
Chapter 74 - A Husband Thanks Xiaoxiao A Few Times In A Row.

Either the goddess of luck had her eyes on them or the god of fate altered the world pillar!

Why would the husband think like that? It was just because the whole forest disappeared in a few days allowing the husband to gather a lot of wood! This is going to make them particularly safe during the night.

With such high defense, no one should be able to disturb the nights of the couple. And if someone managed to do so, then Kyoya and Xaya would have enough time to prepare for incoming attacks.

"These gloves seem to possess the ability to increase attack speed and reaction time. Your knives should feel even better within those."

Xiaoxiao smiled kindly as she saw the gloves on Kyoya\'s hands. The party of three was already kitted out as much as possible thanks to the fallen adventurers! Their strength also had risen, but it was mostly for Kyoya and Xaya as their potential was unlimited in the world pillar of the low world.

Other than gloves, Kyoya also got a leather vest and boots that reduced the damage. The first thought that appeared within Kyoya\'s mind when he got those was that it is far easier to move around and leap off from the highest places.

Of course, the feet are rarely attacked, so Kyoya\'s thoughts were pretty accurate. Jumping from the higher cliffs, trees and other high places is going to be easier. Maybe with the feet cultivation, the effects get doubled?

That feet cultivation shouldn\'t only focus on the lady\'s feet beauty!

As for Xaya, she was packed with the medicines inside her inventory. She was unlucky as the unique class of hers makes most of the items simply useless on her. Other than defense, that is.

After her husband\'s words, that emphasized the recent events, Xaya didn\'t need much time to get convinced. She wore the annoying, hard, and uncomfortable leather jacket that still couldn\'t hide her chest.

Of course, those peaks are going to be hidden within the house from now on.

"He is scared… The dungeon monster is scared… If it was me from the second floor, then I wouldn\'t believe it… Not like we are… strong, but the ability to cut the whole dungeon is too outstanding. You should realize it now, Kyoya."

"I already was aware of how amazing it is when your jaw hit the ground, Xiaoxiao."

"Don\'t mention it…"

"Yes, yes~~"

Kyoya\'s words prolonged in a humming tone, clearly to tease the lady who was rather way too much embarrassed from the recent events. It was just a small moment of confusion, no need to be bothered about that.

However, Xiaoxiao should be the one to be the most composed in this party. The \'weirdos\' enjoy their time way too much here, so Xiaoxiao took a hit when she truly hit the ground with her jaw.

The teasing tone of Kyoya also didn\'t help.

Luckily enough, Xaya didn\'t comment on that or the things would turn worse. For now, the ladies became normal friends, so it also would be bad to just destroy it because of a mere tease.

The husband knew it, so he just conveyed his thoughts by hovering his eyes on Xiaoxiao\'s face in a particular gaze.

"Every dungeon has keys."

The best way to change the topic is to mention the most important stuff and goal of the party. Xiaoxiao came back to her teaching mode, then explained the things up. Of course, rather than explaining, she was recalling the words she already had said causing Kyoya to take out a few branches that would stand out… if there was a forest.

"These branches would be the key to find and open the dungeon\'s room… But now that the forest is gone, we can just use these to destroy the last defense of the boss."

"This just makes the boss more pitiful though."

"Beasts are beasts. He would either die by hunting on others or getting hunted himself… I am sure he has enjoyed his time as the dungeon boss. If he got children, then they might become the next dungeon bosses in the future."

"Oh, this is like giving hope for its lineage or a new lineage."

"Yes. And if the boss gets strong, smarter, and let\'s say, unique, then he can actually get a pass to the higher floors and break the shackles that connect him to the world pillar. He would become like us and any other intelligent races."

It was interesting, so Kyoya continuously nodded while Xaya had her eyes on his face, nodding out from his contentment. The couple was indeed weird… Then, Xiaoxiao spoke about the next important stuff.

"How are we going to fight? I believe this is going to be one boss only without any servants or children."

"This is…"

"I can take the role of the front and keep him busy in one place. This is actually going to be a good experience for you, Kyoya."

"What do you mean, Xiaoxiao?"

"From what I saw, you are kinda fast. Fast, short attacks allow you to keep an eye on the opponents better. The point is that every living being, including us, changes patterns when it is time to use the special skill… Or the pattern slowly changes during the battle in the preparation. In the last battle, the tank\'s movement should\'ve exposed his teammates\' attack. It is a hard skill and I even face a lot of problems while keeping an eye, but it is far easier on the beasts and monsters from the floors. Focus on that."

"I will, Xiaoxiao. Thank you."

The minimap is a useful skill. The husband also had been practicing alone, so his instincts were sharpened, but he is still a human from a peaceful world… Just like Xiaoxiao had said, even she has problems learning that ability. It comes with time instead.

But Kyoya has a minimap as well that shows the opponents and important information in his vicinity. If he combines all of these and learns even more stuff in his next adventures, then more of the world will be opened up for him.

"Thank you, Xiaoxiao."

"No need to thank me two times, hehe~~ It is common knowledge."

"If I feel like thanking, then I will thank even more."

"Okay… I don\'t mind."

The reason for the husband to be so thankful was simple.

[Your sharp eye advances - the concept of perception has been learned.]

[Your Archer\'s Zone changes...]

[Lack of knowledge, improper path…]

[******\'s Zone has been achieved.]

[The effects are 50% lower due to the lack of knowledge.]

"Thank you."


it was kinda awkward at some point, but Xiaoxiao felt good nonetheless. She felt more useful in the party and this feeling was kinda intoxicating. Her heart thumped when she saw that satisfied smile of Kyoya, her eyes escaping from embarrassment in a flash.

All she could say was…

"Good luck."

"After this dungeon, it will be time to part, right?"

"Yes… There is a reason why I have become… an adventurer."

"Please, stay with us just for a day then. I would like to help you with something."

Kyoya planned to give Xiaoxiao a game system. It is going to be a system with weaker and fewer options, but he had gotten and learned so much from her he found it unfair that she is only at the fourth-floor level.

There was also the happiness of him getting a friend and vice versa, his wife also got someone to speak with. The recent event of Xaya distributing the equipment with Xiaoxiao was still deeply etched in Kyoya\'s mind.

But the future is uncertain and the more floors, the more adventurers that can change people. Kyoya planned to utilize the \'party option\' to a certain limit then! Back when his party member was a goblin, Kyoya could see his stats and even add some. It was no problem despite Anoke being a believer.

It\'s not like Kyoya changes the belief nor his game system acts like one, forcing the chosen one to believe and perform some sacrifices or duties... He believed that this is the right choice and, pushed by his feelings, Kyoya asked Xiaoxiao to stay with them for a day more.

He still has to create a \'weaker system\' and pass it to her. Inviting to the party might be also fine, but what if there is a distance limit?

"Let\'s go and fight the boss then!"

"Yes, husband!"

"Let\'s go!"

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