
Chapter 531 - Heavenly Yin Wall

Chapter 531 - Heavenly Yin Wall

Translator: bluedreamsfairy

There was no way for anyone to meet in the Demon Dao because every dimension was different, although the destination was the same. So in which place did Xue Yilan hide and unseal the Demon Dao?

As Little Qilin didn’t have any clues, it glanced at Han Shanyue, whose face was profound like water. This was the first he has met such a cunning and troublesome opponent after so many years!

Flipping his wrist, a Golden Messenger appeared.


On the Lotus Fu Mountain in the Lunisolar Sect, thousands meters away.

The Great Steward in charge of the General Affairs was arranging the day’s schedule in the studio, when a jade-like white wall brightened gradually… He widened his eyes from the surprise. After a moment of being dazed, he quickly kneeled before the wall, solemnly answering: “Venerable Ancestor!”

After departing from the Sect, the Venerable Ancestor wouldn’t easily contact them as there wasn’t anything he couldn’t solve in this world. And even if he did, he would employ a normal messenger to enquire about their work status, not a Heavenly Yin Wall, which would be used for urgent matters! Moreover, all the Lunisolar Sect’s disciples were needed as the instructions on the Heavenly Yin Wall were the highest of all orders, and which meant they couldn’t be neglected and neither fail.

The Great Steward’s heart was bumping chaotically, expecting some kind of earth-shaking disaster. However, the golden characters which shined on the Heavenly Yin Wall were the following: “Reconnoitre all the followers. Search throughout the Chaos River. Find a red-clothed man and a woman at all costs. Report this One in six hours!”

The Great Steward was surprised but didn’t dare to delay. In fact, he immediately yelled: “Venerable Ancestor Decree!” He stood up abruptly and went to call up the menpower at top speed.

There were about ten thousands disciples belonging to the Lunisolar Sect? And many more if they had to count all the spies in every region and nation. They were like complicated and twisted roots as their network was richer and more accurate than any country’s. So, if anything unexpected happened, the Lunisolar Sect would know in advance and react accordingly. Although they knew everything, and because they were above the world, they wouldn’t usually interfere in every country’s factions’ affairs. Only having information was enough. But once they did, nobody could go against them as they used thunder-like means.

As for the people dispatched, they were all clever and sly people, in charge of a task. Normally they wouldn’t move, as they just gave the news. But as long as the Venerable Ancestor Decree was passed down, then they all had to oblige.

After a while, all the Lunisolar Sect’s followers of the continent intensely began to scout throughout the Chaos River, with the same goal of searching for a red-dressed man and a woman but putting to use different methods. As long as that red-robed man was within the continent, they would find him sooner or later -even if he hid in a mousehole!


Little Qilin didn’t know what Han Shanyue wrote on that Golden Messenger, but it was nearly startled by the Heavenly Command to death. After he finished sending the message, he retracted his Golden Amulet.


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