年轻的朋友3 免费观看

Chapter 238 - Tied To Heart

Ye Jie was at a loss. He really was tongue-tied with his mind running amok. ’Damn! Am I really this easy to placate? When did I turn into someone so fickle?’ Then he saw her smiling softly and gently at him and replied to himself, ’Yes. This is it! This damn smile is enough to undo me. Fine! I’m finally a fickle person while my wife is the insidious one. But I’m surely not dropping this look of anger!’

He had determined to keep up the pretense. So what if he was already a puddle of mush? He could at least act. He couldn’t be that bad that she’d figure it out.

Thinking this, Ye Jie scoffed and turned his face away from Xu Mey avoiding her eyes. "You’re getting good with words. Even if you think that I’m easy but let me tell you that I’m not that easy. You’re in the wrong this time and that fact won’t change." He was avoiding his gaze because he knew he won’t be able to pretend if he looked into her eyes but Xu Mey thought that he was really angry and that’s why he wasn’t even looking at her.

It was very new for her since Ye Jie always gazed into her eyes while he talked to her and it always gave her the confidence to talk. She kept silent for a long while as her mind went blank.

Thinking of something, she smirked to herself and looked at Qi Guan through the rearview mirror and gave him a look. Taking the hint, Qi Guan immediately put the divider up. Ye Jie didn’t notice this change until Xu Mey heaved herself up to his lap and wrapped her bare arms around his neck.

"Jie darling can’t possibly be this mad at his baby," she whispered near his ear and even licked his earlobe with her hot tongue making Ye Jie curse inwardly. But Xu Mey didn’t plan to stop just there, she caught his earlobe between her teeth and nibbled on it seductively.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Ye Jie clenched his fists tightly to keep his voice normal.

"Ani!(*) How can I seduce the seduction master himself?" Xu Mey replied innocently as her lips moved to leave feathery kisses all over his jaw.

Ye Jie smiled to himself as he said, "Seduction master? Who have I seduced?"

Xu Mey stopped her kissing and looked straight into his eyes. She lowered her face and as their foreheads touched and the tips of their respective nose brushed together, she voiced out breathily, "Me! Jie darling has seduced his baby."

"When did I do that?" Ye Jie retorted but in a breathless way losing control on his pretense completely.

Xu Mey grinned broadly knowing well enough that Ye Jie was cracking up. "Just a few hours ago," she started as she held Ye Jie’s hands and placed them on her bare knees. "A certain Jie darling seduced his baby by challenging that he’d tear this red dress off of her gorgeous body." She stopped as she moved his hands under her dress and leaving his hands on her own thighs, she lifted her own to his face. "Now, this baby of Jie darling would love to see this dress torn apart on the lavish carpet of this Bentley."

Ye Jie closed his eyes briefly at her words but when he opened them, his eyes were dark with lust. His rough hands on her thighs gripped tightly making Xu Mey’s breathing harsher. He looked at her bosom heaving up and down making him go wild.

He gripped her hair and pulled her face towards himself to catch her lips in for a kiss. A passionate one at that. Now, how could Ah-Jie not listen to his baby ah? It would seem like he was an incompetent husband and that... that he surely was not.

Xu Mey moaned against his lips making Ye Jie smirk as he said against her lips, "I believe this seduction master’s baby is more of an enchantress having the charms far above her husband’s."

Xu Mey grinned goofily and traced the seam of his lips with her tongue as she replied, "Well, what can the baby do? Baby learned it from the best master ever! And do you know who that is?" Ye Jie shook his head as if he was really curious to hear her reply. "The best master is the baby’s one and only Jie darling!"

"Well, then this baby shouldn’t forget that her Jie darling gets scared seeing his baby close to such danger." Ye Jie didn’t forget to remind her the real reason for his anger again.

"I have a solution for that," Xu Mey replied.

"And what’s that?" he asked curiously.

"Jie darling should tie his baby to his waist for the rest of this life." Xu Mey answered feeling proud of her own thinking.

Ye Jie chuckled heartily before planting a searing kiss on her lips again and said, "But what can baby’s Jie darling do? He can’t tie his baby against his waist."

"Ha? Why not?" Xu Mey’s face fell.

Ye Jie reciprocated her earlier action and nibbled on her earlobe before saying in his husky voice, "Because I’ve already tied my baby to my heart." A warmth gushed into Xu Mey’s heart just like the heat that gushed to every single part of her body.

(*): "Ani": No in Korean

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