
Chapter 83 - Star - Wedding Night Part 1




Following the wedding and the horrible kiss Uncle Howard picked me up once again.

"It\'s time for us to finish this now, Astraia. You are my wife, and you know what that means don\'t you?"

"Yes, Howard, I know. I am so happy that you are finally my husband."

"That is just what I wanted to hear." I heard the smile and laughter in his voice then as he carried me back toward the stairs that we had come down before. Slowly, just as slowly as before, Uncle Howard climbed those stairs back to the room we had left.

When the door opened this time, once again on its own, the room beyond looked different than it had before. The bed that I was in before was different, bigger even. There was a canopy that draped down from the tall wooden frame. The canopy was more of that black lacy stuff that covered the altar. The wood of the bed was also black as were the pillows and the sheets. There was nothing but black on black on more black where the bed was concerned.

The vanity in the room disappeared, it was no longer here at all. The dresser and nightstand were both different than they were before. Instead of the lighter color wood they had been, they were now pure black. The inside of the door was now black, the bar covered window was draped with black lace.

Aside from the bright white moon light coming through the window in the ceiling the entire room was black. The sight of it made my stomach flip with fear. And, there was the fact that no one could have done this in the short amount of time that we were down stairs.

Did Uncle Howard change this with magic? That was the only thing I could think of. He truly was a half warlock then. If he could cause this transformation in just a few short minutes then that must truly mean he was telling me the truth.

Uncle Howard walked me over to the bed where he placed me gently on the edge. After a quick kiss to the top of my head he started to undo the buttons on the back of the dress again. This had all been such a wasted experience, but at least it drew out the inevitable, I was in no rush to get to where all of this was leading me.

With the back of the dress fully unbuttoned, Uncle Howard pushed the dress down my shoulders, sliding the sleeves away from my arm and kissing my neck and shoulder in the process. He pushed me then, gently, until I fell against the pillows directly in the middle of the now very large bed.

Once I was on my back, Uncle Howard slipped the dress beyond my hips and down my legs. As he made his way down my body with the dress he kissed a trail that followed it. He went from my neck to my collar bone, then my chest. He bit through my bra onto my nipple when he kissed across my breasts. After my breast he kissed and licked across my stomach, he even dipped his tongue into my belly button.

The entire time that he was kissing me, not to mention licking and biting me, I was screaming inside my mind.

\'NO! NO! NO!\' I was sobbing and breaking down with no one able to hear a word of it. I was preparing to shut my mind down, preparing to check out from reality for a while, possibly forever. I needed to avoid this whatever way possible.

The problem was, I was having a hard time getting my head to shut down and block any of this out. I wanted to avoid any and all mental anguish that I could. Please, God, Artem, someone, make this stop.

Uncle Howard licked and kissed lower and lower then, never stopping or pausing for very long. He went all the way down my legs and to the tips of my toes on my left leg. Now that the dress was off though, he tossed it aside and stood before me at the end of the bed.

"Shall I undress now?" He asked me, and like always my mouth gave him the answer he wanted.

"Please do, I want to see it."

"My dear wife, you are looking forward to this, aren\'t you."

"Who wouldn\'t want to see a man as handsome as you when they\'re naked. My husband, I want to see you and feel you." What was he making me say? And how was he able to force my voice and mouth to make those words come out of my mouth?

"Then I will not keep you waiting for much longer, my sweet."

With that, Uncle Howard stood and placed his hands on the shining silver buttons of his black shirt. He undid them slowly, one by one, revealing his chest in slow teasing flashes. I tried hard not to look at it, I tried hard to shut my eyes, but it looked like my hope about that was just dashed. I was forced to watch every second of it.

With the shirt unbuttoned he slid it off his arms and tossed it to meet my dress in the corner of the room. He moved his hands to his belt then as he slowly undid the buckle before pulling it out of the loops and tossing that too to land on the clothes in the corner.

I started screaming in fear when he reached for the button of his black dress pants. He popped it from its hole and pulled the zipper down. Pressing the waist band in his hands he slid the pants down until he could pull his legs out.

His shoes must have been discarded earlier as I did not see them, or had he even been wearing any, I don\'t even remember. All I knew now was that he was standing before me wearing nothing but a pair of black underwear, his legs fully bare from the thigh down and the rest of him bare from the waist up.

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