
Chapter 164. Black Music Suits No One (2)

Chapter 164. Black Music Suits No One (2)

Translator: Chamber

Editor: Illidan

Before she went to Shiheung for her event, Seo HanYu visited the company to talk with KangYoon.

She finished the talk with KangYoon inside the studio, and just as she was about to leave, she met Park SoYoung who was just leaving White Moonlight’s practice room.

“Huh? Unni, hello.”


When Seo HanYu greeted her, Park SoYoung waved back. As she was still a little unsettled being inside World Entertainment, Seo HanYu was one of the nice people that approached her.

“HanYu, are you going to your next schedule?”

“Yes, what about you unni?”

“You know what kind of situation I’m in, I’m practicing.”

The two people headed towards the rooftop. As World Entertainment didn’t have a proper resting venue, the rooftop was always used as the resting place.

The two sat down on a bench on the rooftop and started talking.

“Unni, is the song going well?”

“It’s not easy. Both HeeYoon and the president are amazing people… I need to reach their level quickly…”

Park SoYoung sighed slightly. When she did, Seo HanYu closed in on her and spoke softly.

“Among the songs on White Moonlight’s album, I liked your song the best. Especially that last track, ‘I Want To Tell You’. I even cried when the song said ‘Dreams don’t disappear even if the tears well up.’”

“Thank you for telling me that, HanYu.”

Park SoYoung was thankful to Seo HanYu, who acknowledged her work.

Muse, the exclusive composer for World Entertainment, always produced hit songs. Moreover, Kim JaeHoon and Lee HyunAh could write songs for themselves as well.

The only one to acknowledge her, a newbie to this industry, was Seo HanYu if you excluded KangYoon and Lee HyunAh.

“You should teach me too sometime. I’ve always wanted to learn music.”

“Really? Okay then. Tell me again once your activity period is over. Well, I guess you’ll be teaching me how to dance then?”

“Should I? It will be fun to teach each other.”

Seo HanYu and Park SoYoung got along very well with each other. Their rooftop talk became more active as time went on.

“How was it in Daecheon yesterday? I heard there were many muscular men at the beach nowadays, is it true?”

“There were a lot of people with good body figures. Yesterday, the event got delayed a little and we were waiting when…”

Unlike Park SoYoung’s excited attitude, Seo HanYu was rather calm about it. She talked about how Ailee gave an autograph on the abs of some men as well as other stories that happened at the beach.

When she did, Park SoYoung looked at her with envious eyes.

“Wow, I’m so envious. I’ve never been to the beach this year.”

“No way. I was at the beach, but I’ve never dipped myself. Do you know how frustrating it is to not be able to do anything when you’re actually there? I wanted to wear a bikini this year… I’ve never worn it once in my life.”


Park SoYoung’s eyes widened. A pretty lady with a thin figure like Seo HanYu had never worn a bikini before… especially as a celebrity? This came as a shock to her.

“The other unnis have tried them on when they went traveling overseas, but MinAh-unni and I have never worn them.”

“That’s such a pity. Both you and MinAh have such pretty figures?”

“I guess there’s no helping it. We are busy after all. Some day I’ll… huh? President.”

When Seo HanYu was about to express her disappointment, the door to the rooftop opened and KangYoon came out.

He took out some cigarettes but immediately put them back in before he greeted them.

“HanYu. You haven’t gone yet?”

“Not yet. There was some time left so I was chatting with SoYoung-unni. I’m also waiting for manager-oppa.”

“Mr. DaeHyun should be coming over from taking MinAh to her schedule? You are all quite busy. Did the director go to MinAh?”

“She probably did. I heard she had something to say to the staff over there.”

They were talking when the door to the rooftop opened once again, and this time, a man, who was out of breath, came in. It was manager Kim DaeHyun, who had come to pick Seo hanYu up.

“*pant, pant*. HanYu, let’s go.”

“Yes. Thank you for all your work, president, and you too unni. I’ll be off then.”

Seo HanYu offered manager Kim DaeHyun some tissue paper before saying goodbye.

“Have a safe trip.”

Park SoYoung waved her hand and greeted her out.

Like that, Park SoYoung and KangYoon were the only ones left on the rooftop. KangYoon had a look at his watch before speaking.

“Are you ready to go?”

“Yes. Are we going there now?”

“Let’s go in 10 minutes. Shall we see at the entrance?”


In the afternoon, they had an appointment with professor Choi ChanYang. KangYoon asked him if it was okay to bring Park SoYoung along, and he was given approval. He was taking her just in case Park SoYoung could learn anything from their exchange.

KangYoon asked Park SoYoung carefully as she stood there blankly.

“Uhm, SoYoung. You must go down and get ready, no?”

“Huh? Oh, I don’t have anything to take with me.”

“R, really?”

KangYoon was a little flustered. He was fiddling around with a cigarette in his pocket.

Seeing that, Park SoYoung spoke carefully.

“HeeYoon told me to watch over you because you need to quit smoking.”


Hearing those words, KangYoon had to leave the rooftop.


As the students were on holiday, Hallyeo Arts University was rather empty.

The hills that would usually be crowded with couples were empty, while only some students could be seen doing club activities.

Professor Choi ChanYang was looking at the campus through the window in his office.

“ChanYang. What are you looking at?”

Someone spoke to him from behind as he watched the scenery outside. It was Park TaeSung, a popular ballad composer as well as a professor at the same university.

Professor Choi ChanYang finally turned around and sat down.

“I was looking at the students. The romantic couple over there is quite cute.”

“Really? All I see is the boy having a hard time matching the girl.”


Professor Choi ChanYang laughed awkwardly when Park TaeSung voiced his rather pessimistic opinion.

Not minding him, Park TaeSung sipped his coffee while crossing his legs. Although his thick, short legs weren’t easy to be crossed, he ended up doing it anyway.

Professor Choi ChanYang tilted his head while looking at the score that the other had brought him.

‘I think he’s trying something new here… but I think G will be better after C. I mean, F is okay, but why did he put a B flat here? It feels rather unnatural.’

Professor Choi ChanYang tilted his head. This could be considered to be a trial of something new that ended awkwardly.

When he stopped talking, composer Park TaeSung urged him to speak out of curiosity.

“How is it? Do you think it’s strange as well?”

“…I think you tried a lot of new things here.”

“Oh, I knew it. You do get it. You’re right. I felt like I was hitting a wall so I tried out a new style this time. Isn’t it good?”

Park TaeSung, as a composer, had a lot of obstinacies. His pride seemed to have taken a hit after his song was rejected by Sedy, and he wanted to listen to some acknowledgments.

‘What am I supposed to say?’

If he spoke his honest opinion, it might touch upon the other’s pride, and to just overlook this, it looked like this would become a problem. He was in a dilemma.

At that moment, there was a knock on his door. Soon, the door opened and two people came in. It was KangYoon and Park SoYoung.

“Come on in, Mr. KangYoon. SoYoung. It’s been a long time.”

“Hello, professor. Oh! Professor Park!”

Park SoYoung seemed to be in close terms with composer Park TaeSung as well as she greeted him rather cheerfully. Park TaeSung also had a nice expression on his face.

“Oh my, SoYoung. It’s been a long time. How have you been doing?”

“I’ve been doing okay. You’re as handsome as ever, professor.”


Park SoYoung at college was quite a cheerful girl. She looked very cheerful to have met someone she knew here.

She greeted professor Park TaeSung while professor Choi ChanYang introduced him to KangYoon.

“Oho! World Entertainment! That’s where HyunAh is, huh? I’m watching rather closely as well. It’s an honor to meet you. I’m Park TaeSung.”

“I’m Lee KangYoon. It’s an honor for me to meet a famous composer as well.”

The two shook hands.

Lee HyunAh of White Moonlight was from Hallyeo Arts University as well. Moreover, World Entertainment also possessed superstars like Kim JaeHoon and Eddios. There was also the rising star Kim JiMin as well. World Entertainment was a hot issue amongst the professors and students of Hallyeo Arts University.

KangYoon’s eyes also shone when he saw someone unexpected here.

‘I did know that composer Park TaeSung worked at Hallyeo Arts University but I didn’t expect to see him here. I wonder what happened to the song that he gave to JunYeol?’

He remembered back to the time when Lee JunYeol became angry.

The four people spoke about World Entertainment. Park TaeSung seemed to have a lot of interest in World Entertainment as he asked KangYoon various things.

“Recently, a lot of students are interested in World Entertainment. You’ve produced 4 artists in the last year and they were all hugely successful. From existing singers to new ones… They are all wondering how you managed to make Eddios and Kim JaeHoon come back to the industry. I’ve always wanted to meet you.”

Hearing his words, KangYoon smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

“Not at all. It was largely due to luck. Both JaeHoon and Eddios have put a lot of effort in too. I only supported them from the side.”

“You are even humble as well. Well, I did hear about you from professor Choi here, but I have to say. You’re exactly as he says.”

“You overpraise me.”

KangYoon was rather wary when he was flattered so much. In society, being praised so much sometimes had hidden intentions. Though, there didn’t seem to be one yet.

They finished talking about World Entertainment and KangYoon turned his eyes to the score on the table. It was the same one as the one he received from Lee JunYeol.

“Is this score yours, composer?”

When he asked, the composer smiled and nodded his head.

“It is. Oh, now that I think about it. Don’t you have your way with composing as well, president?”

“It’s a minor parlor trick.”

“Oh no, you can’t say that. You’re one half of Muse. If it’s alright with you, can you have a look at my song?”

In other situations, he would have accepted it readily, but KangYoon hesitated this time. He didn’t want to listen to a black-colored song again. He didn’t want to drink poison knowing it was toxic.

However, composer Park TaeSung looked so desperate so he couldn’t refuse either.

“I may be lacking in skills, but… SoYoung. Why don’t we have a look at this together?”


Park SoYoung, who had stayed quiet all this time, also stood up and headed to the synthesizer with KangYoon.


KangYoon sighed. The score didn’t seem to have any changes from the one he got from Lee JunYeol.

‘Should I play this, or not?’

He didn’t even want to put his hands on the keyboard. The black-colored music just gave him that much pressure. It affected his emotions and physical condition.

At that time, Park SoYoung found that KangYoon’s hands were shaking. She found that strange and quietly whispered to him.

‘President, shall I do it?’


‘I’ll play it, so you can see it. I think that will be for the better.’

KangYoon was very glad to see her be so considerate.

‘Can you please?’

‘Of course.’

KangYoon let Park SoYoung play and returned to his seat before closing his eyes. This was in order to not see the light.

Park TaeSung thought that this was just a habit of KangYoon’s and did not say much about it.

Soon, Park SoYoung started playing.


The notes combined to create black light. It wasn’t that different from when Lee JunYeol made him listen.

As he closed his eyes, he didn’t see the black light. Fortunately, he was able to avoid his emotions being negatively influenced, but the sticky feeling couldn’t be avoided.

The 3-minute long music ended quite soon.

“How is it?”

After the song, Park TaeSung asked for his opinion with his eyes shining.

‘I had my doubts but as I expected…’

KangYoon sighed slightly while looking at the score.

The awkwardness of transitioning from C to F to B flat did not change at all. With the intro being awkward, everything else went astray as well. In the end, KangYoon had to shake his head.

Seeing his reaction, Park TaeSung’s expression turned dark.

“Haa… I wanted to try something new… but it was bad after all. Both you and professor Choi….”

Park TaeSung looked down.

With the singer, a composer like him, and even KangYoon having a bad opinion, he couldn’t get angry anymore. The damage to his pride was one thing, but the bigger problem was that he couldn’t get a grasp on composing right now.

Seeing Park TaeSung dejected, KangYoon carefully spoke.

“I don’t know more music than you do, composer, but… may I say something?”

“…Please do.”

Park TaeSung raised his head. His powerless smile could be seen by everyone present.

KangYoon calmly spoke about his opinion.

“In my opinion, I think you tried to show too many things here and that may have lead to problems.”

“Tried to show many things? Do you mean to ask why I used a strange chord progression and melodies when I could just use the normal ones?”

“Not quite. This is just a personal opinion, but I think it will be okay to use simple chords and melodies rather than fancy and complex ones. Ones that bring out the best of a singer.”

“Simple ones?”

When Park TaeSung asked back, KangYoon nodded his head and spoke.

“Indeed. If it were up to me. I would have gone C to G then Am – G – F – Em – Dm then G again. That will solve both the stability and the technique. I think it will be better even while considering the variations at the back.”


Composer Park TaeSung became quiet. Although it was him seeking advice, it wasn’t easy to accept musical advice from someone as he himself was one of the top-tier ones in the industry.

However, he was someone with a wide heart.

“…It looks like I was too greedy.”

He sighed and emptied the mug of coffee.

“Simple, huh… You’re right, president. I’ve tried many things to overcome my block during the past year. That’s what led me to try something absurd like this. Haha, but the answer actually lay in simplicity…”


“Simplicity. The fundamentals, the basics, huh…”

Park TaeSung reminded himself of those words several times. It was as though he was trying to never forget those words.

KangYoon waited until he finished clearing his mind.

‘That’s what composers are. They are beings that are evaluated both by the singers and the public. They always have to find new things so they should be very stressed out. They will be left behind if they can’t follow the trend, and in order to keep up with the trend, they always have to think up new things. This block should be a result of that.’

KangYoon understood what Park TaeSung felt like.

Eventually, he smiled in understanding.

“Hahaha. That’s very refreshing. It reminds me of the old days as well. In the end, it’s all about the basics. Haha, I feel like I’ve taken a hit. I’ve heard something precious today. I will never forget what you’ve given me today.”

Park TaeSung stood up and bowed to KangYoon. KangYoon abruptly stood up due to the sudden turn of events.

“Please don’t do this. I only spoke about my personal opinion.”

“Not at all. This was something necessary for me. Thank you very much. Professor Choi never stopped praising you when we talked… and now I get why.”

Professor Choi ChanYang, embarrassed, smiled when he heard that.

Park TaeSung smiled brightly as though a weight was lifted off his shoulders. He took his score and stood up.

“I don’t think I should be staying here. I’ll fix it immediately and take it to Sedy. I feel good this time. I think I can make something that will satisfy him.”

“I hope you do well.”

KangYoon and Park TaeSung shook hands.


Seeing that KangYoon was at the same level as some of the highest-level people in the industry, Park SoYoung’s eyes gleamed.


After a dinner with professor Choi ChanYang, KangYoon and Park SoYoung walked towards the subway station.

“SoYoung. How was it today?”

KangYoon asked as they passed under a streetlight and Park SoYoung replied with a flushed expression.

“It was very fun. The composition is the scenario, the rearrangement is the production, and setting the stage for the main character that is the singer. The stage can be a string, wind, and other sounds as well. Also…”

(T/N: I’m 100% sure I don’t understand what she’s saying, so don’t expect a correct translation of that…)

She listed the things that KangYoon and professor Choi ChanYang talked about. She knew very well that each of those points was things that she would not forget.

KangYoon replied with a satisfied expression on his face.

“Good. Remember that when we’re working for the company. Let’s do this.”


“And also…”

KangYoon had a strong emphasis in his voice. Park SoYoung also stopped walking as she realized that he was about to say something important.

“It’s not that you are less skilled than HeeYoon is.”


“You may lack some theoretical knowledge compared to her, but I don’t think that’s the deciding factor in music composition. You and HeeYoon have completely different personalities. I believe that you can make a song that HeeYoon can’t.”


Park SoYoung gulped.

The reason KangYoon decided to bring her here was to say this. She believed that she was temporarily hired because she was a little talented and knew about White Moonlight’s songs well.

However, KangYoon actually had more faith in her than she did in herself. She knew that KangYoon wasn’t someone to say empty words.


She resolved herself to return his faith with achievements.


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.