
Chapter 109 - Star - Moving




  Once Chay left the room Artem and I sat down to breakfast. I was still worried about what we had found out this morning. I didn't know what a mark meant nor why I had one. We both started eating our omelets, toast, and bacon but I couldn't stay silent. I needed to ask some questions.


"Yeah?" He was still smiling even though it had been several minutes. He was obviously happy.

"What is a mark?"

"Oh, we haven't explained that part yet? I'm so sorry Star." He really did look like he was saddened by that fact. "A mark is also known as a mate mark. It shows other wolves and supernatural beings like us that you have a mate, that you are taken. In a sense it shows them all that you are not to be messed with. Plus it is a link between us. If you're in trouble I should know it because of the mark I placed on you."

"But, men don't usually get marks, right? That's what you said."

"No, it doesn't usually happen, but I am happy that I have one. It is a sign of my love and devotion to you and I will always be happy to have this mark." I loved his kind hearted sincerity.

"What does my mark look like? I saw yours but what does mine look like?" He grinned again as he looked in the direction of my mark.

"It is identical to mine. They match completely."

"Really?" That made me very happy.

"And they're unique because the usual mark of the pack is the outline of a wolf's paw that is filled with a pattern distinct to that male. Ours have the star and moon that represent us perfectly."

"I like that." I felt the blush creep back up into my cheeks. Dang it, I had just gotten that blush to go away. "I like that our marks and our names go together. Astraia and Artemis, star and moon. It's like we were meant to be."

"We were meant to be. That's what the mate bond means. We were born for each other. And I, for once, never plan to take you for granted."

"Artem." I sighed his name.

"You know, I love it when you say my name, but I loved it even more when you screamed my whole name." I couldn't help it, I made a distressed sort of squealing sound and covered my face to hide the flaming blush that was in my cheeks.

"Eeep!" That sound made Artem laugh with something that was smooth and rough at the same time. I actually felt his laughter.

"I mean it. I want you to use my whole name when we're together. It was exciting and arousing, and sweet all at the same time." His voice was so warm and seductive. "Will you please do that for me?" I finally pulled my face from my hands and looked at him with shocked eyes. He looked so desperate, like he was pleading with me.

"Uh huh." I agreed as simply as I could.

"Then I can't wait until the next time that I make you scream." I was both looking forward to and dreading that next time. Oh Goddess, what am I going to do with him?

Following breakfast I wanted a shower. I wasn't quite ready to have one with Artem yet so he went to his room to take his own shower and get dressed. I could feel the memories of everything that we had done last night. I must have a very vivid memory and imagination because I could feel his hands on me still. I could feel where his mouth was. Damn this was going to be bad if I couldn't curb this desire of mine.

After I was showered and dried off I went to get dressed again. I got different clothes than the ones I had on this morning when I had still been dirty from the night before. I didn't want to put dirty clothes on now that I was clean.

Almost as soon as I was dressed Artem knocked on my door.

"Come in." I called out to him as I was still near the closet. He didn't hesitate, he just opened the door and came in with a smile.

I watched as Artem looked at me with a loving smile and walked right to my side. He kissed my cheek and hugged me gently.

"I am back, sweetheart."

"I noticed." I laughed at him. "Did you need something else?"

"I came to help you move to my place." He was grinning.

"Your place? Aren't we already in your place?" I was laughing because I knew what he meant, I just wanted to give him a hard time.

"To my room in my place." He clarified with a smirk.

"I was actually just thinking about how I should go about it. I don't need to take anything except my clothes and bathroom stuff right? You have all the furniture so we don't need that."

"Yup, all you need is your clothes, toiletries, and books. I already made room for you. You will have two dressers and a closet to yourself."

"Such luxury." We both laughed at that.

Artem and I worked together to move the clothes from my old closet to my new one. It took longer because everytime that Artem passed by me he insisted on kissing my cheek, forehead, or lips.

My books were moved to the bookcase in his room where they joined the dozens that he had in there already. My dressers were on my side of the bed, which was the farthest from the door and happened to be the side that I usually slept on anyway.

After some time we managed to put everything in its place. And I said goodbye to my old room. Now that everything was where it needed to be I took a minute to look around the room.

There was the same amount of furniture in the room. They were just bigger pieces of that furniture. The bed looked bigger than the one I was used to and the dressers all had at least four more drawers in them.

The closets were bigger as well. I could fit everything I owned five times over in that closet. When Artem saw that he looked at me with a smile and spoke with a laughing tone.

"Looks like I need to take you shopping more." He winked at me as if that was something that he was looking forward to."

"I don't need more stuff though, do I?"

"You most definitely do." He was still grinning. "And I will happily buy it all for you."

I noticed that aside from the size of the stuff in the room the color scheme was different too. My room had been very feminine which was nice, but this room had been done in shades of blue and green. The bed had light blue sheets and a dark green comforter. The couch was dark blue with light green pillows. The curtains were dark blue on the outer part but light green and sheer on the inside closer to the window.

I actually really liked it. Not to mention that the whole floor was a dark hardwood and there were a few different rugs with blue and green scattered around the room.

"I like it in here, it's nice." I smiled at him as I slowly adjusted to my new room that I would share with him.

"I am looking forward to all the days and nights to come." I didn't miss the suggestive note that was there in his voice.

We had lunch together at the table in the room and then I went to study or read something in the library while Artem went to work for the rest of the day. He was apparently waiting for a response from the Warlocks he had sent a message to recently. He was trying his best to help the boys he had rescued and was trying to come up with a plan that would help to reform the entire pack. I had faith in him and I knew that he would manage to do it.

It was late by the time I actually made it to the library so I decided to just read while everyone finished up their studies. I was sitting in the cushioned window seat at the back of the room where the sun could shine down on me and the book as it moved to that side of the house.

Before I knew it, my story of love and romance that I was reading was forgotten and I was drifting off to sleep with my head pressed against the window sill.

I had a dream of the very distant past. I dreamt of a woman who was pretty and had similar features to mine but she was slightly blurred so I couldn't see her very well. Was she my mother? I honestly couldn't remember her face anymore. In the dream she was pointing at a man across a room whispering something to me.

"See that man, baby girl. That's your daddy. He doesn't want anything to do with mommy right now but he will come to know and love you some day. I just know it."

I couldn't see the man all that clearly so I must have been really young. I could make out what looked like dark green hair and that was about it. I saw a tiny baby hand swing into my vision and determined it must have been my own hand. Was I reaching for the man that was my father or was I reaching for my mother?

What was this dream telling me?

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