
Chapter 170 - One Seven Zero

There was utter silence in the whole hall. Adira was shocked and had mixed expressions on her face, she was angry, sad and doubtful at the same time.

Lady Jainver was much more calm and composed even though she was a little surprised at what Xeander said, she instantly calmed down and had a pondering expression while she scrutinized Xeander again with a slight frown.

To attempt the war challenge it was important that there were beast tamers in the attempting team, as modern communication and equipment were prohibited inside the War challenge.

The participants could only utilize the old methods to complete the challenge and in old times different kinds of beasts were used to send messages as well as scout the surroundings.

In the entire rebel forces, the jainver were the best beast tamers and sent people from their clan for every war challenge that the rebel forces participated.

In fact even in the past when the kingdom was still in it's flourishing times, It was the Jainver clan that sent beast tamers for the war challenge along with the kingdom's force.

This was related to an old promise that the then Jainver family head made to the king at that time, to send their talented young beast master for every war challenge that the kingdom attempted.

  This was like a tradition and honor for the  Jainver clan.

Until the alliance forces started massacring the soldiers sent by the rebel forces without any mercy every time the rebel forces attempted the challenge.

The Jainver clan had lost too many young and talented beast tamers in the last few decades. 

Lady jainver slightly closed her eyes in thought, while it was Adira that stood up and pointed her finger towards Xeander and asked with a slight tremble.

"  Why, why do you wish to return to that hell again …. why… No one would blame you, no one… you have already given too much, why should you go back… what about me, what about your family and friends, all those who love you…. None of them will want you to go back.."

Xeander looked at Adira with a calm face without the slightest bit of change in his expression.

" this is my decision and I am doing this for myself, no other reason…"

Then he slowly muttered under his breath " and for my brothers and sisters who fought and died, on that day.."

Adira shuddered slightly while clutching her fist tightly, but before she could question Xeander further, he changed his gaze towards lady Jainver.

" So will the clan of Jainver send their men on this war challenge…. ?" 

His gaze was locked on Lady Jainver who was pondering with closed eyes. 

Then the head of the Jainver family slowly opened her eyes, her eyes looked a little tired but with a resolute look she asked.

" Of course, How many men do you need… ?"

Xeander slowly replied " Three.. we already have two beast tamers in our team "

This time lady Jainver was really surprised along with Adira, Usually they will send 7 or 8 of their best beast tamers from the younger generation to participate.

Since it was a question of the whole clans honor and prestige, they will send their talented young ones even if it is to death 

But this time the person who attempted the challenge only required three people.

Even Though it was bitter Adya the clan head still heaved a small sigh of relief.

Xeander continued " This matter is of utter importance, so would like the Family head to keep this matter a secret and send the three men to earth base citing some other reason…"

Then with a pause he added " If there is any change in circumstances, there is a possibility of withdrawing from the challenge, so I suggest that this matter is kept in between the parties that are involved only …."

Lady Jainver had a keen look in her eyes as she tried to process the whole situation. She understood that this time war challenge was not so simple and a picture of a bearded young man appeared in her mind  and she thought.

"So it is that person, that people call the barbarian… She had said that the young guy is really interesting. If someone like Xeander joined his company willingly that means he is not at all simple...maybe I should also get acquainted with him in the future.."

Then she nodded at Xeander accepting his request " The Jainver family will send their men.."

But before she completed what she wanted to say, Adira interrupted  her

" Mother, I will lead the group that is going for the war challenge.."

Lady Jainver who was acting calm suddenly seemed angered as she stared at her daughter with strict eyes.

" No…"


Adira was completely interrupted by her mother.

" No need to say anything more, you should know I will never allow you to go ….. I don't want any argument on this matter…"

Adira with a wronged expression, looked towards Xeander, who avoided her gaze without a second thought.

" You… both of you.."

She stamped her leg hard on the floor, before leaving the hall fuming.

The two people left heaved a sigh of relief.

While Lady Jainver secretly cursed in her mind  " that dumbass of a war minister, could he have not informed me that this guy was visiting me with the invitation of the war challenge.. now I will have to deal with all the tantrum that she will create.. hah.. and this young dumb god, couldn't he have been more discreet.."

She casually ignored all her faults  and stared dagger at Xeander, before saying with a snort

" If that is all, you should know the way out… hmph"

Xeander, who was feeling a little relieved, suddenly felt like he was wronged, but he could only bow and show his respect before retreating.

He saw the familiar view of the clan's men and pets scurrying away when he exited the main mansion, there was no other new development as the old servant led him outside the clan property before closing the gate.

But before he moved further he saw the familiar figure of the young lady sitting on the red tiger.

She showed an amiable smile and waved her hand towards the young man, but Xeander could clearly feel the anger and indignation behind that amiable smile.

Xeander could only heave a sigh and got close to her before asking.

" Hmph…. Adira , I am sorry.."

Adira showed a sad expression as she replied.

"Hah.. No need to apologize, it is not your fault, mother is always like that…"

Xeander could only sigh again as the lady continued looking to the distance.

" Do you remember the past, Xeander .. how we were always together…. How I always wanted to join the military and fight against the evil alliance government.."

Xeander recalled his past as he heard the first two sentence, but the following two sentence made him really doubtful and confused as he thought " When did you ever want to join the army… wait.. she is still planning to join the team…"

Xeander could only gesture with his hand to stop and spoke " Even if you join the company, your mother will never allow you to participate in the war challenge and she will find out about anything that you plan instantly, afterall Lady Raven is her best friend…"


Xeander was sent flying with a punch.

Adira was fuming with anger as she glared at Xender with flaming eyes.

But unlike before he took the beating and stood up before walking past her.

While Adira had a saddened expression on her face and didn't continue to beat him up or stop him.

After taking two steps past her Xeander stopped and said in slow tone " will you believe in me one more time and wait for me .."

Adira's hand shuddered  slightly, but she nodded her head with eyes that were about to tear.

" But remember this Xeander, unlike the previous time, If you don't come back, I will hunt you down no matter where you hide… even if it is in the depths of hell.." 


  It was just another day in the town of Hallmark, people stating their daily routine. Most were going to work and children to schools.

Nobody knew when it appeared but it was not there a moment ago, it just appeared out of thin air, the children and even most of the grown up's who saw it first were shocked and frightened.

Within no time everyone in the town came out of their houses and works, to watch what was happening with shock and panic. 

All the crowded people were looking up with all kinds of different expressions, some fear some with curiosity and all kinds of similar  emotions.

  But with the mobilization of the enforcer teams and the public announcement that were made, the public who were starting to panic a little soon calmed down.

A giant man had appeared in the middle of the town out of nowhere.

It was not exactly a giant but.


still editing this chapter will update later

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