
Chapter 158 - One Five Eight

It was a silent night,  on the slope of a mountain hidden by the darkness of the night and the big boulders , five men were looking at a temporary camp set up.

The leader of the five men group was surveying the camp below carefully through a binocular.

If Dror was here he would instantly identify their uniform from the Earth base army.

One of his subordinates came forward and said  " we are all set up… sir, waiting for your order…"

The leader turned back without an expression and looked at his subordinate.

" Then we shall proceed as planned, inform the operators, Tell our men in hiding to take action once the Howitzers laser cannon stop firing…"

One of the subordinate who was middle aged man with a scar on his forehead, who was veteran seemed a little reluctant before asking " sir should we reconsider this plan again, after all we only have around 40 men with 2 Howitzers and the enemy numbers have more than 300 with around 6 Howitzers of their on…"

The leader showed an angry expression, but one of his fists clenched unknowingly.

" Are you doubting the base and higher ups… The new Laser canon and plasma guns are of higher grade with higher efficiency, we will be able to take down enemies 10 times our number if we use them correctly…"

" But…"

The subordinate was cut off again by the leader " I Don't want to hear your excuses, we will move according to the plan now…  all of you get back to your squad now and be ready with your men.."

The man with the scar  could only obey his leader's command and leave while touching the newly provided plasma gun that had a different shape and color than the usual one.

After his subordinates left

  the leader who was also a middle aged man could only give a deep sigh, with a solemn face and mutter slowly

  " What was the higher up thinking by sending so few cannons and men to deal with such a big army…..  Is the rebel base so desperate to show that we will retaliate without any care if the Alliance army keeps on pressuring like this … hah.. "

The only subordinate who remained behind could only express his powerlessness with a down cast expression along with his leader. 

Then after observing for five more minutes through his binocular,  with a stern face he ordered  the  subordinate left behind 

" give the order to aim and take out the enemy laser cannon  first and then keep on firing…  also make sure not to fire besides the white tent to the far east besides the temporary watchtower.. "

the subordinate spoke the command into his ear piece.

There were two flashes of light from different directions in the dark night and then an earth deafening explosion took place.


then without delay a second flash of light and explosion.

Boom…. Bang… Boom ..Bang…

The explosion continued without any retaliation. The leader who was observing through his binocular couldn't close his mouth in shock and forgot to give the order to stop.

When the next explosion sounded with another... Bang . The leader came back to his senses.

"Give the order to stop immediately, oh my god such power.."

The subordinate who was also at a good vantage point could clearly see the devastation happening on the enemy camp and was gobsmacked, he too came back to sense after hearing the order from the leader and yelled into the ear phone. 

" stop the fire .. stop the fire…"

After the order was given there was a silence on the mountain slope from where the leader was observing.

The subordinate had a little troubled expression now and he slowly asked.

" Sir … Do you think our comrades who were captured .. are still alive…"

The Leader also had an ashen face as he watched the enemy camp which was completely in shambles with crater and fire raging inside.

He cursed out loudly " Those bastards from the research department , how can they give us such powerful canons  without explaining the explosion radius and power …."

The subordinate could only slowly mumble " weren't you the one who was complaining earlier that they have send us on a suicide mission with so few cannon's and men.."

Then he spoke up " Sir, about that, they had sent a detailed report to us along with the new laser cannons and plasma guns.."

The leader turned around with an angry expression and yelled at his subordinate " what, why didn't you tell me …"

The subordinate could only show a wronged expression and replay slowly.

" I have submitted and talked to you about the report but you said you will look at it later. You were too busy when the order came so suddenly to mobilize… we forgot about this matter after arriving here and were busy planning the assault. "

The Leader could only close his eyes and sigh at his own negligence. 

"Give the order to our men to start a search and rescue operation after the heat of the explosion dissipates… I hope the explosion didn't kill all our captured men… also give the order to be more careful while using the new plasma guns, they must also be enhanced ones…"

the subordinate instantly passed the order to their men.

A squad was hiding inside a shrub with their squad leader observing the enemy camp.

The squad leader was the same  subordinate with a scar on his head, who had earlier expressed his doubts.

He  couldn't close his mouth after watching the devastation that happened right before his eyes, a  fly entered his wide open mouth.


" cough .. cough.. thu thu.."

" Fu*k , Am I dreaming…. How can it be so powerful…"

Before he could curse or celebrate, his earpiece vibrated and he received the order to search and rescue.

That is when he realized some of their men were also in there and he immediately rushed in along with his men.

And as they entered they were greeted with all kinds of debris of the temporary camp, hover vehicles, body parts and all kinds of other mess.

The squad still saw that some of the enemy team were still alive and used their plasma gun.

woosh, woosh… zing.. zing

One of the red haired young men in the squad couldn't help but scream, 

" wow that is powerful and accurate, I can squish this thing around all day… Ho even the one eyed Jonty got two of them… fu*k ….. Squad leader I am sorry but I will not be returning this gun once we return.." 

Even the squad leader was shocked and had a smirk on his scary face, after personally experiencing  the effectiveness of the new plasma gun that they were provided with.

  The plasma energy was compressed to improve the penetrative power and destructive capability, along with that the design and the scope complimented each other so perfectly that even a Half Blind can hit the target easily.

At the same time inside the Earth base  the commander Luke Mando was standing behind his subordinates who were listening in on their equipment and coordinating with the men on the field.

One of the subordinate turned around to the commander with a beaming smile and reported.

" The operation is a complete success sir, the results are far better than we accepted… according to the report we received the fire power is more destructive and more effective than we initially calculated

we might need to improvise our plans a little.."

The commander had a serious face but a small smile appeared on his face as he nodded and spoke.

" send the collected data to the research department and tell them to adjust and recalculate everything…."

Then after a small pause with a serious expression he continued.

" From this moment the operation R is a go, send the message to all the teams . We are going to give a surprise to the alliance forces…."

Actually the rebel forces were not in any position to retaliate to the oppression of the alliance forces, but with the sudden discovery of the new secret facilities they now had a full production plant for the X51 laser cannons and the new TRA18 plasma guns.

When Dror discovered the first facility there were already around 600 plasma guns and 100 laser cannons in the facility. 

Dror had casually kept 10 of the cannons and a 100 plasma guns for himself and his team, the rest were given to the base.

The base had treated these guns and canons as precious treasure and kept it  to be only used at emergency situations and for research purposes, but everything changed once the subsidiary facilities related to the production of these guns were discovered.

Now they could use these previously considered strategic resources without more consideration, as once the production plant becomes fully operational they would have more than enough weapons in their hands.

And for this reason the commander made his move against the alliance forces without reservation and implemented the operation R.. operation retaliation.

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