年轻的朋友3 免费观看

Chapter 407 - Mother & Daughter

Chapter 407 - Mother & Daughter

Looking at Jie, Azalea’s eyes sparkled as if she had seen her savior. How glad she was that her brother came to the rescue.

"Are you okay, Zelie?" Jie first questioned his sister who was turning pale. He could only imagine how much of mental pressure this duo of his must have brought to her.

You see, handling only one of the twins was already a huge accomplishment. But actually managing to stand before the duo was not that easy, to begin with! Not just their weird questions, even their eyes brought people immense pressure. Jie could only blame his dear cousin, Ru who taught them this stupid thing called intimidation.

Azalea got up and hugged her husband who had also sprinted up to them with Jie as she muttered, "Those two are scary."

Xiamu chuckled slightly while stroking her head lovingly, "I think I warned you."

Jie turned his attention back to his little devils and got down to match their height as he stared at them with one of those angry looks he had reserved for these devils. The twins stood innocently before him blinking their big eyes at him while shifting their weight from one foot to another. They had their hands behind their back as if they were the epitome of innocence!

Like he would fall for that!

"What did you both do?"

Juan And Bao shook their heads simultaneously. "We just asked her some simple questions," began Juan in a small voice. "But she started it herself," Bao defended his sister and himself by putting the blame on Azalea.

Jie looked at Azalea who pursed her lips.

"Aunt Zel, do you believe in Santa Claus?" Bao was the one who questioned while Azalea was dumbfounded. "Because only the person who believes in Santa Claus is the one who would believe that storks bring babies."

Jie choked on air as he heard his son’s words and looked at Azalea apologetically, "Sorry about this." He held his twins and took them farther away. He placed them both on the table, making them sit on it. "Both of you..." He was feeling exasperated. "How am I supposed to deal with you both?"

"We didn’t do anything though," said Juan shrugging her shoulders carelessly. "If she couldn’t answer our questions, how is it our fault?"

"Juan, my darling daughter, if you think I’d fall for your words, you’re mistaken!"

Juan didn’t answer. She stayed quiet leaving the reins in her brother’s hands now.

"Dad, how are you feeling?"

Juan wanted to laugh at the tactic her brother was about to use but she pursed her lips to hide her laughter from her father.

"Huh? What? Where did that question come from?"

They jumped down from the table and held his hands as they dragged him along to sit and offered him a glass of water saying, "You should cool down a bit. Let me bring something to eat for you as well."

"Hmm..." Jie nodded his head while taking a sip of water. But suddenly, "Oi! How dare you try to distract me!" He pulled their ear but very gently. He couldn’t even bring himself to get angry with them as he did with others. He tried to put a facade of a strict father but even he knew these two could right through him.

This simple distraction was enough to make him forget all about why he was angry in the first place. Damn it! He was really always being played by them.

Shaking their heads, they raised their arms making him pull them up on his legs. Both of them placed their small heads on his shoulders acting cute with him. Oh, how he... Loved it when these two acted cute together. "Dad... We-," Bao had just opened his mouth to speak.

"Juan!" Xu Mey’s harsh voice made the father and his twins look over in her direction. She looked really angry for some reason. "What did you say to Xiao Song?"

Juan couldn’t help rolling her eyes at that question. It looks like she had expected this response sooner or later. "What did I do, mom?" she acted nonchalantly.

"Don’t act innocent with me!"

"When did I?"

"If you didn’t say anything, why she has been crying?"

"How would I know why she’s crying? Maybe she feels like crying. Oh, wait! I think crying is her most favorite hobby anyway!"


"Baby, did Xiao Song tell you that Juan said something to her?" Jie decided to speak up since he could see his wife losing her temper and even though his daughter looked nonchalant, the way she was clutching his shirt said otherwise! "And even if Juan said something wrong, we can be patient about it. Let’s talk later calmly."

"Ah-Jie! Stop always taking her side. She’s so spoiled because of this already. Xiao Song’s been crying for so long now. And she didn’t need to tell me to know that Juan must have said something." Xu Mey rubbed her forehead in exasperation. "And besides, you both had been such good friends. I can’t even understand why you’re suddenly trying to find trouble with her."

"Maybe, if she had stopped trying to incite my mother against me, I’d really have been her best friend," retorted Juan in the same manner as her mother spoke making Xu Mey’s anger to spike even more.

"JUAN! Don’t raise your voice!"

"It takes two to clap mother dearest!" Xu Mey’s eyes widened at her response. "You raised your voice first. And kids always follow their parents."

"Juan, that’s very rude," Jie also reprimanded Juan softly for speaking so rudely.

"Rude? This rudeness of hers is the reason why I’m angry. How could you forget your manners? Is this how I raised you?"

Juan jumped down from her father’s lap and looked up at her mother, "Now, dear mother, don’t forget... What manners? I don’t remember you teaching me anything. I have a teacher for everything."

"I’m your mother and this is not the way to talk to your mother," warned Xu Mey.

"Oh, so you do remember that you’re my mother. If you didn’t mention that I might have actually thought that Xiao Song is your daughter and not me."

Xu Mey was frozen still to her place while Juan just shoved past her in fury. Xu Mey was about to call out to her when Bao held her dress and tugged at it saying, "I think it’s enough, mom. Don’t push her anymore."

He could control his temper but his sister was hot-headed. She would never think before speaking. And she was not just brutal with words, she was actually very rude as well.

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