
Chapter 185 - One Eight Five

The chapters will be edited and updated later

He looked at the three people sitting before him carefully. All three of them were surprised at this sudden development but the prime minister and the commander calmed down easily and listened to him, while Lady Raven had a little agitated look in her eyes at first but calmed down later .

He knew the little agitated look in Lady Raven's eyes, it is the same look someone has in their eyes when someone else points out their failures and incompetence.

Since the other three didn't speak or retort, he continued.

"How long….

How long before the alliance government grows so strong that you or anyone else won't be able to  affect them or oppose them in any way, in 5 year, 15, 50, or 100…. But all of you know it will come one day sooner or later if we continue with this same path that we have been following all these years… So after living on this planet for so long, making friends, watching fellow humans suffer such injustice… I determined myself to do whatever is in my power to stop this wrong….  I took my own initiative to pave a new path that I think can bring in results before it is too late…"

The room was silent, no one spoke, the prime minister was still looking at the young man before him with calm eyes.

The commander and lady Raven seemed to be pondering.

It was the commander who spoke first again.

" But the common people, you are trying to push them into a point of no return and you are tarnishing the reputation of the rebels and the king…"

Dror closed his eyes and took a long sigh before speaking.

" I am not doing this for the king, I am doing this for the ordinary people who are suffering the blunt of this whole mess… and I don't want to  push them anywhere, I just wanted them to accept and realize the truth that they have been denying all these time before it is too late for them for realizing the current scenario… and I don't think the alliance government would be so dumb.."

The prime minister chuckled before speaking " So what you are saying is that you have given the people a chance to awake and choose, whether they choose to fight or not is up to them… and the alliance government can't be too heavy handed as this might push the people who are neutral and doubtful to take an extreme stand… Even if the alliance government wished to deal with this with a heavy hand they know that the price that they have to pay would be so high that they don't dare to  take the risk… But you should know those who chose to fight will suffer... "

Dror looked at this old man that he didn't recognize and looked at the commander with a questioning look.

But it was not the commander but the Old man that replied to his query.

"Hoh.. where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself … I am the king's prime minister…"

Dror was surprised he knew the person would be someone of high ranking but he never thought that the prime minister himself would make an appearance.

He knew exactly what it meant , it meant that there were people who instantly understood the seriousness of what he did and what its consequences would be and this person, the Prime minister, was known as a sleeping dragon that no one wanted to wake.

But Dror was quick to shake away all other thoughts and return to the current topic.

Dror shook his head " Of Course the price for freedom is not cheap, the one who wants it should pay a heavy price… but it is their choice… I don't think the alliance government would make it any more harder for the ordinary people who choose to stay neutral fearing the breaking of another grand rebellion… in fact they will have to be more careful and considerate regarding what they do from now…."

before the prime minister or anyone else spoke a laughter reverberated inside the hall…

" Hahaha… It wasn't a waste to take time to watch this interrogation…"

A 3D projection appeared from a small trinket that was placed on the table before the prime minister.

As soon as the 3D projection appeared both the commander and Lady Raven were surprised just like Dror.

In the next moment Dror saw both the Lady  Raven and commander bowing to the 3D projection of this amiable middle aged man, with deep black eyes, black long hair and spiky beard .

" my king.." 

The projection of the King stood there with a mighty demeanor, as Dror who was seeing the King for the first time didn't know what to do, so he tried to imitate the commander and Lady raven who were showing their respect with a special salute and bow.

Watching what Dror was trying to do the king waved his hand and spoke with a smile.

" You don't need to imitate them. If you have respect for someone even the simplest gesture is enough and if you don't have any respect for someone then what does it matter even if you bow your head to the ground or not.."

Dror knew even though the King didn't say it explicitly, he was not happy with Dror saying that the rebel forces and the king were not making any substantial change.

But Dror could see that King's smile was genuine and he seemed more magnanimous.

King didn't berate him or yelled at him in anger or order his subordinate to arrest him that instant, but listened to everything in a calm manner without any pre judgement.

Dror was very thankful for the fact that the King was a wise and magnanimous person, unlike the haughty and hypocritical prince that he had met.

The king continued with a confident and calm smile " Young man, I will also give you an advice, don't underestimate others … especially the older generation, the young have their own tricks but the old also have their own tricks…. We have been fighting this war for much longer, even before you were born and we are neither blind. We see what is happening and even if anyone else doesn't interfere we also have our own methods and plans to free this planet from the clutches of the Alliance government. "

Dror already knew that there were many intelligent people in the rebel forces and he knew that it would be foolish to think that he was the only person who identified the problem with the current scenario.

But he was surprised by the confident smile and claims of the king , he thought 

" Ofcourse how can such a force as the rebels not have their own method and plans, the plans might only be privy to the higher officials and there might also be other reasons behind why they are not implementing their plan… It is also possible that y own plans and actions might have caused problem for the plans that they have been preparing for years… hmm "

But Dror soon calmed down  and bowed slightly again, then showing an apologetical face he said.

" Please forgive me, king. I was presumptuous and arrogant earlier, I have not spent much time on this planet .. I might have been a little hasty with what I did too… All I saw was too many people who were suffering and I only thought of doing something about it with my own strength…. If my actions have brought inconvenience or any trouble to the plans that you have been working on… please forgive me, I will do everything in my power to correct my mistakes.."

The three seniors and the King had a slight smile on their face, then the king showed a serious expression before he spoke.

" It is good that you can see your mistakes, for now your actions have not brought many problems for our own plan … but I would advise that you talk with the commander Luke before implementing any such big plans… "

Dror bowed his head and spoke with an apologetic tone.

" Thank you for your benevolence, your highness.."

The king showed a pleased smile and continued " It is not actually me that you should be thanking… but these three who had spoken on your behalf… they believe you are someone worth nurturing and trusting, I hope you would grow to their expectation… the prime minister will discuss the rest of the matter…"

All three of the seniors along with Dror bowed to the disappearing figure of the king.

Dror could only cast his thankful glance towards the three people who still remained in the room.

" Thank you seniors for trusting in me..  I was hasty and arrogant before.. thanks for showing mercy and understanding.."

The Prime minister had a smile on his face, while the commander happily nodded towards the young man and even though Lady Raven remained emotionless a small smile appeared and disappeared on her face without anyone noticing.

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