
Chapter 51 - -50<New Powers And Challenges>

\'What do you mean by fluid being like you?\' Arvin said while closely inspecting his body.

{Ok… Do you remember what my specialization was?}



{Correct mischief. And I am also a very capable shapeshifter as well as Magus.}

\'Shape-shifter as in the skill that I got.\'

{Yes. We gods tend to make our apostles like us. So that is why all the powers that you would get in the future too will somewhat related to me. Understood.}

\'So if I was an apostle of let\'s just say Thor. Then I would gain thunder powers?\'

{Yeah, but you can never become Thor\'s apostle. His apostle may pack some power but they are musclehead freaks. They are brainless.}


{So back to shape-shifting. Now as I told you I am a god of mischief. I am also a shapeshifter. Some people also call me trickster god.}

\'So what is your point?\'

{My point is that with my powers of shapeshifting I have fooled many powerful people of the world. And that power comes from my fluid body. With it, I can transform into any living creature of variable shapes and sizes.}

\'So that means that I have become a fluid man like you.\'

{Yeah. And the best part is that with your fluid body your shape-shifting skills will advance to a whole new level. With this, you can do the infiltration part without becoming an acolyte.}

\'That\'s great…\'

{I know.}

\'Hey wait I got a question. So what is a Mischief Assassination system? What kind of quests will this system give me? Kill people and then draw colored peni*es on their faces?\'

[No. It is a bit complicated than that. But it seems that as I have control of your system I can also send you some of my gifts.]






\'You were saying it is a bit complicated than that. And then you changed the topic to that you could also send me gifts.\'


\'So what does my system do? What kind of quests will be given by the Mischief Assassination system?\'

[Whatever I wish.]



\'Forget it. Let\'s open the status window and check it out\' Arvin said and then he opened his status panel.



Name- Arvin

Level-107 Exp-60/100

Champion of- Loki, God of Mischief

Inventory-(Tap to expand)

Quests-(Tap to expand)



2>Mana Meditation={Level-5}


4>Fluid Body={MAX}


\'My skill… its name has changed. It used to say shape-shifting. Now it is saying shape-shifter.\' Arvin saw as soon as he saw the skills.

[Your skills have evolved due to your body has changed. Take a look at all of your skills and familiarise yourself with them.] Hela said. Obeying Hela, Arvin started tapping on his skills so that he could see their pieces of information.


[Name-Mana meditation

Description- As the name implies it is a meditation method that is used to flow mana in the host\'s body from the host\'s surroundings. When mana in the surroundings enters the host\'s body, it nourishes the host\'s body making it stronger, faster, and more aware of its surroundings.

Due to host\'s fluid body, mana meditation effects have increased threefold.]

[Name- Shape Shifting==>Shape Shifter

Description- An innate skill made by God Loki. It is a skill that can help the host to transform or change his human body anatomy to that of a creature of his choice. In simple words, this skill could be used by the host to transform into an animal or human of his choice.

Due to host\'s fluid body, the proficiency of host in this skill has increased astronomically. Now no one will be able to look through host\'s disguise unless done by very special means. Due to host\'s fluid body, host can now turn into any humanoid creature of any shape, size, and s*x until host can provide sufficient mana for it.

Changing into all the animals is also possible until host and can provide enough mana for it.]

[Name-Fluid Body

Description- An innate skill of God Loki. With this skill, he became a master of shapeshifting. Due to the properties of this body only people in the world could look through his disguise and recognize him.

Due to host\'s body is entirely made of fluid, host has gained 90% resistance from all the physical attacks. As well as the mana capacity of host has tripled in volume.]

[Name- Stealth

Description- A gift given by Goddess of Death, Hela. With this skill host\'s aura will start to become transparent. With this host will gain the ability to be silent as death itself.]


\'Woah. Those are some badass skills.\' Arvin commented as he saw those skills. He was seriously impressed with how impressive they were.

{Hmm… They are indeed impressive. And thanks Hela for stealth.} Lopt said.



\'By the way, can anyone tell me by estimation how much transformation time do I have now?\' Arvin asked.

{Hmm… Based on what I can feel, I say that you have about 20 hours as a human. 5 hours as a bird and 2 hours as an insect.}

\'That\'s a lot.\'

{I know.}

\'I have another question… How long was I out?\'

{I don\'t know… 2 days.}

\'2 DAY? Woah\'

{Yeah transformation is a lengthy and time-consuming process.} but this sentence of Loki was ignored by Arvin as he was too busy getting dressed. Now that he has the new abilities he needed to find Josh and get him out of here. So because of that, he started getting dressed, and then he walked out of his room.

[Do not forget, your body has changed now. So you can transform into a human then into an animal and then into an insect. There will no repercussion from constantly changing your transformation. But the only catch is that you must enough mana for this,] Hela commented

Arvin smiled as this perk can give him infinite opportunities. He then transformed into that same middle-aged guy with a cruel face and started walking towards the inner city gate. He just needs to find a man or a woman there who is weak and has the pass of the inner city. Then he would either kill them and steal their pass.

Arvin had his beliefs if it ever came to taking human lives in his journey. At first, he had decided that he would not kill needlessly. After all, every life is precious. But his one-month training in the forest made him think back about his policy. As he killed so many beasts in the forest he started thinking that maybe his policy was bullshit. If human life was precious then a beast\'s life is too. After all, they are also living beings. But after killing beasts like stepping stones he realized something.

In the race to the 100th floor, many people and beasts will try to harm him. So that made him realize that life is life. Life itself is precious. But more precious are his goals. And any beast or human that tries to come between him and his goal will perish. And that was too it. Nothing more, nothing less.

With that thought in his mind, Arvin left the inn. But as he was walking towards the gates of the inner city he started formulating a proper plan about how to infiltrate. He wanted to choose a disguise in which he could roam all over the inner city and don\'t have any consequences. And the best role for this job would of none other than a guard of the inner city. With that, he could get in and out of the city without raising any suspicion.

The outer city guards and inner-city guards had huge differences between them. From what Arvin has observed he could say that the outer city guards were sort of newbies or amateur fighters. While inner-city fighters were veterans. There was also s a difference between their uniforms. While both of them wore brown color chest plates, the inner city guards wore red capes on their back while outer city guards didn\'t wear any sort of robes.

Arvin just needs to find a guard with a red robe and then his plan would work out. But as he was walking towards the gate, Arvin started seeing flaws in his plan. If some ask him any question regarding his duty then his disguise could be blown. So although disguising himself as a guard had its perks it was also raised the bar of dangerousness.

Arvin then remembered that he had seen some of the outer city folks that also have access to the inner city. They are usually are the menial workers. They do odd jobs in the inner city. Like cleaning the streets and manual labor. But the main point was that these guys also have access to the inner city.

Arvin then started thinking that his motive was not getting in the city. But also have a disguise that could help him to stay as close to Cullen estate as possible. Then all that he need to do was transform and stealthily get Josh out of there. So a disguise as a menial worker was the best option for him. After all, if a guard vanishes people will notice it. But a manual laborer vanishes then people won\'t bat an eye for it.

With that thought, Arvin started walking towards the gate. He wanted to find a menial worker that could get him close to Cullen\'s estate. It was very tricky to find the right guy but Arvin had a feeling that today is his lucky day. And today he will find his target and infiltration would be successful…




























But things didn\'t go exactly as he planned.

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