
Chapter 69 - Cleared

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[You have cleared the dungeon]

[You can now choose between claiming dungeon and looting dungeon]

[Class benefit activating]

[Looting dungeon changed to purifying dungeon]

[Purify Dungeon / Claim Dungeon]

Charlus already knew what he had to do.

[Purify Dungeon]

Charlus saw a white holy light spread from the centre of the throne room. Well, what used to be the throne room. He felt the light go through his body. His body relaxed and he closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, the castle was gone. 

He was now in a cemetery. But the sky was no longer as gloomy as before. The sky was a bright and vibrant blue. Charlus saw that there were several thousand gravestones. The biggest gravestone of them all was in the centre. 

Charlus walked towards it. He did not want to fly as a sign of respect for the dead. He walked and stopped right before the gravestone.

Here lies

Hugh Hairston

A loving brother

Charlus felt a pang of sadness. Not everybody could overcome the sadness of the death of a close one. Charlus still did not feel bad about killing Ewa. He was doing the right thing. She would never be at peace once she sunk that low. Necromancy was distasteful to Charlus and he would never allow it.

Charlus saw a notification in front of him.

[Dungeon has been cleared]

[You have received title - Bane of Undead]

[Bane of Undead]

[200% Damage to Undead]

[All undead you defeat are purified and can't be summoned again]

[Dungeon will be destroyed in 3... 2... 1]

Charlus was suddenly transported out of the dungeon. He saw that he was back in the alley beside the gaming cafe but there was no longer a door that led to a dungeon in front of him.

Charlus walked away from the dungeon. That would no longer play any part in his life, but it would forever remain the first dungeon he encountered.

Charlus walked all the way to his apartment. He went directly to his bedroom and slept for a short time.

Charlus woke up late at night. It was 1 AM. Charlus went to the bathroom to freshen up. He then showered. Once he was all awake, Charlus went out of his apartment. He released his wings and made his way to the Chione's Family Manor.

Midway he figured out that he did not know the directions so he went back to his apartment to get his phone. Then he switched on the directions and then started again to the Chione's Family Manor.

Charlus was able to reach the Chione Manor in just a few minutes. He didn't encounter a lot of traffic on the way and that helped a lot.

Charlus landed on the roof of the 4 story mansion. He saw the huge front lawn and cursed.

"Fuck! How are these guys so rich? They are practically, for all intents and purposes, a cult!"

Charlus saw that there was a way into the Manor on the roof.

"Wow, these guys are stupid."

Charlus kicked the door in and immediately swooped in. He immediately encountered the staircase. Instead of going through these many stairs, Charlus decided to just jump to the first floor.

Charlus looked around. No one was awake yet. Charlus sighed. He didn't really care if the place was swarming. The only reason Charlus even attacked the place was that he found out that the Family Head wasn't at the Manor.

Charlus looked around. He searched room by room, checking the status of every sleeping person until he found the person he was looking for.

[Lucas Chione (Elemental Mage) Tier 2 Lvl 114]

Charlus thought about it. It said defeat. Does that mean he was allowed to sneak attack? Charlus didn't know. But he decided to first use his Scythe's skill.


[You are now judging Lucas Chione]

Charlus found himself in the room he was now quite familiar with. He saw Lucas Chione on one side. The heart of Lucas Chione was on the scale. The heart was several times heavier than the feather on the other side. Lucas Chione was a sinner.

Charlus expected it. He didn't think anyone of the Chione Family was a pure person. In fact, Charlus didn't believe anyone in the world was a pure person. One would have to be a baby to achieve that feat.

Charlus only considered someone guilty if the weight of the heart was so massive that the sins were not to be taken lightly.

Lucas Chione had already woken up. He was not thrilled to find himself drenched in sweat in the middle of the night. He was also not thrilled to find a man standing in front of him.

Charlus grabbed Lucas Chione by his collar and threw him out of the window. Lucas Chione was sent flying out of the window onto the beautiful lawn of the Chione Manor.

Lucas used his ice powers to slow his fall by shooting a jet of ice downward to propel himself upwards. But he was just in time to be kicked downwards by Charlus.

Lucas crashed onto the ground. Charlus leapt onto the body of Lucas and knocked him in the stomach with the hilt of his Scythe. Lucas choked and sputtered a bit of saliva. Charlus' blows weren't light: he had 200 Str.

Charlus then pointed his scythe towards Lucas. He then slashed at Lucas' neck. Lucas clenched his neck and felt dead for a second. He believed he had died. He was in great fear.

It took him a while to realise that he had survived. He was still alive even though a blade sliced his neck. He almost celebrated. But he couldn't. The slice had taken away a huge chunk of his soul. The soul was very vital to a human, and without it, the person was just a vegetable. And now, Lucas was half a vegetable. he couldn't think properly. He couldn't process information. It was a miracle he remembered his own name.


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