
Chapter 41 - -40<The Hunt-3>

Seeing another one of their comrades perish by the hand of Arvin the rest of the wolves came out of their hiding places. They all had fury in their eyes and they all started running towards their target, Arvin.

Hearing the growls and running sound, Arvin turned around only to see 4 wolves running towards him. Seeing 4 wolves coming towards him, made Arvin nervous at first. But he knew that one way or another he had to face the. So he shoved all of his nervousness deep inside his guts and started making strategies about the upcoming hunt… ​​

{Careful kid. Someone powerful may be controlling those wolves.}

\'Like a Gamma?\'

{Don\'t know. Maybe I am wrong and these wolves are not getting an order from anyone. But it does not hurt to more careful.}

\'Josh told me that beast with higher rank displays intelligence… I have an idea. With it not only I will be able to take care of the wolves but also see whether they are under someone\'s order or not.\'

{Really? Not bad… Show me what you got cherry boy…}


Arvin knew had read about the wolves, dogs, foxes, etc in his school. They all belong to the Canidae family, otherwise called as canine family. All of the members of this family have exceptionally powerful noses. As powerful as their noses were, they are also the very sensitive part of their bodies. So if Arvin could harm their noses to some extent he could stun them for a few seconds.

Wolves are creatures with 4 legs. Their 4 legs are made in such a way that they are unbeatable in the foot. One cannot outrun them. But the only downside of their powerful legs was that they are not a good climber. Especially in the area which is too steep…

Using these two facts, Arvin made a strategy. He started running away from those wolves\' directions. While running he made use of his agility and climbed up on a tree. He didn\'t climb up so high that the wolf might not able to see him. He climbed up to a height and sat on a branch of the tree. The height of the branch was such that wolves on the ground could only glare at him and not do him any harm.

As all of the wolves got near Arvin, only one wolf got under his tree. While the other three wolves made encirclement around the area surrounding Arvin\'s tree. Logically if these were attacking their own accord they all would have started scratching their fangs on Arvin\'s tree trying to catch him. After all, they are animals.

But seeing the encirclement, Arvin became 100% sure that surely someone was pulling the strings from behind and controlling every action of these wolves. He looked around the area to see whether he could spot something. But he was not able to spot anything…

While Arvin was trying to see any other foe, in the area around him, the wolf down below his tree was getting restless. He was jumping, growling, and trying to bite Arvin\'s feet. But no matter how hard he tried he was not able to reach him. After scouting the area, Arvin felt dejected as was not able to find a single clue about the wolf in charge of these wolves. But he knew that the wolf in hiding is bound at some time. So he thought, for now, he should deal with the wolves that are actually in his sight.

Arvin raised his hands towards the wolf that was down below his tree. He then smiled and then opened his inventory…

100 sacks filled with 30 Kg of grains came raining down of the wolf, as he lifted his head to see Arvin\'s smiling face. As soon as the 3000 kg of sacks fell at once, they created a smokescreen from dirt. As the debris from the dirt and small particles flying in the air reached the eyes of the wolves, all the three wolves got stunned.

The wolf below Arvin\'s tree died instantly when buried below the weight of 3000 Kg. Seeing all the wolves were stunned, Arvin jumped towards the wolf closest to him. When landed he directly swung his ax in the wolf\'s head and killing the wolf instantly. Swiftly he took out his ax and ran towards the third wolf and he then too was killed from the powerful swing of Arvin\'s ax.

But while this was happening the third wolf had regained his focus. And what he saw after regaining focus was not pretty. He saw that all of his comrades were dead and his enemy was standing right in front of him. Enraged he lunged towards Arvin…

Arvin on the other hand may have gone too overboard when killing the third wolf. Because when he killed the third wolf, he swung his ax so hard that although it penetrated the skull of the wolf, it got stuck in one between the bones of the wolf. While Arvin was trying to retrieve the ax, he heard that the 4th wolf was coming his way. With his ax stuck in a corpse, Arvin was stuck in a bad situation.

But through his fighting, Arvin had understood one thing…

These wolves were very very weak creatures. He heard Josh\'s stories about how vicious the beast of the Kalgan forest was. He had heard about how many people had lost their lives fighting those beings and how dreadful the forest was. But from what Arvin was seeing, he understood one thing. Either he was too strong for his good or the stories that Josh told him were full of sh*t.

So Arvin decided that the time had finally come when he stops being a f**king Pus*y. He has gained strength and done deeds that with his strength were impossible. Yet he somehow was able to pull off some dangerous stuff. So he should behave like a man now!

So Arvin let go of the ax that was stuck. He turned around to meet the upcoming threat head-on. When the wolf came near him and he jumped on Arvin. With his agility, he was easily able to evade the wolf, but also when Arvin sidestepped to evade the attack, he made a fist with his right hand. Then like an arrow shot from a bow, Arvin hit a punch on the wolf\'s jaw. Arvin used his full strength to deliver the blow, so the punch became so powerful that broke the wolf\'s tooth and slammed the wolf\'s body in an adjacent tree.

The wolf started whimpering after he slammed into the tree. But Arvin didn\'t want to show any mercy today. So he took out the ax from the third wolf\'s body and was about to cut open the 4th wolf\'s head. But he stopped when because he heard a very powerful howl from his right…


This howl was more like a roar. That roar shook the area in which Arvin was present. Hearing the roar, the birds which were hiding the trees started flying away from the monster that howled…

Arvin didn\'t bother which wolf howled as he knew that the time for the boss fight had already come. So without any remorse or hesitation, he swung his ax down on the third and last wolf. And then he turned to his right to see the beast that shook the area with his voice alone.

When Arvin turned to his right, he saw that two wolves were standing at a distance. One of them was a brown wolf. But unlike the wolves that Arvin had till now, this wolf was bigger than those other wolves. Not only by his height, but he also looked more muscular than the wolves whose dead bodies were in Arvin\'s footsteps.

While the other wolf was black. This black color wolf was even larger than the brown color wolf. Arvin didn\'t know how he could tell, but that black wolf was way stronger than the brown wolf. He may be not as muscular as the brown wolf, but still, he was very powerful. Not only that he had a feeling that the black wolf was the one that made the howl that shook that entire area.

Seeing both the duos in front of Arvin, he realized immediately that these wolves were the ones that we\'re pulling strings from the back. They were the ones that were controlling the brown wolves earlier.

{Careful boy. They are an Alpha and a Beta.} Lopt commented.

\'How do you know? They could be Gamma and a Beta.\'

{Trust me, kid. I know. After all, I share my fair share of experiences with wolves.} Lopt replied.

\'So what should I do?\'

{Well Beta could be fooled if you play your cards right. He may fall into a trap… But on the other hand, Alpha is different. He is the most intelligent wolf of the pack. So naturally, he will be the hardest t fool. Thus hardest to deal with.}

\'Do you have any other advice?\'

{You must kill that Alpha. I have heard about a recipe from Alpha\'s ball that could increase the length of your little brother permanently…}


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