
Chapter 27 - -26<Heist-1>

Arvin has only seen very few movies in his whole life. One of them was Ocean's 11. It was a movie about a robbery. A casino robbery to be exact. Our main protagonist in the story with the help of his crew can pull off a very big heist in one of the greatest casinos of Las Vegas. While pulling off the heist the main character was also able to steal back his lover from the owner of the casino. Overall it is a very good movie.

It was one of the favorite movies of Arvin. Arvin thought that work of fiction was the greatest heist that he has ever pulled off. But of course, he had not seen a heist movie other than that. But using that movie as the reference Arvin started planning his revenge on Alman. But before he did something, he needed a few things to do before that. ​​

First and foremost, Arvin had to make sure that he had mastered the only super weapon that he has. That superweapon was his shape-shifting skill. That was the only way from which Arvin could pull off this heist. That skill provided him with an opportunity to get in and get out of any place without anyone seeing him. So first he needed to master the skill.

After making plans and a list of the things he needs to care for, Arvin went out in the city. He needed to find the location of the heist first. After all, he needed to know the layout of the whole place where he will infiltrate in a few days. And he had already had a place in his mind from which he would start his investigation. He had decided that he would start from the same place where he has been before. And it only took him about 15 min to get to this place…


Over a big black iron gate and the curved plank was fitted. On that plank, some weird symbols were carved. And those words said…


Arvin was back at the City Watch headquarters. The last time he was here, it was almost night time and he was a captured fugitive. And then he was forced to fight a death duel with a boy. It gives Arvin a laugh sometimes when he thinks of that night. It was a crazy night with a crazy ending.

When Arvin reached the City Watch HQ, instead of going inside he ventured around the building to take a look around the building. He wanted to find all the entry and exit points of the HQ. When going around the HQ, Arvin was able to find that there are a total of 4 entrances of the HQ.

The Arcane city was very close to Kalgan Forest. So to be prepared for any beast tide or something like that, Arcane city was made very systematically. The arcane city was like a big circle. The perimeter of the circle or the edges of the city were defended by big walls. The City Watch is the protector of the city as well as the police of the city. So in a case of emergency, They need to be able to reach from one end to another swiftly and as quickly as possible.

So the HQ of the city watch was made in the middle of the city. There were 4 major roads in the city. They all originate from the 4 gates of the city and go straight to the HQ of the city watch. So, in case of emergency soldiers were deployed from HQ and they could come to any gate within a matter of 12 mins.

These roads were also a hotspot for the crowd of Arcane city. They were huge enough for an army to pass through them, so peddlers and street-side shops used these roads for conducting businesses. But Peddlers and other small-time business owners are forced to conduct business in the outer circle of the city. And big merchants own big shops in the inner part. So every day till midnight these roads are crowded with people. Arvin thought that maybe he could use this as an advantage.

As the building was a concern, due to tall walls surrounding the HQ he was not able to see the layout of the building. The last time he came here was in the evening when the sun was about to set. His mind was in disarray, so he did not remember a lot of things about the building. And the worst part was that there was no vantage point near his location so he can't tell what was inside.

Arvin could just walk into the building. After all, this HQ was also like a police station. Many civilians are coming in and out of the building. The arcane city was very big. So the number of crimes committed here was also as huge as in the city. But Arvin didn't want to go in there. If he goes in there and someone finds him suspicious then it could jeopardize his entire plan. So after going around the building, he was about to return to the inn, it was then he saw something interesting…

As Arvin was going back towards his inn, he thought that he should take a look around the marketplace. While strolling in the market Arvin saw an old man in rags was sitting by the road. In front of him, he made a make-shift stall where he was selling Corgans. With an appearance like pigeons, Corgans are the common bird found on the first floor. That old man was selling the Corgan's meat. Although Corgan was a bird, its meat was not delicious at all.

Arvin was not interested in the bird's meat. He was more interested in the dead bird hanging in his stall. Arvin walked straight towards the old man…

"Hey, old man how much for the bird?" Arvin asked.

"2 copper." The old man said.

"I will give you one copper," Arvin said. He knew that this was a useless bird and there was no way in hell that it costs 2 copper. So he tried to bargain.

"Are fu*king kidding me kid? There is no way in hell I will give this bird away in half the price." The old man barked.

"Ok then." Arvin then started walking forward. But he had only a few steps when the old man spoke again…

"Fine! You can have it." The old man spoke. Arvin with a big smile on his face took a u-turn and came in front of the old man once again. But as he came back, he saw a 2 jar full of flies kept beside him.

"Old man what are those flies for?" he asked curiously.

"They are for a young master who has a small lizard as his pet… Do you want the bird or not?" the old man asked

"Here are two coppers. Throw in the fly jar too." Arvin said while giving him money

"Fine." The old man said.

Then with a dead bird and a jar full of flies, Arvin returned to his inn once again. He then placed the bird in front of him and asked Dobby what to do now…

'Dobby, I got the bird in front of me. Tell me what do I need to do now?' Arvin asked

[Host has to touch the bird with his hands.]

'That is it?'

[Yes. ]

Arvin then put his hands on the dead body of the bird. He waited for a few seconds but nothing happened. He thought that some sort of light would be emitted from his body or something supernatural would happen. But to his surprise, nothing happened. He then waited for a few more minutes. But still, nothing happened….

'Hey, Dobby! What is happening? Shouldn't something happen?'

[Host the process was finished a long time ago.]



'Well, I don't have time to deal with your bullshit. Tell me what I have to do next?'

[All the new host has to do is practice…]

#edited by Hocther

#Only 9 power stones more to go...

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