
Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Warning: ...I’m sorry?

The hurricane brought up a lot of dust which made people close their eyes. Gong Lixin guarded his head and face with his hands and concentrated on controlling his internal forces in his Dantian so as not to lose it. If the zombie thought to absorb his power then easily kill him, then sorry, but it was destined to be disappointed.

The hurricane slowly stopped and the wind system zombie and the zombie emperor on its back opened their eyes at the same time. The white of their eyes were completely invisible as the entire eye socket was occupied by ink-like darkness. They looked like two bottomless black holes which was terrifying. This was a zombie’s berserk state. Its attack would be hundred of times stronger than in its normal state, not to mention this was two zombie’s strength combined.

Gong Lixin’s heart felt awe-inspiring excitement. He ran his Dantian with all his strength and pushed his skills to the limit. He had a hunch that he had a hard fight on his hand.

The zombie emperor saw that this abominable human being was still standing, that the energy in the human’s body showed no signs of being extracted, and that the immature face of the human showed a happy expression.

The wind zombie was a fifth-level low-grade zombie. With the addition of the zombie emperor, its strength had soared to sixth or seventh-level and its attack speed was much faster than Gong Lixin.

Gong Lixin moved with his feet, but was a few seconds late in avoiding its claws. With the attack, the sleeve of his right arm was torn and black blood splashed from the young man’s skin and sprayed on the two zombies’ faces.

Smelling the smell of blood, the two zombies were even more excited and snarled loudly while launching offensive attacks. After absorbing the abilities of various departments, they issued wind blades, lightning bolts, fireballs, water jets, ice shards...all the available tricks were used over and over again, throwing them one by one towards the young man without any gaps in between.

At the beginning, Gong Lixin chased the zombie emperor, but right then, it was the zombie emperor who chased Gong Lixin.

The ability users in the fortress saw that Young Master Gong got repeatedly wounded and they were unable to do anything as their anxiety grew because of the zombies who hadn’t had their energy sucked away in that 500 meters radius suddenly entered a state of rage. The zombies strength soared instantly and soon, they broke into the fortress.

The small space in the fortress was not conductive to a battle and the ability users were forced out in order to fight in the plains.

The ability users walked into the field of the two and didn’t seem to have a hard time to deal with the violent zombies. However, with the constant blessings of the zombie emperor that was 500 meters away, the strength of the zombies continued to soar. The longer the battle went on, the more unfavorable it was to humans. After all, humans were different from zombies and they would eventually become exhausted.

“I understand. This is like the field of a mind system ability user and it’s also a double-layer field. The inner layer is used to absorb and the outer layer is used to bless, meaning that the range of use is within its control! The zombie emperor is indeed the zombie emperor! He’s truly terrifying!” Jin Shangyu who was protected by Gong Xianyi shouted in amazement while helping the other kill zombies in the surrounding.

Such a big thing is not good! They were too weak!

Gong Xiangyi heard the other and her mind was a little unstable. The edge of her field dimmed for a moment, but quickly turned on again. She was worried about her brother and regretted it till she felt guilty. But this was not the time to be weak!

In midair at the center of the field, Gong Lixin was fighting against two zombies. He had a solemn expression and used fierce tactics, but was slightly slower than the wind system zombie. After avoiding several wind blades in a row, he was suddenly hit by a fireball. The fireball smashed him to the ground and created a deep pit with a ten meters diameter radius. Several feet of smoke rose up into the sky obscuring everyone’s sight. Gong Lixin lay at the bottom of the pit. Whether alive or dead, it was unknown.

Song Haoran and Lin Wenbo, who had been paying attention to the battle situation, were straining their eyes. After killing the zombies around them, they ran towards the direction where the young man dropped. However, just from stepping into the inner field of the zombie emperor, the two felt dizzy, their legs went soft and they were about to collapse. Fortunately, He Jin and Dou Heng arrived in time to pull them out.

“Don’t be impulsive! Lixin will not lose so easily! Believe in him!” He Jin said loudly while fighting against the zombies coming their way, but his slight hoarse and broken voice revealed his inner fear.

Dou Heng didn’t say a word. His cold face was full of killing intent as he released thunderbolts in a mad frenzy, splitting the zombies who attacked them into two before turning them into ash. His violet eyes were constantly expanding and would soon occupy the entire space of his eye sockets. Obviously, he was also on the verge of running wild. If the young man had an accident, he would go completely mad.

The zombie emperor controlled the wind zombie and forced it to stay suspended in the air. It screamed proudly, made the wind zombie raise its hands to accumulate a huge wind blade and aimed it at the young man lying at the bottom of the pit with intentions to cut him into pieces.

Gong Lixin spat out black blood, pulled out the six gold needles from his jacket pocket and quickly inserted them into six dead acupuncture points on his chest. The golden acupuncture point method could instantly increase one’s skill to the limits, but it was only limited to only a short half an hour. After half an hour, the meridians would be broken and the person’s martial arts would be destroyed. In his last life, it was through this method that he was able to compete with Xiao Lin in an even match. In the end, they died together.

His meridian was broken and his martial arts were completely destroyed. He had rushed to attack because in his last life, it was his last chance to die. But in this life, he had Jin Shangyu’s healing techniques, so he could take this risk. In short, if his meridian was broken, it could be healed and if his martial arts was destroyed, he could restart from the beginning. In this life, he had relatives, lovers and friends. For their safety, the price was worthwhile.

The young man pursed his pale lips and did not hesitate to start. The wind system zombie in mid-air was also brewing its ultimate move. Seeing that there were two golden needles that have not entered his body and the wind blade was about to fall, a few drops of sweat fell from the young man’s forehead.

Just then, a bullet hit the wind system zombie, breaking the wind blade formed in its hand.

“Look at me, this old lady that just won’t die!” Gong Xiangyi and Jin Shangyu ran out of the fort somehow and adjusted the distance between them and the wind zombie before firing. The soldiers next to them also learned from them and quickly turned their muzzle to bombard the zombie in mid-air. The panicked and anxious ability users also woke up and quickly released long-range attacks. After discovering that long-range attacks were absorbed by the zombie emperor, they ran to the fort and attacked with guns.

The wind zombie flew to avoid the dense artillery fire and had no time to worry about Gong Lixin lying at the bottom of the pit. Gong Lixin seized this small reprieve and inserted the last two golden needles into his body. His Dantian burst suddenly and tore away at all of his body. He gritted his teeth and slowly stood up.

The wind system zombie and zombie emperor had been hit several times in a row. Although they had an energy shield, they also couldn’t like to be hit. They were annoyed. They shook off the shells from their bodies and flew towards the fort with a roar, ready to kill these abominable humans.

“Where are you going? We aren’t finished!” The young man who had been lying at the bottom of the pit appeared in a ghostly manner behind them and punched the back of the zombies, knocking them out of the air and towards the ground, creating a deep pit. Gong Lixin only had a short half an hour. The young man didn’t give the others a chance to react. After the punch, he immediately flashed to the ground to start a series of attacks, all of which landed on the huge head of the zombie emperor.

The energy cover covering the surfaces of the two zombies couldn’t withstand the internal force of the young man and began to show signs of cracking. The ability users who were 500 meters away saw the expression on the zombies’ faces. Lin Wenbo and Song Haoran were relieved and joined forces with He Jin and Dou Heng to start mass killing these annoying walking deads. Lixin was fighting, they couldn’t drag Lixin’s hind legs.

The battle situation was reversed once again. Gong Lixin began to press the zombie emperor and the wind zombie and various exquisite palm attacks emerged endlessly, one after another. The two silhouettes suddenly separated and entangled in the sky. The sound of banging fists and feet were endless. The energy shield continued to shatter as attacks bombarded it. The zombies screamed as the shield finally broke and a big hole was created. Gong Lixin’s eyes became bright. Five fingers joined to form a claw that he inserted into the zombie’s skull.

The scream of the zombie emperor suddenly increased by eight octaves and could be heard throughout the skies above the plain. The humans and zombies on the ground looked up together. Gong Lixin grinned, apparently enjoying the desperate cry of the enemy. He pushed his five fingers harder and dug out the huge crystal nucleus embedded in the other’s skull. This was a crystal-clear sixth-level crystal nucleus which emitted an extremely bright light under the light of the sun, like the brightest star in the sky.

As the crystal nucleus was dug out, the zombie emperor’s scream came to an abrupt end. It fell from the sky to the ground, dead. After it fell, the zombies who were fighting with the humans suddenly died one after the other. After a few breaths, the battle was over.

The ability users on the ground were stunned for a few seconds before they erupting in loud cheers. Some people danced, some hugged each other. More people looked up at Young Master Gong up in the air with tears in their eyes.

Gong Lixin squinted at the intensely emotional eyes projected by Lin Wenbo, Song Haoran, He Jin and Dou Heng. He converged his soaring internal force and began to slowly fall. Suddenly, his falling motion paused and, with a flick of his hand, he sent out a palm of wind. His skill level was now less than that of fifth-level of Reverse Spirit, but by raising his hand, he was still able to send sand and rocks flying, create landslides and crack rocks. The forest was swept by his palm of wind and was instantly razed to the ground. From there, more than a dozen lurking ability users twisted and deformed, turning into slush. Even earth ability users hiding under the ground were not spared.

“It’s people from Liaocheng. F**ckers, they want to sneak attack us when we’re down!” Everyone became angry and immediately besieged them.

Although one group was prepared for a fight and the other group was exhausted, the people of Liaocheng had arrived halfway to see the last bit of the battle between Gong Lixin and the zombie emperor and had decided to retreat today. If Gong Lixin discovered them, how could they dare to resist. However, they were still caught and Bai Hong’s face twisted and she cursed loudly.

“Shut up!” Gong Lixin scrunched up his brows and raised his hand to take away her ability. Realizing that her body felt empty, Bai Hong’s eyes shot wide open and her heart shook as she finally knew what was called fear. Gong Xiangyi stood outside the crowd and looked at Liao Fan from afar. Her eyes dimmed and she walked away silently.

Handing the people of Liaocheng to his subordinates, Gong Lixin stepped into the camp very slowly. Hearing the sound of Lin Wenbo and Song Haoran coming in, he turned his head and asked, “Brother Lin, Brother Song, what if I become a waste person?”

Lin Wenbo’s and Song Haoran’s eyes changed slightly, but they quickly calmed down.

“No matter what you become, you’re still my Xiaoxin. That’s a silly question to ask and I don’t need to answer it.” Lin Wenbo stepped forward and gently wiped the blood from the corner of the young man’s mouth with his thumb. His dark golden eyes shone and overflowed with strong, unquestionable love.

Song Haoran stepped forward and hugged the young man’s thin waist, using this warm hug to answer his question.

Gong Lixin smiled happily and pushed Song Haoran away before pushing out the six golden needles in his body bit by bit. Then, suddenly, he fell to the ground in front of the two’s frightened eyes.

CrazedCookies: Sorry, I haven’t finished translating the next chapter. But good news is, next week will be the last two chapters!!! Also, thank you Dai for the Ko-Fi!!!

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