
Chapter 77 - -76<Finale-1>

'A peace treaty? A FU*KING PEACE TREATY? That is the worst thing that could happen right now.' Arvin exclaimed inwardly.

  The war between the Cullen family and the Cross family was a crucial part of Arvin's plan. He had thought that he would use this war as the cover and kill all four of his targets. This way if someone from the upper floors tries to investigate their deaths then they would have to funnel out information from these two families. And till the time they would realize that actually a third party was involved in this and he killed them all, till that time it would be too late to track him.


Arvin didn't know the powers that people from the upper floors have. But as he had seen very weird things since he came here, he had guessed that maybe that those people from the upper floors might possess the means from which they could track him. So he needs to be careful while planning out his whole grand plan. But now the peace treaty had ruined his plans.

Arvin knew that this old master was a fool. He could easily be manipulated and thus could be convinced to not to sign the treaty. Arvin knew that if talks to him, man to man, he could easily manipulate him. But the problem was that the people from the ghost faction were already suspicious about Han. And even if he somehow manages to manipulate him and the people from the ghost faction hears about then they will have one more reason to be suspicious of Han. And he didn't want that as Han was a very important character in Arvin's disguise.


As the third elder disclosed the information about the peace treaty, Han didn't let any emotion show on his face. He just smiled and congratulated the old master. The third elder also seemed very happy from the turn of events. While Terumi sat on the sofa set with an expressionless face. She had been sitting there just like that ever since Han grabbed her by her neck and showed his prowess.

The old master tried to apologize that he thought Han had betrayed him. He should have known better. He tried to blame Terumi for this. After all she the mastermind that manipulated him and others. But Han butted in and stopped from doing so. Han convinced the old master being suspicious was one of her good qualities and this what the Cullen family needs right now…

"So you are suspicious about their intentions?" the old master asked.

"My lord let's not forget that we don't know the new head. He may a man of integrity, but that doesn't mean that we have to let our guard down." Han said.

"My lord, I think elder Han is right. We should not let our guard down just yet." The third elder commented.

"So what should we do?" the old master asked Han and the third elder.

"I have a plan, my Lord," Terumi said. As she said that all those three men started looking intently at her…


4 days later…

In an unknown place in space, there lied a tree. Suspended in the space that tress had a magnificence luster to it that could be compared to a star. It was of the size of three of the largest building on earth combined together. It was strange that the tree didn't need any sort of soil to grow. Its roots were openly suspended in space. The most interesting thing about this tree was that this tree was bearing small pink color fruits. Those fruits looked ready to be eaten any time. If a person from earth would have looked at the tree then he would recognize that fruit in an instant. That fruit was the peach fruit from the earth.

In the innermost part of the tree, a monkey could be seen lying on a branch. That monkey had golden color fur. That monkey had the size of a human. He was wearing red color robes and pants. He was wearing a golden crown on his head. Just by the side of that monkey was a golden staff.

In this peaceful environment, that monkey was sleeping leisurely. But then he suddenly openly opened his eyes. While still lying down he looked towards his right, and sure enough, as soon as he looked the space of the area got twisted and another monkey came out of it.

While the monkey wearing red color robes had an athletic and lean body, this new monkey was the exact opposite of him. This monkey had a muscle chiselled body with veins popping out in various parts of his body. Like the first one, this monkey also had golden color fur. He was bare-chested and was wearing beads on his neck. He was wearing a traditional dhoti according to the Hindu religion. The monkey was also carrying a great hammer with him…

Seeing the guest in his home the monkey wearing red robes smiled and got up. He then leaped and went towards his guest. As soon as he got in front of him, he hugged him…

"Brother! It feels so good that you are here!" the monkey with red robes said.

"Well same here my little brother." The barechested monkey said while hugging back.

"You are just 100 years older than me. So don't act that you are my older brother and all." The red robes monkey said.

"*HAHA*… But I am still older than you." The barechested monkey said.

"Yeah yeah… So what brings you to my crib?" the monkey with red robe asked.

"What is a crib?" the barechested monkey asked…

"It's a human slang for home." The red robe said...

"Never heard of it… Well whatever, what do you mean that what brings you here? You call me here."



"Did you really think that I would fall for it again?" the red-robed monkey asked.


"Don't act surprised. I know what you are gonna say next… You would say some cheesy line that my big brother sense told me that my little brother was lonely. That is why I am here." The red-robed monkey said while impersonating the other monkey.

"Wukong… I really came here because you called me here." The barechested monkey said.

"Wait… Hanuman I didn't call you here…" Wukong said.

"Then who did call me here?" Hanuman asked.

Both brothers looked at each other in confusion. They didn't know what was happening. As they looked at each other, suddenly they heard an icy voice…

"I DID. I CALLED YOU HERE" the icy voice said.

As soon as the icy voice was heard, the magnificent tree of Wukong started losing its luster. The environment started becoming colder and colder. The roots, the branches, the fruits, etc everything started getting covered by ice.

Both Wukong and Hanuman knew that voice too well. Soon they found the location where the voice originated from. That voice originated from the same place where Wukong was lying earlier. Both the brothers saw that a man was sitting there in that place. That man had purplish-blue color skin. He had very long hair which were binded together in a form of a bun on that man's head. That man had a trident on his back and was wearing leopard skin to cover his private parts…

Both Hanuman and Wukong teleported towards that man. While teleported towards the man, that man pulled a giant blunt and had fired it up…

"Lord Shiva." Both of them said in unison. Shiva on the other hand took a large puff of the blunt and exhaled the smoke. Then he started speaking…

"Hanuman I am sorry. I didn't want to deceive you. It is just that the situation calls for me being sneaky." Shiva said.

"Don't worry it, my lord," Hanuman said.

"I need both your's and Wokong's help," Shiva said while taking a drag.

"How can I help you, my lord?" Wukong and Hanuman said in a unision.

"I need you to find a player called Arvin in the game," Shiva said.

"That's it? Why don't you let your apostles find him? Why us?" Wukong asked.

"I could ask my apostles. But this search has to be done in such a way that no one would find out about it. You have to be sneaky." Shiva said.

"I understand my lord. I will let my apostles know about your wishes." Hanuman said.

"My lord, if don't mind me asking who is this mortal that had gathered the attention of the strongest destroyer in the universe?" Wukong asked.

"He was my general piece," Shiva said while sighing.

"Was?" both brothers asked in unison.

"Loki," Shiva replied.

"*HAHA*… He had done it this time…" Wukong laughed.

"That guy…" Hanuman sighed.

"Find him. You both owe me one." Shiva said.

"Understood my lord." Both of them said.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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