
Chapter 142 - Harvester Planet Theory

The event of the Alliance government having access to such sophisticated high end technology has led most of the interested parties in the Taraveda star system, to come up with different theories.

The most prevalent of these theories was, The harvester planet theory.

Harvester planets were common in the  star system, certain powerful kingdoms and other institutions would use certain specific planets for the cultivation and farming of certain specific plants that would thrive in that particular environment.

There were different kinds of precious herbs and plants that would only grow under certain conditions, which were only offered by certain planets.

  An earth grade herb called star fire herb would only grow on planets that were very near to a sun, but human habitation was not practical in these kinds of planet, so a powerful kingdom, institution or business group  would occupy that planet and farm this particular herb, the planet would be just like a farm for them.

Of Course they can\'t just go and occupy the planet. As all the unoccupied planets in the Taraved star system came under the jurisdiction of the Empire, whichever kingdom or institution that wanted to cultivate that planet would have to enter in an agreement with the empire and the Empire would also offer protection.

It was also the rule of the Empire that a planet which already had native intelligent species can never become a harvester planet.

The Maveth plant was so precious because this plant required stringent conditions to even sprout. It would only grow in dead land or dead planet, 

where a lot of living beings have died.

Planet Ayangdad which has faced a planet ending catastrophe once perfectly fitted the criteria and the Maveth flower grew much abundantly here.

According to this conspiracy theory, the power house who supported the 7 families in rebellion wanted to convert this planet into a harvester planet.

But they couldn\'t occupy it directly, so they used an underhanded method to control the whole planet.

But the theory was not confirmed, because the buyer of the refined Maveth flower extract was one of the major medical corporations known as Bright Star Pharma. They were treated as legitimate business in not just Taraveda star systems but also other star systems.

Neither was there any other evidence pointing towards any connection between the 7 families and the Bright star pharma, the current rebels had also used  both open and covert methods to look into this matter.

But the conclusion was the same every time the Bright star pharma only had a business relationship with the Alliance government and the Alliance government received proper market price for the product.

The money also went into the personal pockets of the 7 families, there was nothing suspicious in the entire process, at least not under the scrutiny of the rebels and other interested parties.

So rebels had completely put aside this theory almost completely, Of Course their investigation into the power house behind the whole event and their relation to the 7 families were still ongoing.

This time the first prince\'s suggestion of taking down the factories were approved by the kings council as their were two advantage one was that, this was definitely a lethal strike  to the Alliance government, the facility including the machinery amounted to an enormous amount of money, loosing which even the Alliance government would feel the pain and would also find it extremely difficult to recreate the whole thing..

The second advantage was that with fewer factories there would also be lesser pressure on the slave villages.

After being plucked the life essence will start leaking out of the Maveth flower slowly and it needs to be extracted as quickly as possible, without facilities it would be nothing but waste to just harvest the flowers as it can\'t be completely preserved either. 

But even with all these the rebels could only attack 5 of these facilities that were much far away from the central cities and only had the weaker force comparatively.

There would still be around 17 facilities left even after they take down these 5 facilities and these 17 facilities had stronger force guarding them along with much stronger reinforcement nearby them.

Among the total 22 facilities these 5 were the weakest with weaker soldiers and reinforcements and were closer to each other, once the news of the attack spread the other facilities will surely have more soldiers dispatched as security forces.

Xeander sneaked away into the main factory area along with the 20 members of  infiltration unit, as Dror held back the leader of the enemy forces and the rest of the dragon company engaged the the forces that have arrived from the inner perimeter.

With Old Zhao and Mark leading the men they effectively held back and at times even retaliated against the enemy army of around 110 soldiers.

Since the Alliance army was also trying to hold on and wait for reinforcement from the city enforcers, the battle was not as bloody as the ones that have occurred until now.

Both the armies were trying to stall for time and the higher up of both the armies were well aware of what to do.

Dror led Major Ryker a little further away from where the army clashed, while Xeander and the 20 infiltration unit members were like ninja assassins.

They killed off the guards left behind without creating the slightest commotion and reached the main facility.

Major Ryker carefully observed  the young man with trimmed beard and golden brown eyes, with whom he has been fighting uptil now.

"You must be the one they call Dror the barbarian, your earth elemental arts are at the highest level… but the rebel base will be losing one of their young prodigies here today…. Haha.."

Major Ryker was no natural born Elemental body, but he had high affinity towards Earth and air elements, so his movement technique was mainly based on the air element, while attack and defense on earth elemental.

This was the first time that Dror was fighting seriously against another true warrior with such great affinity towards the earth element.

Dror held back and kept on defending, while trying to get a better understanding of how the enemy was effectively using the earth element.

Ryker used the air walk technique to increase his speed while continuously using earth spears like a volley of arrows.

Dror mainly used his stone body technique to deflect or defend.

Ryker had a smirk as he sent another volley of earth spear but among the spears three were special. As he had used two techniques together, Volley of Earth spears and wind push.

The three spears had much more warrior essence along with the wind push technique, which was a technique used along with other weapons to make them move much faster at definite intervals to confuse the enemy or to launch a fatal strike when not expected.

Ryker was old even though he appeared to be middle aged, he has been in the True warrior realm for more than 30 years and he had become very good at utilizing the earth element technique along with the wind element technique to complement each other.

Dror deflected the first few spears but he was caught off guard by the three powerful spears which suddenly accelerated  with amazing speed and penetrative power.

He didn\'t have the time to cast another technique and if he defended with his stone hands he would be hurt.

The spear was in front of him in an instant but as they closed on to his chest a golden shield with beautiful mountain engraving on it appeared out of nowhere in between the pointed edge of the spears and his chest.


Dror was sent flying towards a building, the technique was clearly much stronger than he anticipated, even though the spears broke apart the impact clearly shook his internal organs.

But before he could get a grip, he received a spiritual message.

" Master, behind you.."

At some time a young man in black suit appeared in the dark corner of the building holding two thin sabers with black aura exuding out of it and Dror was sent flying exactly in that direction.

Of Course Major Ryker was working along with the young man called Mr. 18, he made a powerful move to distract and send Dror towards the other person so that Mr. 18 could land another fatal strike from behind.

The black suited young man had a high grade stealth technique which hid him from any kind of detection from anyone under the 5th level of supreme warrior, this was also the reason that Nympho also failed to notice the presence of the hidden enemy.

But neither the major nor the young man could have known that Dror had a spiritual artifact that could detect the minute killing intent and malicious intents.

"Don\'t make any move.."

Dror warned Nympho and Maya, while doing a somersault in the mid air and positioning himself in the direction of the young man.

Dror was very close to Mr. 18 by now and the enemy had already made his move.

"Blades of shadow"

Two large crescent slashes formed from black warrior qi closed Dror in an instant, from Drors viewpoint the move looked like a huge black x formed from black warrior qi.

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