
Chapter 101 - -15<Memorable Night-7>

'Based on how the volumes were kept the possible combination could be either 7124563 or 3654217. And there is also a possibility that neither of them is the passcode.' Arvin mumbled.

{From what I think it is really a farfetched idea. I mean no one is that stupid that they arrange the books in order of the passcode. That is just absurd.} Loki said.


'Well not everyone is smart. It is more common for people to forget the passcode of a safe or email that they do not use regularly. So if I was a guy with a safe just like this and knew that I will probably forget the passcode later, then the most logical thing that I could do is to write the passcode somewhere discreet. This way I don't have to worry about forgetting the passcode.' Arvin said.

{Hmm… that is a fair assumption.} Loki said.

'Yeah, now the only thing left to do is check whether my assumption pan out or not.' Arvin said.

{So which number would you choose?} Loki asked.

'Now that is a tough decision.' Arvin said.

{So any theories that which number might be the real passcode?} Loki asked,

'My money is on 3654217.' Arvin said.

{Why?} Loki asked.

'The common language of Yggdrasil is written from right to left. So it would be more logical to start the volume that was on the far right. That was volume 3.' Arvin said.

{But what if the owner wants you to think that way? What if the real combination is 7124563?} Loki asked.

'Then I would be wrong… Besides I am fairly certain that if a guy that used this method to hide the passcode would not think that far.' Arvin said.

{Then go ahead. Check your hypothesis.} Loki said.

'Showtime.' Arvin mumbled.

Then Arvin leaned towards the safe's dial. Slowly he started turning the dial of the safe. Arvin was on his guard. He didn't know what would happen if he punches in the wrong passcode. He was taking a leap of faith with this passcode. But luckily today the lady luck was on his side.

As soon as Arvin punched the number in, he heard a slight clicking noise from the safe. Arvin checked the safe with his mana eyes. And saw that number 1 has transformed back to number 3, and the safe is opened. Seeing the safe open, Arvin was delighted. His hunch was right.

The last time Arvin opened a safe like this he was awarded with different types of potions as well as a lot of money. And how could he forget that the mana stones that he got from the safe? Those were the real treasure that he got that day. With those mana stones, he was able to make his strength soar by leaps and bound. Arvin started wondering what kind of rewards will he be able to procure today.

With excitement and curiosity, Arvin opened the safe. But as he did that his excitement changed into a frown. Inside the safe where he was expecting that some mana stones would be stashed inside, the only thing that he saw inside was papers. A lot of papers. Arvin took all the papers to see whether there was something behind those stack of papers. And indeed inside he found a small wooden box.

Arvin thought that maybe this must be a treasure of some sort. So he opened the box. Inside the box, he found a red color spherical jewel. It was a sphere that was cut intricately such that 12 Hexagonal faces were carved on that sphere. Overall and all it was a nice jewel. And it would have been worth a lot of money. But then remembered that not too long ago he had seen a jewel just like this.

Those couples gave that black fennec fox a staff that had a replica of this jewel on its head. That old guy said that the jewel on the staff was a fake one. Then if that jewel was the fake one, that would mean that this is the real one? If someone thinks that this jewel is worth hiding in a safe such as this one then this is bound to be a very expensive piece of jewelry.

Arvin checked the safe again whether it has some sort of fake bottom or something like that. But there was nothing else there. Then Arvin started checking out the papers that were stacked with the jewel. Arvin was about to check when he sensed that someone had entered the mansion. he then hurridly stored all the papers and the box containing the jewel in his inventory.

Then he transformed into a fly and flew away from there. As he came out of the mansion, Arvin transformed into a Corgan and flew away towards caves to spend the rest of the night…


The next day whole Nekota city was in an uproar. A very prominent and wealthy family of Nekota city was slaughtered last night. It came as a shock to everyone as this happened with the city lord still in the city. This was a big slap on the authority of the city lord. But then the city lord herself came forward and calmed people down. She said that one of her best women would investigate this and no one has to worry about anything.

With the statement from the city lord herself, the normal people of Nekota city calmed down. But the people that had a significant position in the city or were influential knew that something was amiss in this massacre. And maybe this was just a start…

After giving the speech to the normal public Gracie returned to her estate. She entered her study room where one of the two-person wearing black cloaks was already standing to greet Gracie. Gracie was surprised to see that man here. But she didn't let it show on her face. She then strolled towards her study table. Then she sat on her seat. It was then she started speaking…

"What is it?" Gracie asked.

"Mistress I think we have a big problem." The black-cloaked man said.

"What is it?" Gracie asked.

"Mistress I went to the mansion just as you commanded. But there I found some irregularities." The man said.

"What?" Gracie asked.

"First of all, all the valuables that were on Martha and Stuart's boy had vanished. Someone took it all. Also, all the alcohol of that old man's treasure house was gone. Then the library. When we were in the library earlier that library was filled with books. But as when I returned a very very large chunk of books had vanished. Someone took it. And then I found a safe in the library that had been opened. And now all the components of the safe had been empty." The man said.

"Hmm… How many books would you say were stolen?" Gracie asked.

"Around 80-90…" the man said with estimation

"So the person who stole those books must have a spatial artifact with him/her. Otherwise, there would no other way to carry those books. We don't know who or what this person's intentions are. But we should exercise precaution for now. Contact the city guards and tell them that they should be on the lookout for any stranger that had recently entered the city." Gracie said.

"Mistress… I have one more bad news." The black-cloaked man said.

"What?" Gracie asked irritably.

"We found this diary last time when we ransacked the house. That time we don't didn't bother to open and read its content. But this time I opened it. Take a look for yourself…" the black-cloaked man said while handing over a small black leather bounded diary.

Gracie looked at the diary with confusion. She took the diary and started reading some of the content of the diary. The more she read it, the angrier she got. And finally, she screamed…

"THAT MOTHERF*CKER!!!" Gracie screamed.

Gracie was angry at Stuart. That mother*cking liar told her that the staff that he got from the crazy old man was a fake one. But that was not true at all. It was because that diary contained the detailed study of the spherical red jewel that was in the possession of Arvin right now.

That diary had all the myths and legends about El Dorado which Stuart did. And the most important piece of the information in that diary was that the detailed analysis of the red jewel that was stuck on the original staff. This meant that Stuart was indeed possession of the real jewel.

Gracie's men had ransacked the place from top to bottom. And they were not able to find the red jewel anywhere in the house. So that could only mean one thing that may be the jewel as kept in a place that was not accessible to them.

That means that the person whole stole the from the safe owns the red jewel for now.

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