
Chapter 146 - Let My Enemy Fight My Enemy

Dror was in a fierce fight against Major Ryker.

Ryker had already noticed that something was wrong and this was an ambush, when he received Mr. 18's spiritual message for help, but by that time he was almost 1300 meters away from Mr. 18 and the Barbarian turned around to take the golem form to engage him.

Mr. 18's fight happened almost at the periphery of his spiritual sense so he was not able to carefully observe the  battle while engaging with Dror and then all of a sudden the fight that was going on in the distance stopped and he couldn't sense Mr. 18 anymore.

Ryker had tried many times to lead the fight back to where Mr. 18 was but Dror was like clingy chewing gum and stuck with him and delayed him.

Dror received Xeanders spiritual message.

" We should escape, the guy that I was fighting  sent an SOS signal before dying. I think someone more powerful or more than one True warrior will arrive soon… Do you need me to do anything to distract Ryker ? I don't think we will be able to kill him off before the reinforcements arrive…"

Dror could understand that Xeander had utilized a large amount of his warrior qi, to end the fight between him and Mr. 18 quickly.

If the reinforcement was strong they might arrive at any time, but Dror had a cunning smirk on his face.

He send a spiritual message back to Xeander " Have you confirmed the identity of the other guy .."

"Yes it is as we expected, he is someone from the shadow hand… I have already checked his storage artifact, there is an identity token…"

Dror had a pleasing smile and continued " And you are sure that the reinforcement that they send would be much stronger and will appear much faster.. ? "

Xeander didn't understand why Dror was asking all these question at such a time but he replied 

" yes I am sure.."

" Then you can return back to our men and retreat back along with them. I will handle this, I can already feel that Major Ryker is panicking. 

I can ditch him any time… I have found a way to pay back a debt…Then meet you at the Randevu point"

Xeander didn't know what exactly Dror meant at the end but he could more or less guess the sarcasm in those words. The only people who rubbed Their company in the wrong way were the people who were supposed to provide them with reinforcement.

Xeander knew Dror was a careful and cunning man, he would not be led by anger or hatred easily. So Xeander followed Dror's words and retreated towards Old Zhao and rest.

Dror could see that Major Ryker was showing signs to retreat, ever since there was no news of Mr. 18 but Dror was too clingy and launched one move after another.

Inside the jungle a Humongous golem of more than 25 meters height and proportionate body, with a golden shield was fighting against a floating  humongous  pillar like Yari spear and the man standing atop it.

The fight was nothing less than two humongous  level 2 or above spiritual beast dueling it out, the surrounding trees and earth had been overturned, with the forested area of around 20 meter looking like some bulldozer or other heavy machinery had messed up the whole area thoroughly.

The golem picked up a big tree with a thickness of more than 8 meter's with both hands and launched another fierce attack towards Major Ryker .

Ryker could only dodge by manipulating the Yari he was standing on.

To use anything in the surrounding to fight was something that Dror learned from the red beat's in the red and black smoke. The red beasts would use anything that they got hold of from trees to stone, like really crazy barbarian fighting out with each other in the jungle.

Dror had almost forgotten the joy of fighting like this, there was no technique or anything but just pure strength and a will to go on, he was clearly trying to hide the presence of Maya and Nympho, but at the same time he also enjoyed this kind of fight.

Dror calmed down from his initial excitement and pushed the button on his sky watch to connect to the emergency channel, After all he had a favor to repay these guy's.

Then he started speaking into the sky watch in a panicky voice.

" Hello, reinforcement team .. Please respond. We are in a very dangerous position, we need support as soon as possible.

Most of my men … boom , crash….

We are finding it hard to retreat with the rest of my men… we need support… hello please reply.."

There was a silence on the other end and then a haughty voice replied with sarcasm.

" You call yourself a young dragon and can't even take care of your own men, pathetic we are done with here. I will personally lead my men as reinforcement…. Try to watch and learn how a young Dragon should be and how competent their company should be."

Of course it was Oliver who responded to Dror's support request this time.

Dror continued " I have led both the True warriors away from my men so that they have a better chance to retreat, I was able to fatally injure one of them but I am also injured, I am sending my location… boom... crash.."

Oliver had a wide smile on his face with an evil smirk.

" At Least you're not completely useless… we will be there in 2 minutes.."

Dror Knew that Oliver was hiding nearby, he has been just standing there all this time without responding.

At the same time Oliver had a big smile on his face, one of his lieutenants came forward to ask.

"Major, how is the situation? Shall we make our move.."

Oliver replied with a laugh " Hahaha...The situation is much better than I expected,we will be able to gain a large amount of credits this time, that fool has delivered two True warriors into our plate.

But I should say he is quite capable. He was able to fatally injure one of the True warriors when fighting against two and he is still holding off well for now…"

The lieutenant had an evil smirk before saying.

"Sir should we hold off for a little more time then…"

Oliver had a haughty expression but replied in a calm tone " No , we will deploy right now, we don't want the city enforcers to catch up or any other unknown element to appear and sabotage the entire situation.

You and Kinsley will lead your men to aid Dror's men who are retreating.

  Hadley along with his men will follow me, to where that barbarian is battling the two True warrior's… Hadley makes sure that he doesn't get a chance to land the final blow on any of the two true warriors, We should get all the credit…"

A black middle aged man with red trimmed hair and a big earring on his left ear gave a single node towards Oliver.

Hadley looked like someone in his forties or above but this person was much older and he wore an old red colored full metal armor, with two mini sickle like weapons on his back.

His black eyes were emotionless and cold, but the most important thing about him was his aura that emitted  a silent killing intent and anyone in the True warrior realm will recognize him as one of them.

Oliver's family had  spent a huge amount of resources to recruit this true warrior into Oliver's company. Hadley used to be a mercenary before joining the rebels, he had killed someone from the The seven main families of the Alliance government to loot a precious treasure and then escaped to the rebels .

It was Oliver's Belindo family who gave asylum to this guy and this guy was the only other True warrior in the young dragon battalion other than the young dragons themselves, of course Xeander was an exception.

It wasn't long before Oliver along with his men appeared  besides the battle that was going on between Dror and Major Ryker.

Oliver didn't hesitate and launched an attack with dark red flames burning all over his body.

"Dragon flame kick.."

One second Oliver was leading his men but the next second he was already in between the humongous golem and pillar like yari spear launching a kick with red flames concentrating on his leg.

Major Ryker didn't have a choice but to use the yari spear to block, but to his surprise the kick was really overwhelming, the red fire exploded like a missile sending the Ryker along with the spear flying.

The Yari spear had cracks and the part where the kick landed was clearly burned off , forming something like glass crystals.

Major Ryker instantly retreated, the heat produced by the flame was simply unimaginable, it had burned the sand into glass.

" Where is the other True warrior.."

He asked in an arrogant manner, without even turning back to  look at Dror.

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