
Chapter 22 - -21<HTC Branch-1>

The arcane city is not far from the bonie village. It only took a 3-hour walk to get from the village to the gates of Arcane city. Arvin had already put all of his belongings in the inventory of the system. As for the broad sword, Arvin was carrying it on the back with the help of a leather sheath that was given by Josh before he left.

During these 4 months, his body which looked like it malnourished has now transformed into a lean body. Arvin was now in good shape and based on the physique it could be said that he could be now compared to the hired sword that could be found in the cities. Right now he was wearing a white color sleeveless shirt with black pants and sandals. He had bought these items back at the village from the money that he earned while working for Josh. ​​

While Arvin was coming to Arcane city in the distance he saw the road to the Kalgan forest. As he saw that road in distance all the memories of that day came flooding back to him. He thought about that day and today. How things are so different from back then and today…

As Arvin eventually came to the city's gate, at first he stood in the line of people. These people were merchants or peddlers who had come to the city to sell their stuff. And by night they will leave the city. Living in the city was very costly. So most of the merchants make their headquarters in nearby villages to save some costs. merchants who live within the city are usually all the bigshots.

Every day, during the morning people come from nearby villages to sell their produce in the city. And by the night they leave the city. Most of the people in the line were normal people, but some people were going to the gate directly. And soldiers on the gate would let them in without any hassle. These people are usually permanent residents of the inner city. While some other people were high-ranking HTCs and mercenaries.

Arvin had to stand in the line for about half an hour. After half an hour his chance finally came. When Arvin stood in front of the soldiers checking merchants and peddlers in the city, it was then he felt it. He didn't know why, but he started to get a feeling from the soldiers. Looking at their equipment and in their eyes, he started having a feeling. And he doesn't know why, but he already knew that this feeling that he was having was related to the battle prowess of those soldiers.

If compared to Arvin, those soldiers were indeed stronger than him. But he could feel that within a month or two he could soon catch up to them. Arvin didn't know why or how he could feel this stuff? But he knew that maybe it was related to the powers that he got from Lopt Maybe.

"HTC or Mercenary or here for recruitment?" a young soldier on the gate asked Arvin when he looked at Arvin's broad sword.

"Pardon. I didn't understand your question." Arvin asked the soldier.

"I asked you whether you are HTC or a mercenary or are you here for a recruitment test?" the young soldier replied.

"The recruitment test…" Arvin said. He was not sure what was the difference between an HTC and a Mercenary. But the recruitment test sounded like a test to join an organization or school. The main purpose of his being here was to gather information about the world. If he joins some organization or even a school then not only he will be able to get some information he might get a chance to earn some money. It solely depended on whether it is recruitment for the school or an organization.

"Walk straight, when you enter the inner district, take the second left and then walk straight in the alley. Then walk straight outside of the alley and you will find yourself in front of the HTC branch. There you will know all the requirements for recruitment. Now take out 4 coppers."

Arvin had made 1 and a half silver while working with Josh. It was a very considerate amount if compared to the people of the 1st floor. On the 1st floor 100 coppers=1 silver coin. 100 silver coins=1 gold coin. So in all Arvin made 150 coppers while working with Josh.

<A.N-A normal family living family in the village makes around 6 silver coins a year.>

"Isn't gate fees 2 coppers?" Arvin asked.

"Do you want to go to the recruitment center or not?" the soldier asked with an expressionless face. Arvin gritted his teeth and paid the man 4 coppers and then started following the path that soldier told him to follow.

Arvin was confused about why that soldier sent him towards the HTC branch. Was he talking about recruitment in the HTC branch? There were too many questions that were popping up in Arvin's mind. And answers to all those questions could only be answered in the HTC's branch.

HTC branch was like a huge and wide 3 story building. It was made in such a way that one might mistake it for a big mansion. But the big influx of people that were coming in and out of the building may let you think otherwise. Arvin felt it when he was a few distances from the building. He could feel some signatures coming from the direction of the building. There was the only word that could be said for those signatures. That word was MONSTER.

Arvin only felt dread when he saw those red birds flying in the sky. He was sure that there was no way in hell that some of those birds were in the middle of the city. But who the hell were emitting these signatures.

When Arvin reached the branch office, he felt that many people within the building could kill him in a blink of an eye. But that only made him more curious. Arvin took a very deep breath before he walked into the building.

Arvin was greeted by a heavily crowded lobby in the building. There are various desks located in the lobby. Many people were standing in line to get access to the person on the desk. Arvin looked around and found that the interior of the building was extremely lavish. There was a very huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling just above where he was standing. The floor was made of cut marble. While their pictures of warriors sculpted on the pillars of the building. Arvin was impressed by the interior of the building.

Arvin tried looking around and tried to find the recruitment desk or something like that. But he didn't find anything as such. So he stood in a random line to get tested. Arvin looked around and saw that all the people of the building were not looking at him. That feeling of not being constantly watched because of the scar on his face felt great. After only 15 mins of waiting, Arvin's turn finally came.

"How can I help you today?" A middle-aged man standing behind the desk asks with an expressionless face and emotionless tone.

"I am here for the recruitment."

"That will be 100 coppers" he replied back

"You gotta be f**king kidding me! That is a lot of money." Arvin suddenly exclaimed.

"Listen here kid, I don't make rules. Either pay or get the f**k out." The middle-aged man replied still with an expressionless face and emotionless tone.

"Here take it." Arvin gritted his teeth and took out 100 coppers from his pocket. He knew that he may have to use some money in the building so before entering the building, Arvin took out the money from his inventory and kept it in his pocket.

Then that middle-aged man counted the money carefully. After he had counted the money, he took out a brown color card from the drawer of his desk. He stamped the card and gave it to Arvin.

"Go through that hallway. At the end of the hallway, take a right. Then your destination will present itself in the second room from the turn." That man said while pointing at a hallway just behind Arvin.

Arvin understood what he had to do, and followed the instructions. When he got to the location, he found that the door of the hall for recruitment was already opened. In the hall, there were various people present. There was an arrangement of the chairs in the hall where everyone was sitting. Arvin entered the room and sat on the very first row of the chair.

Arvin was a model student who used to sit near the teacher's desk so that he could access the teacher any time he wanted. So following that same instinct he sat on the front row.

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