
Chapter 96 - An Officer

When the rebels first settled here they had tried to excavate anything useful, but  they never found anything much useful.

  Since they were completely unaware of the ways of the Ancient civilization or their language the rebels left it as it is.

Using Earth manipulation Dror was able to dig further into the submerged parts of the ancient structure, and reached a part which was still intact.

As he entered the few big rooms he could see the inside were intact, but it seemed like people had left here in a rush and nothing had been cleaned up or packed and taken away. They just left it as it is.

Dror could see the computers and machines used by the Ancients.

With the help of the Evil sword he reached the main control room.

  The Old computers were much bigger and used some entirely different kinds of technology,  with the help of the Evil sword and his own understanding he tried to bring the old computer back to life.

After utilizing some high grade crystals, reconnecting some of the torn out wire's and parts, the computers started lighting up and a 3d screen started projecting.

Soon a distorted hologram of an old man was formed.

" Boot up initiated …. trying to recover, functions… error...error… please enter the command for further access and function"

The machines were badly damaged.

Even though it started up, it took a lot of time for Dror and the Evil sword to understand the basic functions.

  The hologram of the old man which was supposed to be the AI of this place worked like a broken robot, spouting nonsense here and there.

What Dror could figure out was, this mine was known as B62 and it faced some kind of natural calamity and ended up in destruction.

Dror couldn't stay there for a long time as it might alert the rebel base, even though the surveillance on him had decreased. 

It was still there, so he had to return before the night ended.

After making sure that nothing would create any disturbance on the outside, he collected everything that could be taken from there.

  including some electronic components, maps, statistics reports and all papers and books which contained any information. 

After double checking everything he left the place.

After reaching his room Dror was looking through each and everything for more information.

His efforts were not wasted as he gained much better understanding of the function of the mine and its machinery, more than that he found an important clue.

Which was the location of the office of the main officer in charge of the mine.

Even though Dror was made captain he was not given any specific responsibility or office so he had all the leisure time. 

Dror kept to himself all the time and only made contact with very few people like Levi, the Commander, Chaow and Alexander etc..

When it was midnight again, he sneaked into the mine again and started digging into a specific location.

Even though many of the buildings have been destroyed and lost, with the help of the Evil sword he was able to locate the remains of the room in which the main officer stayed.

The room had been destroyed completely but he was able to excavate the remains.

  He found something shocking, it was the body remains of the officer.

  For some reason this guy had not escaped when the earthquake had struck and instead stayed inside the room. 

From the remains Dror could see that this guy had died due to his heart exploding from the inside, Dror found a space ring on one of his fingers.

After some more searching Dror also found some miscellaneous thing which he didn't give much importance to.

  He had a smug face when he reached back at his room. 

The miserly and greedy personality in him had awoken ones more, he even started humming a song dreaming about all the riches that he would uncover inside the ring.

The Evil sword was really frustrated after seeing his smug face, it wanted to smack him in the head and teach him a good lesson.

  There was one more reason why Evil Sword was angry at this miser. Even though it had been compensated for helping him with tasks, they never had any agreement on sharing any loot that they found.

  The evil sword was now regretting not making such an agreement.

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