
Chapter 248 Senile Ministers

Chapter 248 Senile Ministers

Li Minghua\'s expression morphed into discontentment. Her eyes flashed with indignation. A fire burned within her, brighter and louder than the one that shrouded the house back then.

Empress Huiyun smiled in pure amusement at the little girl in front of her. "You should remember exactly what happens to those who went against me. You, out of everyone else in this Palace should know."

"Then it\'s a pity I never learn," Li Minghua said as she stepped forward.

"What are you going to do?" Empress Huiyun mused. "Kill me?"


The Empress let out a shrilling laughter that sounded foreign to herself. She knew Li Minghua was nothing but a bluff. This girl only knew how to be stupid and create a mess out of herself.

"You?" Empress Huiyun mused. "A little girl such as yourself who has never once lifted a sword in her life?"

Empress Huiyun shook her head at how hilarious this woman was behaving. "Do you want to know why I don\'t keep guards in the corridors?" she asked.

Li Minghua simply waited for her to continue, knowing the Empress was the type of woman who loved to monologue.

"My Jinkai loves me more than anyone else in the world," Empress Huiyun said. "The men assigned to me are the best of the best. As we speak now, their weapons are undoubtedly pointed towards you somewhere in the distance."

"Then it\'s a pity they will never lift a finger on me," Li Minghua mused.

"You\'re supposed to be dead. That protection on you has long been lifted. The second you approach me with a weapon, someone will step out of the shadows in the hallways or outside of the window and you will fall onto the floor dead."

Li Xueyue gulped. This was a conversation she shouldn\'t be eavesdropping on. She didn\'t expect so many things to unfold tonight. It was simply too much for her to handle. She took a step back, not wanting to hear any more of the conversation. If she was found near the Empress\'s corridors, she would be deemed a witness and that would cause too much trouble.

Li Xueyue thought her mother was delusional when the Duchess called out Li Minghua\'s name. Turns out, a mother knows best.

"I should go," Li Xueyue said as she took a hesitant step backward but had unexpectedly collided against something. Her heart dropped. Goosebumps rose on her arms. She didn\'t even want to turn around, but she didn\'t have to.

The person grabbed her tightly as the other hand reached out in front of her. A white handkerchief was pressed against her nose and face.

Li Xueyue struggled for her dear life. She reached for the dagger hidden in her hanfu, but the person already predicted her next move. She was barely able to ease out the knife before it was slapped out of her hand, clattering on the ground.

Li Xueyue\'s vision was beginning to blur, but she did everything in her power to continue fighting. Whether it was kicking or attempting to scream against the hand, nothing worked.

Soon, the drugs on the handkerchief began to work and she started to see black dots before the world faded around her. The last thing she heard was a loud scream and then everything went dark.

- - - - -

"Darling?!" Duke Li Shenyang called out when he saw a familiar figure standing at the corner of a hallway. He had never ran faster in his life.

Duchess Wang Qixing had barely turned her head when she was roughly embraced by Duke Li Shenyang. The only sound she could hear was his muffled breathing and his erratic heartbeat.

"You\'re safe," Duke Li Shenyang whispered as he pulled back, holding her at arm\'s length, examining her for any signs of injuries.

"H-honey?" Duchess Wang Qixing muttered.

Duke Li Shenyang noticed his wife was still in a daze. Her eyes were on him but her mind wasn\'t. When he saw the tears in her eyes, he knew she had been hallucinating again. He could do nothing but hug her again.

"It was just another illusion, darling," he murmured.

"N-no, this time it wasn\'t," Duchess Wang Qixing stuttered out. "I know it wasn\'t!"

"Shhh." Duke Li Shenyang tightened his arms around her frail frame, knowing the heartbreak was too much to deal with. He thought she had moved on from Li Minghua\'s death. What could\'ve triggered it today?

"Come, let\'s get you to safety so that I can continue the search for Xueyue," Duke Li Shenyang said.

Duke Li Shenyang had barely managed to sneak past the Imperial soldiers when he chased after his wife and child. It was just his luck that he had memorized the layout of the palace grounds. The hallways were built to be a maze that trapped suspicious people inside.

"You are my wife. Your safety will be my men\'s priority. Come with me," Duke Li Shenyang said, placing a hand behind her back and began to guide her down the hallway, but she fought against him.

"No, I really saw Minghua!" Duchess Wang Qixing cried out in a rush. "I\'m sure Xueyue saw her too, and that\'s why she went with me and—"

"Darling, Xueyue chased after you because she was probably worried by whatever the hell you were doing," Duke Li Shenyang sternly said. "As a result, we\'re unable to find her now."

"I will always recognize my daughter, even from afar," Duchess Wang Qixing exclaimed. She shoved him away and hugged her stomach. How could her own husband not believe her? It wasn\'t like she was crazy!

"Please, my dear, we don\'t have time for another argument. I\'ve barely managed to escape the Emperor\'s guards. We have to get you to safety so that I can organize a search party for Xueyue."

Duchess Wang Qixing bit her bottom lip. She wanted to see her Minghua one last time. There was so much she hadn\'t said or done with her daughter. "I grew up in this Palace. I can navigate it myself. I have your pendant on me. If the soldiers that stormed the Throne Room are on your side, they won\'t harm me if they see the pendant."

Duke Li Shenyang firmly shook his head. "We can\'t have you wandering the palace halls when it\'s as chaotic as it is right now. There were many people trapped in the Palace when they ran out of the Throne Room but got lost in the never-ending hallways."

Duchess Wang Qixing knew her husband was right. "Fine, but I also want your soldiers to search for Minghua—"

"Minghua is dead!" Duke Li Shenyang exasperated, grabbing her by the shoulders. "It hurts me as much as it hurts you to know our daughter died, but please, you can\'t keep doing this to us!" he exploded.

Duchess Wang Qixing was surprised and hurt by his outburst. She stared at him as if he had wronged her for the rest of eternity.

"We don\'t have time for this." Duke Li Shenyang scowled. "Our sons are waiting for us at home. You shouldn\'t throw away your present for the past. We must hurry now."

Duchess Wang Qixing had no choice but to oblige. Perhaps her husband was right. Li Minghua was dead. And there was nothing she could do to change that fact.

Duke Li Shenyang wrapped an arm around her shoulder and began to usher her down the hallway. He was surprised by the loud chatter that sounded like an argument.

"Prime Minister!" Marquis Ning gasped when he saw the couple approaching them.

Duke Li Shenyang paused. He recognized the faces of everyone gathered here. It was a handful of people from both sides of the faction. "Gentlemen, what brings you here? Have you also gotten lost?"

Marquis Ning immediately nodded as he gestured to the other Ministers. "Yes, we were just discussing the right route that would lead us out of this maze."

Duke Li Shenang calmly glanced at the Ministers. Discussion? More like an argument. He forced a polite smile and nodded. "This seems to be the Empress\'s quarters. I pray she made it out of the mess, safe and sound. Come, let\'s head down in the other direction. I believe it???ll lead us to at least one exit—"

He was interrupted by the sound of a loud and piercing scream. The sound was so haunting, you\'d think someone was murdered.

Marquis Ning was alarmed by the feminine cry. "Who could that be? Oh dear, do you think it\'s the Empress?!"

Before Duke Li Shenyang could respond, another man spoke up.

"We must investigate! If it\'s the Empress, then we have to save her!" Baron Han said.

Duke Li Shenyang\'s lips twitched. If it wasn\'t the stupid father of Han Jieru who tried to harm Li Xueyue.

Baron Han was one of the senile Ministers who weren\'t part of the plan.

Duke Li Shenyang held back a sigh. Just his luck. He could try to direct their attention elsewhere, but it\'d raise too much attention to him.

Duke Li Shenyang didn\'t need people to think he was suspicious. Once the entire Royal family is killed, the next person in line for the throne would be the only remaining Princess of the Wang Family—Princess Wang Qixing.

Duke Li Shenyang\'s smile tightened. "Yes, we must hurry and head there. If it\'s the Empress, we must do everything in our power to save her."

Marquis Ning\'s eyes met the Duke\'s and he bowed his head, knowing what was to come. The two men could only try to stall time through a discussion.

"Someone should guide the Duchess to safety," Marquis Ning said. "In case it is a bunch of soldiers attempting to ambush the Empress, saving the women is our top priority."

Marquis Ning turned to Baron Han and revealed a benevolent smile. "Why don\'t your group of men lead Duchess Wang to her safety. The Prime Minister and I hail from a military lineage. We can fight off the rogues if need to—"

"No!" Baron Han said with a shake of his head. "We need to stick together. If we separate, there might be more conflicts. Why are you men trying to delay time? It\'s very suspicious."

Duke Li Shenyang raised a brow. At a time like this, the Baron had the nerve to make stupid accusations? Last time he checked, Baron Han\'s reputation had greatly diminished because of his daughter\'s crimes.

Nonetheless, Duke Li Shenyang forced a small chuckle. "It seems you\'re suspicious of me for no apparent reason besides the fact that your daughter hates mine." He shook his head, almost as if disappointed by the Baron\'s words.

Baron Han flushed red at the hint. The other Ministers murmured amongst themselves, knowing exactly what Duke Li Shenyang was implying.

"T-that wasn\'t my plan. Instead of arguing amongst ourselves, we should head in the direction of that scream together!" Baron Han nervously pointed towards the hallway where the sound came from.

"Let\'s go then," Duke Li Shenyang said with a determined nod. He moved his arm and placed the Duchess behind him, in case something did happen.

Together, the group of aristocrats headed down the path leading to where the scream came from. And no one would\'ve anticipated what happened after that.

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