
Chapter 93 - -7<The Land Of Cat People-3>

Arvin was interested in Alman's weapon since the time when he tried to kill him. After all, it was not every day you see someone use chained knives as their weapon. Then on today's faithful day, his interest reached another level when he saw those knives behave as they were alive when they wrapped themselves around Alice's feet. That was quite shocking as well as interesting for Arvin.

He had never seen a heap of metal behaves like that. Except for the robots. But that thing was not a robot. Which made Arvin curious about those knives. Were they controlled by Alman by magic? Or do they have a mind of their own? They were strong enough to chip Park Go Gum's sword, so at least they were something very strong. That is why Arvin went out there and tear the arms off of Alman. He wanted to get his hand on those knives.


Arvin took out the hand from his inventory and dumped them in front of him. Alman's hands were lying lifeless in front of Arvin. He could see a clear cut made by his ax on the shoulder bone. And blood was still flowing out of Alman's hand. Seeing the blood, Arvin frowned.

He abruptly got up and sprayed some smell averting potion on the hands. The smell of blood is a very intense smell. Arvin had read that predators could smell blood even from miles away from the location. So just as a precaution, Arvin sprayed some smell averting potion on the hand. After spraying some potion Arvin sighed in relief. Then he took one of the fancy knives that he got from the spatial rings. As now was the time for dissecting Alman's hand take out the chained knives…

Arvin got up to get the knives from the other side of the cave. And when he was returning back to the arms, the palms of one of the Alman's hands split opened and one of the chained knives went flying towards Arvin's heart. Through instincts, Arvin dropped the fancy knife in his hand and caught the handle of the chained knife which was just a few millimeters away from Arvin's chest.

Confused about what or how did this happen Arvin didn't know what to do. But his chain of thought broke when the other chained knife also came flying towards Arvin. But this time Arvin caught the other knife with his free hand before it could come any closer to him.

Arvin looked at those knives in his hands with curiosity. These knives were 7 or 7 and a half inches long and were shaped like a spearhead. They looked well crafted and most importantly they looked sharp and sturdy. The most intriguing thing about these knives was their chains. Arvin had seen these bad boys in action. And from what he saw, those chains were very long. According to his estimation, the chains should have been at least 20 feet long.

As Arvin was holding the knives in his hand, he saw that the chains of these knives were just 1 foot long, and then it ends. That was weird. But before Arvin could investigate the reason why was this happening, the 1 feet long chains suddenly came alive. And like they started slithering into Arvin's palms. Forcefully they started entering Arvin's palm

Arvin was about to scream in pain but then he noticed that although these knives were slithering inside his hand's palms, there was no pain. He could feel no pain in this process. And just like that, the chains slithered into his palms and then knives also went inside his palms.

After everything was done, Arvin checked his palms over and over again to see whether was any sort of disformity in the palms. But there was none…

But then Arvin started facing a new problem. How the hell was he supposed to take out knives for combat? How the hell was he suppose to summon out knives?

But this question reminded him about the ax. Just like he calls ax, Arvin tried summoning that knife too. And to his surprise as soon as tried to summon them, his palms spilt opened and the knives came flying out.


The next morning, Arvin had a nice breakfast of jerky and some fresh juice that he was saving up. And then he wrapped all of his things from the cave. He didn't want to leave behind any trace that he stayed a night in this cave. After all the traces of him being there had been dealt with, Arvin left the cave behind. Now was the time where he would finally enter the cat people's city…

Arvin then ventured out of the cave to find a suitable target. He wanted to disguise himself as a local cat person. With his shapeshifter ability, he would be able to take shape of any humanoid creature. That meant he could easily transform himself into a cat person. But Loki suggested that he should collect the DNA of a cat person too.

According to him, if Arvin decides to change into a cat person then he could do so just like that. But he transforms into a cat person with its DNA then he could also copy the physical attributes of the cat people. This way he would be able to become a full proof copy of a cat person in question…

And the best thing was that after copying the physical attributes of a cat person, Arvin could maintain those attributes if he transforms back to a human. And this was all possible because Arvin had a fluid body that could change his physical attributes as however, he wishes…

Arvin soon found a target. It was a man who was around, 5 feet and 3 inches tall. Compared to Arvin's real height that man was really small. But Arvin didn't care about it his height. All that he needed was the face of that man.

Arvin right now was flying above the man. He could not sense anyone nearby, so without hesitation, Arvin transformed back to a human being and landed on the person. Arvin first pinned him down and then snapped his neck like a twig thus killing him.

Arvin acted fast. He took some blood from the man's body and swallowed it. As soon as he swallowed the blood, Arvin got the grasp of all the physical attributes that these people have. So this made transformation a little bit easier. After taking the clothes from the man, Arvin took the body of the man and stacked it in his inventory. Who knows when this body comes in handy.

With that Arvin started returning to the city. Arvin was wearing a boxer-type garment made of cloth that was very rough. He was bare-chested and had brown skin. From the skinny frame of this body, Arvin presumed that this guy must have been malnourished. That meant that maybe this man menial worker of the city.

This was good for Arvin as this way even if he acts strangely, no one important would notice him. So with Arvin started moving towards the city of cat people…


The city of cat people was a prosperous city. Like any normal city, this city also had a bazaar and a certain hierarchy among the top denizens of the society. But the most interesting thing about this city was the social ladder.

Back on earth, for hundreds of years, human societies were dominated by males. It was not until the 1900s women gained some rights equal to that of a man. But things were different in Yggdrasil. Despite being a little primitive there was no visible difference between a male and a female. And that was one of the things that Arvin liked about the first floor.

The reason for this could be because of the presence of the mana. With mana, women could easily compete with men in comparison to strength. So this way the difference between man and woman never broaden. That is why there was no visible difference between males and females in the society of the 1st floor.

But things were quite different here in this city. From what Arvin observed this society of cat people was dominated by females. Arvin observed that almost every guard that he came across when entering the city was a female. With their big heights and superior physiques, the females of the cat people dominated their male counterparts.

Arvin was able to see male soldiers too, but they were very few in numbers. Logically because of the presence of mana, this society should have been the same as the society on the 1st floor. But that doesn't seem to be the case here. This made Arvin curious about why this society is this way?

To solve this mystery Arvin had all the time in the world. So he didn't fret about it that much. He decided that first, he would take a round of the whole city. He was curious about the cuisine that could be found in this city. And most importantly he was really interested in the wines that are available on this floor.

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