
Chapter 72: The Sign of the Nouveaux Riche

Chapter 72: The Sign of the Nouveaux Riche

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“What’s up with that? Can our esteemed card master Bian Yun get freaked out by a card play?” Some people were making fun off to the side; apart from Qing Qing, they would all make fun each other.

Bian Yun’s expression was getting more and more serious. Any casualness had long disappeared. All his attention was focused on that little card in his hand.

The joking all around gradually decreased under his influence, and everything calmed down. Now everyone’s gaze was on Bian Yun. Even with the knowledge among them relating to cards, no one could touch Bian Yun.

Any card that could make Bian Yun so careful wasn’t ordinary goods. What they couldn’t make any sense of was how a one-star fantasy card could be worth studying.

After several minutes, Bian Yun finally blew out a long sigh. The group which had been holding its curiosity for so long started asking all sorts of questions at once, “Old Bian, is there something weird in there?”

Holding the card by the corner, Bian Yun put it in the light, and squinted to see its fine details, voicing more of what they had been asking, “This is not a simple card.”

It had never occurred to Qing Qing that even Bian Yun would say it wasn’t simple, which was more than she’d anticipated, and she showed her astonishment for the first time.

Bian Yun looked at the group’s puzzled faces, and put down the card to explain, “In principle, any one-star fantasy card has been so worked over that it can’t be worked over any further, with everything that could have been changed with its composition having been tried. But this one-star fantasy card has a very strange composition, which I can’t make out.”

What he said was astonishing, and what really made them know it wasn’t simple was the grave look on Bian Yun’s face. It surprised everyone to hear him say that he didn’t understand something.

“Who has a card play generator?” Bian Yun looked over the group, who each shook their heads. As soon as he’d asked, Bian Yun knew that he was asking the wrong people. Why would that gang be interested in card plays?

Then Yin Chenjiu stood up and said, “I’ll go borrow one.” He headed out the door as soon as he said it. Yin Chenjiu was gentle and delicate. He was one of the most popular people from the first group of exchange students.

He came back in an instant with a card play generator. Card play generators were a kind of appliance which had appeared those last few years as card plays gradually became more popular. They could project what the card play produced more smoothly and in greater detail, but at the same time, they weren’t cheap. To some extent, they were luxury goods.

Apart from the card generator, Yin Chenjiu also had a card play set in his hands, saying immediately, “The person I borrowed the card play generator from just happened to be entranced with “Wood-Cop” card plays, and said that this “Legend of Master Shi” is also their work, so I conveniently borrowed it.”

Everyone pitched in to make room. They were all very curious about what was so special with the card play which Bian Yun had said was not simple.

“Chance Encounter” started playing. Apart from Qing Qing who was the lone girl, those watching were all men.

By the time it finished playing, quite a few of them hadn’t been able to keep from falling asleep. Asking them to come watch a delicate emotional drama like that was certainly a kind of torture. On the other hand, Qing Qing’s eyes were bright, as she had been rather fascinated.

“An awesome card master!” Bian Yun gave his own high evaluation.

“I’ve never seen anything so amazing.” One among those who were just opening their sleepy eyes couldn’t help mumbling.

Bian Yun shook his head, “If it were only exquisite and meticulous, this card play wouldn’t really be anything. The real mystery of this card play is its capacity. In general, the number of cards required to have so many scenes would be way beyond the number for this card play. Which is to say that with this card play set, the number of images emitted by each fantasy card is far far beyond what an ordinary one-star fantasy card could hold. And what you didn’t pay attention to is that the dynamics of the performances were outstanding, among the most smooth-motion performances I have ever seen from a low-grade fantasy card.”

Everyone watching still had an expression of being not quite convinced, and Bian Yun said very seriously, “You shouldn’t look down on low-grade fantasy cards. The lower the grade, the more ripened the composition, making it difficult to think about making any changes. This person has been able to make so many improvements on the one-star fantasy card that it’s terrifying!”

Everyone sat up, since clearly this term ‘terrifying’ provoked them quite a bit. Although they didn’t understand card making to the extent Bian Yun did, they did comprehend the principle.

Casually turning over in his hands the “Legend of Master Shi” card play that Yin Chenjiu had borrowed, Bian Yun said, “Well, the first two installments also use this composition, but the rest didn’t use it anymore.”

“Old Bian, If they have such awesome ability as you say they do, why would they use it to make card plays?” Yan Chenjiu couldn’t keep from expressing a little doubt.

“I don’t know, maybe they were just goofing around.” Bian Yun shrugged. With his brassy eyes and especially his physique, making that utterly humorless gesture looked hilarious.

Qing Qing, who had been off to the side quietly listening suddenly interjected, “From what I’ve heard, a lot of people at Eastern Wei Academy wanted to crack this card play set, but instead destroyed quite a few pieces of equipment. Zuo Tingyi had the same situation happen to him.”

“Ruin equipment?” Bian Yun’s cow eyes got even bigger, and he immediately said in a low excited voice, “I’ll have to try.”

He pulled out his card wallet. Like his body, his card wallet was several times bigger than those of ordinary people. It was a good thing that everyone around him was used to it and didn’t find anything strange about it.

He very gingerly took out a card with a bright red composition on its surface from the wallet and put it into his apparatus. His apparatus was quite a bit bigger than an ordinary person’s, and he’d made it himself. It could accept five cards at the same time, which only a big guy like him would ever use, since if it were used in battle, it was as heavy as a brick.

“This is an analytical card that I made. It’s ability to probe, ha ha, is rather huge.” Bian Yun’s expression was full of pride, as it was one of his most satisfying works.

He carefully put it into the big apparatus, and then also put “Chance Encounter” into another card slot.

There was a light rhythmic sound as a bright screen appeared in front of Bian Yun’s face, on which all sorts of wavy lines were jumping about. Bian Yun stared at it closely in rapt attention.

The speed of the jumping lines suddenly increased. And then they became chaotic, until they became randomly twisted up into a kinky ball.

The suddenly-occurring change grabbed everyone’s attention.

“What’s happening, Old Bian?”

Bian Yun’s forehead had started to sweat a little, and he looked nervous while he stared closely at the screen, not making a sound.

The lines jumping around on the screen got faster and faster and more and more chaotic when all of a sudden, the screen went dark, disappearing before everyone’s eyes.

A wisp of blue smoke was coming out of Bian Yun’s huge brick-like apparatus, filling the room with a burnt smell.

Bian Yun’s face turned pale, and his eyes were dazed. It had hit him rather hard, and while he was certainly distressed about his apparatus and the analytical card, it was definitely the hit to his confidence that was the biggest. It was like two jousting knights, and he had been knocked off this horse.

By that time everyone knew that the unassuming card play really was that awesome!

With regard to card theory, the big six were without any doubt way out in front. While the things that they stressed might have differed, when talking about advanced levels, there wasn’t much difference among them. That had always been why card masters coming from the big six were the talent in greatest demand, and someone like Bian Yun who stood out among the outstanding, was still more in the graces of innumerable large firms.

However, to be ranked among the top three card masters at the Star Academy, and then to be blocked by one little fantasy card, was unimaginable in their eyes. Even the always calm Qing Qing looked astonished.

There really were many crouching tigers and hidden lions of hidden talent in the world! Qing Qing and Wang Ze looked at one another and both decided in an instant that they must certainly find that person.

Producer: Blockhead

What sort of saint was that Blockhead, after all?

Wang Ze quickly decided, “Chenjiu, you’re the most familiar with them, go right away to find out any news about that Blockhead.”

Taking a look at the dazed Bian Yun, he nodded and turned around through the door.

Looking at their companions looking at them, everyone was astonished.

Wang Ze was secretly pleased by the scene. It would let them know that aces were everywhere, and it would be good to sober them up a little, when always keeping their eyes on the top could be dangerous.

He privately decided that such talent had to be brought over to their side.

A big reason for The Star Academy’s decline those last few years was problems with the cultivation of talent. As compared with the other schools, Star Academy’s manner of cultivating talent was very harsh, which then led in turn to a longer period of cultivation. A shortage of high level talent had always been one of Star Academy’s biggest issues during those years.

Wang Ze was very worried about the issue.

He knew that he had already been fully incorporated into the system of Star Academy, whether it was governance or financial matters. It wasn’t only Wang Ze, but all the students understood the same principle, that provided that the Star Academy could maintain its position, they would then have good lives. It was a matter of if one flourishes, all flourish, and if one loses, then all lose.

That was also characteristic of the big six. Anyone who was able to enter one of the big six was gifted and intelligent. As soon as they entered, they bore the brand of the big six. After graduation, they could enter any of the profitable firms represented by the Academy. Not only must they study diligently, but when they ran into that sort of ace, they had to go all out to win them over.

In that way not only would their benefit lead to collective benefit, they would also get rewarded by the firm, which would be beneficial for their future growth in the firm.

* * *

Chen Mu didn’t know that the Star Academy students were going around everywhere asking into his whereabouts. He had a lot to manage just then, such as buying a higher-grade apparatus. The apparatus that he now wore was still the original model that he’d used before, and it didn’t accord with his identity as the son of the nouveau riche.

The demonic woman was very unfamiliar with those apparatus and hadn’t paid any attention to the issue. But it would strike people as unusual to have such a cheap apparatus on his wrist, now that he was high-grade goods.

Oy, it looked as though he was getting more and more familiar with his role.

Chen Mu assessed himself from top to bottom again, still feeling that he was a little off.

The ash-colored casual clothes were just right to complement Chen Mu’s antique bronze skin. On his feet were a pair of dark brown leather hippy shoes, everything of a simple style, without any ornamentation.

So, what was wrong with it? Chen Mu hadn’t been able to answer that for a long time.

He’d spent 300,000 Oudi on his clothes, making them the most expensive clothes he’d ever worn. They were all hand-sewn, high grade fabrics . . . but he still remembered those two words among all that the girl had muttered that time.

He suddenly understood what was wrong.

These clothes were undoubtedly suitable, especially given Chen Mu’s perfectly ordinary face, and they also set off a certain boldness. But the problem was that he was now a child of the nouveau riche. Would they wear them?

In that regard, Chen Mu’s taste wasn’t high enough, even though he knew that the clothes he now wore had improved his looks. Looking in the mirror for a while, Chen Mu had an idea.

He wadded up the collar of the suit and replaced the snow-white shirt with a colorful vest. He also threw his shoes into a corner and replaced them with a pair of training shoes. He rolled up his pants and rolled up the sleeves of his jacket. He left the jacket front open, showing the colorful vest underneath.

This style-less outfit, immediately made him into a different person. Looking at the details, he didn’t see any flaws, and he went out of the house to try it out.

Eastern Wei Academy occupied a lot of land, with a complete set of supporting facilities. None of the students there wasn’t well-off, with no shortage of children of the wealthy, so that there were enough luxury shops to dazzle a person. There were even jewelry stores.

In his strange outfit, Chen Mu would attract people’s strange gazes no matter where he went.

He didn’t know if it was from the time that he was with the demonic woman, but his skin had gotten a lot thicker. Chen Mu’s looked utterly unperturbed, without the slightest care.

He even went to the jewelry store and picked out a heavy gold chain, which he put around his neck, along with an emerald inlaid gold ring for his finger. Taking a look, he was already completely and thoroughly a parvenu.

Some of the salesgirls were chuckling through closed mouths, while Chen Mu willfully kept the same demeanor.

At the beginning he was actually still a little reserved, but afterward he opened right up. Though he remained as clear as water in his mind, and was uneffected by what was going on around him. He was very clear about his goal, which was now to do things in accord with his identity.

He embraced his new identity from his heart, since otherwise, it would be too easy to expose himself. Failure was always in the details. While his outward manner wasn’t at all like him, he was one hundred and ten percent Chen Mu in his mind, where it didn’t have the slightest effect.

Who knew if there were people around him with ideas? He would only have one chance, and if he made the slightest mistake, he would be a dead man!

He swaggered into the card accessory shop.

The attendant respectfully came forward, though still showing some ridicule in her eyes, which Chen Mu saw very very clearly. As though he didn’t notice, he asked in a loud voice, “Your apparatus here? What kind do you have for me to take a look at?”

His voice was loud, and the students around who were in the process of buying things frowned with annoyance. Once they saw what Chen Mu was wearing, they displayed looks of disdain.

“Would you kindly come this way, sir?” Once she saw the situation, she quickly wanted Chen Mu off to the side.

“This is this year’s latest Soft Cloud apparatus. Look at how light it is; you won’t even know that you are wearing it. It was designed specifically for battle, and it even has quite a few useful auxiliary functions, not to mention four card slots, which would mean that in addition to the power card, it could deploy three different battle cards at the same time. What is more, it has the most staying power among all the styles. Whether from market feedback or user ratings, it is certainly a very good choice.”

This snow-white apparatus was much more miniature than ordinary apparatus, and its design was very clean, without any decoration. Chen Mu really liked it.

Still, he firmly stopped that kind of thinking, and pointed to another one on the counter, “I want that one.”

That apparatus was studded with emeralds and rubies, with a luxurious alligator skin band that had a chiseled buckle.

The girl was hesitant, while Chen Mu pretended to wave impatiently, “That’s the one I want.”

After getting a few power cards, Chen Mu left the card-accessory store. As soon as he left, he couldn’t help an inward wry smile, as it was real agony to spend that much money to buy something he really he didn’t like. While not knowing if he really needed to do things like that, he did know that he wasn’t going to get a second chance.

Sometimes he even wondered about getting out of Eastern Shang-Wei City if the time were to come. But he believed that the scheming demonic woman would never have omitted such an important point. She would certainly be able to find him!

This was what Chen Mu had determined, that while he didn’t know what the demonic woman would have to go through to find him, he was certain that she would find him.

So, he didn’t dare flee, since he didn’t dare to take his own life in the attempt.

He was suddenly really bothered. He felt that he was like a puppet, held by invisible strings, with no way to escape from the demonic woman’s five-finger mountain! This feeling of powerlessness and helplessness made him extremely irritable.

He knew that he was in a bad mood, and just wanted to get back early to the dormitory. Perhaps a little high-intensity training to exhaust his spirit and his strength could take away the time to think about those things.

He sped up his footsteps and walked straight toward his dormitory.

“Hey, isn’t that the clodhopper?” A high-pitched girl’s voice came from behind him.

Chen Mu was really annoyed and walked ahead not paying any attention.

“Ahoy, an old lady calls you and you don’t dare to respond?” The girls voice behind him suddenly raised its pitch.

Chen Mu continued to pay no attention, only quickening his pace.

That girl behind him suddenly shouted, “Ya Ya, help me stop this clodhopper!”

Chen Mu lifted his head to look and saw in front of him an impressively tall young woman staring at him. She smiled charmingly at Chen Mu, “Little bumpkin, aren’t you happy to have provoked this Sister Phoenix?” She opened her two legs after she finished, and held out her arms, to keep Chen Mu from moving forward.

Chen Mu stopped.

This young girl called Ya Ya came toward him laughing, while shouting, “Sister Phoenix, is this boy bothering you?”

Chen Mu calmly looked at Ya Ya, and didn’t say anything. Beneath his calm exterior, he was as irritable as a dry thatched roof that had suddenly been lit up.

He was just looking at the girl in front of him, his gaze like water.

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