wouldn't feel bad about hitting these guys.  It would be stupid to go against 3 moderately strong opponents without being armed. But Charlus did not want to use his Scythe against these people and unfortunately, he couldn't use any weapons other than a scythe. So Charlus decided to go in unarmed.

Charlus rushed towards the men who had their backs turned towards him. Charlus decided to first take out the lesser levelled family members as it would be quicker. Charlus did not want to be outnumbered in the fight.

[Chione Family Member Lvl 49 defeated]

[735 Exp Awarded]

[You have levelled up]

Charlus immediately attacked the person to the other side of Sam Growsky.

The both of them had turned towards the side Charlus was on and Sam Growsky was reacting towards Charlus. He expected an attack on him but he did not expect Charlus to ignore him and directly go for the other family member. neither did the victim.

[Chione Family Member Lvl 47 defeated]

[705 Exp Awarded]

Charlus immediately jumped back, creating some space between him and Sam. He did not want to be making the same mistake he was with Mani.

Charlus was guessing that Mani would be several times weaker than him so he was very relaxed in the starting but his strength was very great - greater than Charlus'. Charlus finally understood after a lot of thought the reason behind this - if Mani was the same level as Charlus, and he had a similar number of sta points, but unlike Charlus he put all those stat points into Strength, wouldn't he be 5 times as strong as Charlus. He would be able to one-shot Charlus.

Obviously, Mani wasn't that stronger than Charlus. But Charlus understood that there would be certain individuals who would be focussed on one stat, and they would overpower others in that stat. So he could not ever underestimate people if they were lower levelled than him. The only time he would be safe is if they were several levels lower so he would be able to insta-kill them with his skills.

Charlus went in to punch Sam. Sam roared loudly. He punched at Chaarlus and their fists met. Charlus immediately felt a chilling sensation in his hand. He immediately pulled his hand away but he saw that his hands became blue, like they were frozen.

Charlus shook his hand. It was cold and for a normal person, this would mean frostbite. But Charlus was no longer normal. His hand became less numb and he was feeling better instantly. But Sam did not want to give Charlus that chance so he jumped towards Charlus again.

Charlus did not know what to do. If he went in, he would have to contact Sam again and that would freeze his hand. But the only other option would be using a weapon and using the Scythe would mean that Sam would be killed.

Charlus was having a hard time making a decision when he was punched in the gut by Sam.

"Oh fuck it!"

Charlus took his scythe out. Sam was obviously surprised when he saw a huge scythe come out of seemingly nowhere.

"So you are a space magician. You must have been hired by the Boreas Family. I did not think that they would do this but this must mean war!"

Sam was under the impression that he was leaving alive. Charlus swung his scythe and the blade passed through Sam.


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