
Chapter 227. Yuri-chan (3)

Chapter 227. Yuri-chan (3)

Translator: Chamber

Editor: Illidan

[What’s going on?]

As soon as he arrived at the office, KangYoon asked President Kojima, who had a dark expression.

He made a puzzled expression before explaining.

[The JAN expressed an objection. Their reason was that no rookie enka singers made their debut from last Winter to this Summer. They said that they, as seniors, weren’t able to help their juniors, so they said that it was unacceptable for an artist of another country to take that opportunity away.]

[JAN? The Japanese Association for Enka, huh? What do they think the current era is to be so nationalistic?]

KangYoon did not understand.

There had been instances of individual celebrities expressing their dislike towards Korean artists and culture or foreign singers in general.

However, an organization objecting to an individual singer’s stage like this was unacceptable.

Moreover, they weren’t upfront about it, but discreet.

He was worried that he didn’t have any power, but KangYoon looked at the situation rationally.

[I believe that it’s too risky for the association to make movements like that. I think that there’s someone that’s making a profit by doing this.]

[I believe so as well. We practically had everything planned assuming that ‘Today’s Enka’ went as planned. I was sure that the enka industry would thirst for new talent, whether from the country or outside the country. But now they’ve gone and done this…]

Although this was an unpredicted situation, KangYoon calmly thought of solutions.

[So we have two options now. One is to delay the debut to Autumn or to change stages. I think that the risks will get bigger if we delay the album. Moreover, we’d be giving them the impression that we’re weak against pressure. At times like these, we won’t be able to do anything by giving in to their whims. I think we need to be stronger.]

KangYoon strongly voiced his opinion, but President Kojima disagreed.

[President KangYoon. I think it’s the opposite. In the enka industry, or heck it, the music industry in general, you can’t ignore JAN’s power. Most of the people that belong to them are seniors of the current artists. They may act against us on an organizational scale. Moreover, enka artists that do not join the JAN will have a tough time contracting music distributors. If we go against them this time, we might be stamped as rebels and be kicked out of the industry altogether…]

However, KangYoon put his hands on President Kojima’s shoulders and persuaded him.

[They can’t be upfront about anything. At best, all they can do is to have someone block our path. At most, they will prevent us from contracting music distributors that they have their hands on.]

[That’s what’s scary about this. Where can you find something that is not influenced by them? President, rather than going against them, why don’t we try to please them? The state that the JAN is in right now also angers me… but what can I do about it? We don’t have any power.]

President Kojima gave a practical reason.

Going against the currently-formed order would be an arduous and painful process. It was also a trait of the Japanese people conforming to their traditional culture.

However, KangYoon shook his head and gave his opinion.

[I believe that distributors of enka albums and distributors of idol albums do not intrude on each other’s areas.]

[That’s indeed the case but… no wait, are you?]

His eyes widened.

Break the norms of the industry.

Understanding KangYoon’s intentions, he widened his eyes.

[W, wait right there. This is dangerous. Letting an idol album distributor take care of distributing enka? We can’t damage a whole other industry just because we made losses…]

[Businessmen are supposed to take into account what makes money and what doesn’t.]

What did he mean?

The words were rather sudden, but President Kojima listened to KangYoon’s words.

[We’ll use Yuri’s skills, and our promotion and have them come to us. The enka distributors won’t approach us because they have to follow JAN’s wishes, but the other companies will.]


President Kojima looked dejected.

KangYoon’s strategies were all dangerous. However, each step of his plans had the power to break the norms.

‘Is there no other way?’

Above all, President Kojima wasn’t able to come up with something better.

Not give into JAN’s pressure and break the customs?

KangYoon’s daringness moved President Kojima’s heart.

[…Let’s try then. Ha, ha… a rollercoaster of events like this is a first for me.]

KangYoon shook hands with President Kojima, who was willing to follow his plan.

[Let’s make the album succeed.]

[You don’t say.]

KangYoon then discussed recording the music video.

In MoonHee was in good condition, and he sighed in relief after hearing that the music video team wasn’t JAN’s influence.

After distributing work to both of their companies, KangYoon left the office.

President Kojima muttered to himself after seeing KangYoon leave.

‘It’s like a storm has just swept past.’

Energy drained from his body as he expected a harsh journey.


JAN, or Japanese Association for Enka, was located in one of the buildings near Tokyo Tower, a famous landmark in Tokyo.

It was in an excellent location where the Tokyo Tower could be viewed to its fullest.

In the chairman’s office in the trendy building, hearty laughter could be heard.

[Hahaha. Tell the branch president that I said thanks. Yes, yes. Of course. No matter how good they are in Korea, they don’t have any power here. Hahaha.]

The body of the man with the hearty laughter was as hearty as his voice.

He told the other party several times not to worry before finishing the call.

[Richard… he’s a perfect man, but sometimes… he’s a bit stifling. Why does he want us to use a knife for a cow to kill a chicken? He wants us the JAN to move because of a random rookie from Korea? Well, I’m okay since I’m getting an investment for my next album.]

After mocking the caller just now, JAN’s chairman, Haruki Subaru, stretched his arms out with a refreshed smile.

Although he was the chairman of the association, he didn’t do any work.

If there were any work, it would be the pivot of all the other enka singers using the fact that he was their ‘senior artist’.

He picked up his phone to call his company.

[Call me as soon as you get the money from Ericton. I will definitely make this album succeed.]

Speaking with confidence in his company, he straightened his shoulders.


After the rearrangement was done, Park SoYoung sent the song to KangYoon.

“I’m free!”

The feeling of liberation after work was incomparable to anything else.

She stuffed her luggage inside a bag and headed for the door.

But then, her phone started vibrating.

– Sorry, I don’t think the part connecting to the first verse from the intro sounds natural. I’ll send it back to you after marking it on the score. Please change it.

As she spent two days and two nights without rest working on the song, this message was like a thunderbolt.

She wanted to rest just a little, but the spartan KangYoon made her teary-faced.


Meanwhile, HeeYoon also received a similar thunderbolt message not long after she sent her rearranged song.

– The first verse is too small for a song that doesn’t even have an intro. Please give it more impact.


She sent the song after working on it to the best of her abilities!

In the end, sleep wasn’t happening.

HeeYoon would usually obey every word from her brother, but today she had a different idea.

‘…Should I turn off my phone?’

However, it only lasted a brief moment.

She sat back down and immediately started worki…

– …Hyuuuuuuung!

HeeYoon sighed after hearing the man’s shout that pierced through the soundproofed walls.

“So he got rejected too huh… haah…”

This album was a rollercoaster in many ways.


24 hours a day was insufficient for KangYoon.

He finished rearranging his song in merely a day before falling asleep, waking up 4 hours later.

After that, he started working on distributing the album by going to places around Tokyo and Narita.

Looking at his style of work, Producer Tsukasa became worried.

[…I’m glad that you’re working hard, but you’ll break your body at this rate.]

Hearing that on his visit to the company to get a car key, KangYoon smiled and shook his head.

[I’m fine.]

[You’re going to a TV station as soon as you find a distributor? You can have some leisure, you know.]

She spoke softly, but KangYoon left the office after getting the key, saying that he was alright.

Thanks to KangYoon and President Kojima personally doing the work, they could find a distributor for the music.

Although it was a small distributor, they decided on accepting the offer after listening to In MoonHee’s music.

– Incredible! I’ll sign it immediately.

This was a gamble for them as well.

However, they decided after thinking that they would see big profits with music like this.

The people of A-Trust and President Kojima looked into In MoonHee’s potential debut stage by visiting various TV stations while KangYoon signed a contract with a distributor.

However, it wasn’t easy.

Not to mention programs where enka singers appeared in, even standard singing programs had some form of influence from the JAN. As the singers had complicated relationships with the hierarchy of ‘seniors and juniors’, the TV stations could only try to appease them.

– The song is perfect though…

Most music producers did not permit Yuri’s debut stage even after expressing that they liked the song.

‘I want to do a showcase, but it wouldn’t be effective now that everyone knows about us. The JAN’s influence is larger than I thought if they can pressure the TV stations using their connections…’

After getting a call that even their last hope, NPI, was no good, KangYoon buried his face on the wheel.

‘A place free from the influence of singers. A free palace.. haah.’

Feeling frustrated, KangYoon parked the car and turned on his DMB.

While browsing through the channels, KangYoon’s hand stopped in a channel titled ‘YAMESE’.

‘What’s this?’

On his phone, a TV show where a female celebrity was splitting watermelons using bamboo practice swords wearing bikinis.

‘This is an entertainment-focused channel, isn’t it? And wait a minute… this is rated 12?’

The show had so much stimulative content, but it wasn’t classified as an adult only due to the different standards of rules here.

KangYoon leaked a laugh while watching the Japanese TV show that had several sexual jokes in it.

‘This TV station focuses on shows like these. The entertainers that show up are diverse, but they don’t have any relationship with the singers… wait.’

At that moment, a light bulb switched on inside KangYoon’s head.

‘They aren’t related to the singers? Entertainment shows can host any type of shows. If that’s the case…’

KangYoon started up his car and drove towards Yamese TV station.

On his way, he called up A-Trust and asked them to schedule a meeting with a producer who had the slightest relation to music.

– He’ll be waiting for you on the 11th floor.

[Thank you.]

– But that producer seemed to know you, very well at that.


KangYoon was confused, but President Kojima didn’t elaborate, saying that he’d find out once he got there.

Arriving at Yamese TV, KangYoon took the elevator to the 11th floor.

When he arrived at the place where they had to tag their IDs, he saw someone unexpected waiting there.

“Haelloo. Thankkkks for comin.”

He greeted KangYoon with an awkward Korean.

He was Producer Yokozeki, who used to produce Music Station on Asai TV.

He was the one who grudgingly permitted JooAh’s debut in Music Station but did not hold back his support afterward.

KangYoon extended his hand.

[Hello, it’s been a while, producer.]

[Hahaha. You look good. Maybe it’s because your business is going well?]

[You flatter me.]

Producer Yokozeki shook hands with KangYoon and smiled.

He had an assistant director brew some tea before leading KangYoon to the meeting room.

As he knew the outline of the situation, he spoke in a serious voice.

[I’ve heard of your circumstances. The rumors about the JAN aren’t good at all. However, we can’t deny that they have a significant influence on the music industry with their connections.

[I’ve been taught that as well. They’re preventing us from having a stage no matter what the means. Despite that though, we managed to contract a music distributor, and we’ll also start shooting the music video soon.

[I knew it, you are different after all.]

Producer Yokozeki clapped.

Silence flowed for a while.

It was about time to speak about the important things.

KangYoon put down the teacup and started speaking with a calm tone.

[I’ve heard that you would produce a music show, and a pilot program is already in the works, I believe. Please allow Yuri to have her debut stage there.]

Producer Yokozeki groaned.

[Hm…I have trust in you, Team Leader KangYoon, but I wish to know what the singer is like first. Is that alright with you?]

[Of course.]

KangYoon took out a USB and plugged it into a computer that was there.

Soon the music file started laying, and Producer Yokozeki closed his eyes.

A while later.

After listening to it, he started speaking with a blissful expression.

[Miss Yuri, was it? I don’t think the recording process is finished… but her voice is immaculate. It’s the first time I’ve heard an enka with such a good voice. Your artists sure are different.]

[You flatter me.]

After that, KangYoon signed the contract brought by the assistant director, and it was decided that Yuri’s debut stage would be on the pilot program of ‘Today will be an ALL NIGHTER’.

As this was a pilot program, Producer Yokozeki was under a lot of pressure, but since the song was so good, he wasn’t feeling worried.

[Thanks for trusting me.]

After the contract, KangYoon stood up from his seat and politely took a bow.

Seeing that, Producer Yokozeki restrained him.

[Please don’t do this. I’m only doing this because I see the potential.]

After that, the two of them headed towards the lobby on the 11th floor.

Producer Yokozeki personally pressed the button on the elevator before looking at KangYoon’s eyes.

[I feel good since I feel like I will get to see the JAN in a tight spot soon.]

[Is there a reason for that?]

[Hahaha. You have something prepared, don’t you?]

Producer Yokozeki’s sharp eyes met with KangYoon’s.


The elevator arrived, but KangYoon did not get on board and kept his silence.

In the end, the elevator went down again with no one on board.

When KangYoon pressed the elevator again, Producer Yokozeki tilted his head in confusion.

[That’s strange. I thought you’d be prepared for that…]

Producer Yokozeki kept uttering strange things, but KangYoon only smiled and did not give back a clear answer.

The elevator arrived again, and KangYoon got on board while waving his hand.

[I’ll see you at a later date then.]

[See you in a few days.]

After KangYoon went down, Producer Yokozeki tilted his head.

‘Did he not hear that the JAN singers had their fees to pay the association to rise from 3% to 6%? Hmm…’

Producer Yokozeki fell into contemplation before returning to his office.

KangYoon, who got into the car in the parking lot, looked over his papers again and thought.

‘The doubling of fees for the people in the association. The voices of complaint within the association should be quite prominent. If MoonHee’s album succeeds this time, we can shake their roots if it is possible to be successful as an enka artist without JAN’s power. After that, would the artists feel the need to stay in the JAN? They’ll be shooting their own foot.

Heading to A-Trust, KangYoon thought about the JAN and bit his lips.


The daily routine of the chairman of the JAN, Haruki Subaru, was rather simple.

After tasting failure for five straight year’s worth of albums, he spent his time in the JAN rather than his company.

He fooled around with the lady secretary, went around playing golf with the people in the industry, and put his effort into things that weren’t music.

Once, he was a famous enka singer who sold one million copies of music, but right now, he was nothing more than a businessman.

[Today was a good day.]

Haruki Subaru placed his golf bag in the corner of his room and stretched his arms out.

[Although it’s still early, shall I go home for today?]

He had a look at the time and saw that it was 4 in the afternoon.

It was still working hours.

However, the JAN’s highest man was going home, so no one was there to pick on him.

He was about to leave with a refreshed mind when he got a phone call.

– Mister Haruki, it’s me, Richard.

[Oh, branch president!]

Haruki Subaru even took a bow towards empty air to express his politeness.

However, unlike his politeness, the voice from the outside of the phone was very serious.

– Do you know what’s happening in Yamese right now?

[Yamese? Why do you mention a TV station with such low-quality programs?]

Hearing that, the other party became angry and raised his voice.

– That low-quality TV station is going to host a DEBUT STAGE for a World artist!


– Turn on the TV and switch to Yamese right now!

Haruki Subaru turned on the TV and switched to the Yamese channel which he usually didn’t even spare a thought.

When he did, he saw a commercial for the title ‘Today will be an ALL NIGHTER – Enka singer from Korea, Yuri’.

‘What is…!’

Speechless, his voice started shaking.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.