
Chapter 66 - General

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Charlus finished the requirements for the Skeleton Soldiers and the Calvary and then some. He even levelled up once.

Charlus started looking for the General. He flew to the sky. Charlus remembered the time he fired a bazooka at the centre of the army. He remembered how it slightly got pushed away. Charlus knew that something important was there. So he decided to go right there.

Charlus was right. He saw a throne being held up and a person was sitting on it. Well, a skeleton. But this skeleton was adorned in a very lavish armour. So Charlus decided to observe it so he could confirm.

[Skeleton General (Boss) Lvl 70]

Charlus smiled. He immediately flew towards it. Charlus felt something dangerous approach him. He immediately jumped back, creating some distance. Charlus looked again and saw four mages surrounding the General.

Well mages because they were wearing long cloaks, had staffs and were casting fireballs that were being thrown at him. Charlus dodged the four fireballs that were crashing into each other at the spot he was previously standing. 

Charlus saw as the fireballs collided and created an explosion, knocking him away.

Charlus sighed. He knew it would be hard. This floor was several times harder than the first floor. Forget several times, at least a dozen times.

Charlus flew to the air, dodging the incoming fireballs and explosions while thinking of a plan. He could choose to escape but he wanted to finish it. So Charlus decided that he would have to take out the irritating mages first.

[Skeleton Elemental Mage Lvl 63]

Charlus sighed. He would have to get close to the magician to have a shot. So Charlus decided to pull a Hail Mary.

Charlus rushed forward to the nearest mage. He dived headfirst into the mage. Charlus saw another four fireballs approaching. But to commit to a Hail Mary meant conviction. He continued without hesitation. 

A huge explosion hid Charlus from the Skeleton Mages. When the smoke cleared, they saw Charlus standing on top of a dead Skeleton Mage relatively unharmed.

Well, they were, after all, only Lvl 60 something. How could they seriously harm Charlus? It was a long shot. 

Charlus suddenly remembered he had skills.


Charlus forgot everything and charged towards the General. The General held his sword towards Charlus ready to fight but Charlus felt it was funny. He activated his skill.

[Death Field]

Charlus saw the time slow down. He saw that the whole world slightly greyed and he saw the lowly undead in front of him suddenly felt its soul being ripped away. The skeletons around Charlus directly dropped to the ground.

Charlus saw that as soon as the General fell down, the entire floor came to a standstill.

[You have cleared the Second Floor]

[You can now enter the Third Floor any time for a total of 3 times]

Charlus saw that he levelled twice. He was now Lvl 96. Only 4 levels away from Lvl 100. Charlus was looking forward to it.

He wanted to reach Lvl 100 just for the sub class. Once he reached the sub class, he could hopefully become a blacksmith so he could craft his own scythe. He just needed to get some materials. Then he could practice.

Charlus decided to postpone his entering the Third Floor. He decided to deal with the Chiones first. He wanted to set his priorities first.

Charlus exited the dungeon and flew off from it. He went back to his apartment. He saw Lucie packing her bags.

"Did I scare you off?" Charlus asked Lucie. Lucie turned to see Charlus in half-burnt off clothes. He was still in the same clothes that had to go through an explosion. 

"I am going back to my mother\'s place. I dropped out of school."

Charlus smiled. "Why? Do you need to go fight for her? Why though? Does she have someone hostage?"

Lucie\'s expression darkened. She looked away. Charlus sighed.

"I see. Well, there\'s nothing I can do for now. I can just give you some small help and then maybe help you when I have nothing in my hands."

Charlus took out something from his inventory that he got for defeating the General. It was a skill that the General hadn\'t used and it was pure strength based so it didn\'t have to need MP or EP. Charlus had given Lucie a skill book.

"Mastery of bones? Why did you give this to me?? Lucie was confused. She assumed it was a medical book.

"You go through it and do what it says. Memorize it and then give it to me. Postpone your trip to tomorrow. It will help you a lot." Charlus put the book in Lucie\'s hands and left the living room to enter his room. He wanted to sleep. It was the weekend the next day and Charlus was intending on enjoying it. 

He wasn\'t going to do anything to the Chione Family until he got its location and the power ranking of the members. Until he got all the information, he wouldn\'t risk his life.

Meanwhile, Lucie was studying the book Charlus gave her. She read the book and then started following what was said in it. Unlike Charlus, she did not have a system. So she would have to actually learn the skill by reading and comprehending, unlike Charlus. 

She practised for an hour before she got exhausted. She then started memorizing the book. It was ridiculous but Charlus was someone who had overpowered her easily and made her feel so much fear. She felt it would be worth it if she listened to him. Even if he was a person who had been so apathetic towards her situation and an emotionless bastard.

Charlus sneezed.

"Someone is cursing about me. I will smack that person\'s arse once I catch him."

Lucie suddenly felt a pain in her butt. She had made a mistake while practising and her butt was affected.


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