
Chapter 53 - Battle Continues 1

A specially modified Hover vehicle was going at it's full speed through the periphery of the forest, a wild boar the size of an elephant tried to take a bite at the vehicle. But the driver was really skillful and maneuvered away quickly avoiding the attack.

This vehicle has been moving non stop from the time it left the violet flower village, it bypassed the next village and was closing near to the second safe zone to search for the missing children and the culprit. The news that they received from Mr. Khan was not good, the scouting team sent by Mr. Khan had searched three safe zones near by to their village, but the result was not positive and the scouting team had also encountered some danger and returned back to their village as some of them got injured.

The group inside the vehicle knew they couldn't blame Mr. Khan or his scouting team for stopping the search and retreating. They had already shown a great deal of good will by doing this much and the conditions of almost all villages that were nearby were the same.

But as the group was traveling towards the second safe zone they detected a fire burning , little far from the safe zone. They were surprised and decided to check it out even though it could have been anything, they wanted to hold onto even the little hope. Before they reached the fire they had heard an angered roar from further up ahead in the forest and the ground shook like a little earthquake.

There were some wild beasts that had started to gather around the fire but since it was closer to the safe zones, the beasts were relatively less dangerous. All the safe zones had a special plant growing around it which produced a smell that the higher level wild beasts or spirit beasts didn't like and made them keep their distance normally. These plants were also specifically planted as a protective measure, but were not much effective in dangerous situations, like if a strong wild beast noticed a prey in the area it wouldn't mind tolerating the bad smell for some time and have a snack.

The group was  further surprised when they discovered the hidden hover vehicle nearby to the fire, this was no accident. Sam had clearly left the clue for the group to find the location, He hoped that he could take care of the kidnapper and rescue the children before the group arrived, and let them find the children. But the battle was not as easy as Sam had hoped for.


Inside the cave Sam was in a difficult battle with the women, Sam's dress was torn in many places but the lady's cheongsam seemed to be made of some really durable material . Sam had been using all the techniques in his arsenal, but the women seem to recover from every injury that he inflicted and the person who was more hurt in the end had been Sam. 

The women knew a wide variety of techniques but her main techniques were focused or related to blood, she could form weapons from her blood and these weapons had a weird power to agitate all the blood cells in the opponents . When the opponent lost his concentration on the battle, she would  land her attack and the attack from the blood weapon she formed took longer to heal and didn't stop bleeding. This was also the reason why she didn't take out any other weapon.

Even with the amazing healing of Sam there were still many injuries left on Sam, which were still bleeding. But the truth was that the woman was the one who was more surprised than Sam, after seeing his regenerative power. She became more determined to capture Sam and find out all of his secrets.

Sam used the sand storm technique and the one with the earth technique to land sneak attacks, but he was discovered each time. It was like the lady knew exactly where Sam was before he made any move. Sam Didn't use the golem because he was much faster without the golem and he knew he needed to finish this battle quickly, the more time he took the more flaws he showed .

He had always tried to finish the battle quickly or run away whenever the opponent was stronger than him in the past. But in the current situation he couldn't run away, so he had to finish the battle quickly.

But the only thing he was able to do up till now was to keep the women away from the Altar. The Evil sword had suggested that they should not let the women get on the Altar at any cost, The Altar acted like an artifact that strengthened her and her spells, the techniques that she could use with the aid of the Altar were far more than otherwise.

Luckily Sam and his party was able to push the lady out of the Altar and she didn't seem to have any way to utilize the power of the Altar from outside.

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