
Chapter 25 - -24<Meeting Alman Again>

'Did this guy just refer to the Cullen Family as the wood family? What an arrogant f**ker!' Cassandra thought.

'What an arrogant fellow. He may have been born with exceptional talent, but he had no right to shame another family. Oh god, if this wasn't important, I would never talk to this arrogant man in my whole life.' Phyllis thought. ​​

While both the girls were thinking about what an arrogant guy Arvin was, Arvin was trying to figure out what was happening? Soon all 8 people in the room except Cassandra and Phyllis started jumping on Arvin. They started talking to him. They all wanted to become friends with Arvin. All of the people started bribing him to come and have dinner with them that night.

Seeing the other people attacking Arvin, Cassandra looked towards Phyllis. She wanted to know what should do next? Phyllis looked to Cassandra, telling her to wait.

Phyllis was thinking that to get the attention of Arvin she needed something substantial. As a member of the Cullen family, she can outshine everyone. She simply wanted to wait for everyone to bid the biggest bribe that they could give. And as soon as they are done she will swoop in and offer a price that Arvin wouldn't be able to deny. But when she was about to enter the bidding war for Arvin, two soldiers wearing grey armor of the city's watch came into the hall.

Both the soldiers stood by the gate and stomped their feet on the grounds making a loud noise. Hearing the banging noise everyone in the hall stopped talking. They all started looking like soldiers. This was the HTC branch. All of the youngsters present in the hall except Arvin were confused about what City Watch was doing here. While Arvin was having a hard time believing that like an idiot he got caught as soon as he left Bonie village.

But the panicking of Arvin was cut short as a yellow color message appeared in front of him…

[A quest has been issued by Lopt.]

[For more details check quest menu]

Arvin dismissed the messages. After all, right now his life may be in danger. Quest would be a secondary reason for his worry….

But soon Arvin looked like he had seen a living nightmare. He started sweating big beads of sweat. Because someone walked through the door right now. IT was the last person that Arvin wanted to see. It was none other than Alman.

Unlike when Arvin first met Alman, he was wearing some proper clothes this time. But the clothes that he had on were also part that made Arvin worry. Right now Alman was wearing grey armor like those soldiers of the city watch. But unlike the soldiers, he was wearing 3 golden stars on his breastplate. Arvin was confused about what would happen to him when he heard murmurs from the back.

"Look it's Lord Commander of the City Watch, Alman the mighty." Some girl murmured.

"It is Alman. Did he come for that guy? He is so lucky!" Someone else whispered.

Alman had a proud and arrogant air around him. He then came close to the group. Then with a loud and authoritative voice, he asked…

"Who among you were tested to have rank-1 mana sensitivity?" Alman asked. As soon as he asked this question every youngster started looking towards Arvin. On other hand, Arvin started panicking.

Alman when saw everyone looking towards Arvin, he smiled inwardly. He then came close to Arvin and with a big smile on his face, he asked Arvin…

"What is your name, young man?" Alman asked. As soon as Arvin heard that all the burden on his shoulders just vanished a little bit. He became assured that he had not recognized him. He may doubt his identity. But he was not sure right now.

"Lopt… My name is Lopt." Arvin replied.

"Lopt'' is an unusual name. Anyway Lopt… Tell me which family do you belong to?" Alman asked.

"Family? I am afraid I didn't understand your question, sir." Arvin as politely as he could.

"I mean your allegiance. Do you have allegiance to any family?" Alman asked.

"I am an orphan sir. I don't have anyone in my family sir." Arvin replied.

"Who trained you then?" Alman asked, still smiling.

"I used to be a wood cutter. But there was this old man called Josh. He taught me how to fight with a sword and everything else that I know." Arvin said.

"How long have you been training?" Alman asked.

"2 years sir," Arvin said, lying about his actual training time.

"2 years? Good. Very good. Do you know who I am?" Alman asked.

"Yes sir. You are the mighty Alman, Lord commander of City watch and protector of the Arcane city." Arvin said. Hearing this Alman smile became even bigger.

"That I am. Now listen to me closely Lopt. If you ever need anything or you wound up in any trouble in any of the cities on the 1st floor, then feel free to contact me. I will always be here for your help. Do you understand?" Alman said.

"Yes sir," Arvin said.

"Good," Alman said. Then he turned around and was about to walk out of the hall when Arvin called out to him…

"Sir Alman?" Arvin said.

"Yes?" Alman said.

"Could you please tell me… About what is going on? I am very poor and all these people are trying to entice me. I am too confused. You are the only person that I could trust here in the room. So could you please help me?" Arvin said, asking for Alman's help.

"What do you don't understand?" Alman asked, surprised

."I gave the test. Mana in my body is of rank-f. And mana sensitivity in my body is rank-1. Both of them are fairly low marks. Then why is everyone giving me the special treatment?" Arvin asked innocently. As Alman heard his question he started laughing…


"You are a funny guy. I don't have time right now, but I think Miss Phyllis Cullen would be able to answer your question." Alman said. Then he walked out of the hall leaving Arvin and all the people behind.


In the end, Cassandra invited Arvin for tea with Phyllis in the cafeteria of the HTC branch. She promised that she will answer all of his questions there. Arvin agreed to their arrangement. After that a lady carrying a typewriter with her. She one by one asked everyone their name. Then she gave out a bronze color card to everyone in the room. She told them that these were supposed to be the identity cards of HTCs. They should keep them safe and everything. Soon as all the formalities were over, Cassandra, Phyllis, and Arvin went towards the cafeteria of the HTC branch….

"So 1 score in the mana sensitivity is a good thing?" Arvin asked Cassandra and Phyllis who were sitting in front of him sipping a cup of tea.

"Yes. Getting only 1 mark means that you have very high sensitivity. That ball that the old man gave you emits mana. And then it checks how much mana your body can absorb. 1 Score means that only 1 portion of mana was not absorbed by your body." Phyllis explained.

"Is that so? But still what does this mean? Even if my mana sensitivity is high, what does that mean for me? Why everyone was treating it as a big deal?" Arvin asked.

"It is a big deal as there is a correlation between how much mana sensitivity and someone's potential. People with 1 as their score in mana sensitivity usually have the potential to become a top powerhouse on the 1st floor."

"Woah. Then it is a big deal then. So is my potential just like earthlings?" Arvin asked.

"Yes and no. Earthlings are simply monsters. Some of the earthlings might show the same result as you, but they are far more superior than any person on the 1st floor." Cassandra answered.

"There is also one more thing that makes you special. People with more mana sensitivity could use magic if they ever go up the floor." Phyllis said mysteriously.

"What is magic?" Arvin asked.

"Magic is a power that can grant you powers to create fire without wood, make rain without clouds and so much more. It is a mysterious power that could make anyone a very powerful powerhouse."

"Really how could I use magic?" Arvin asked.

"All that you have sign allegiance to the Cullen family and then…" Phyllis was speaking when Arvin interrupted her in between.

"Thanks for the wonderful time ladies. Now I would like to go. Thanks for the information. Bye." Arvin said abruptly and ran away…

#edited by Hocther

#19 power stone more to go for a 2 chapter mass release on Sunday...

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