
Chapter 1122 - Back to Seven Years Ago

Chapter 1122: Back to Seven Years Ago

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The bustling street, the people, the normal plants, the undamaged buildings, the fresh air, the bright, sunny sky…

For Lin Wenwen, who had lived in the post-apocalyptic world for seven years, everything in front of her eyes was so familiar and strange at the same time. The street that was crowded with people and vehicles didn’t give out the desolated and deserted sense that she was used to.

With confusion, she walked around the roadside over and over again. She didn’t know what was happening. At that moment, someone bumped into her shoulder while she was absent-minded.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” The person immediately turned back and smiled at her while apologizing.

Only when she heard his words did she come back to her senses. “It’s okay,” she smiled and said to him. After watching the man walk away, Lin Wenwen finally had her mind becoming clear.

Where was she? What was going on? How did she get there?

She dropped her head to look at her clothes, and then was shocked. She wasn’t wearing her own clothes, and… What happened to her legs? Why were her legs so short and fat?

She gave her legs a closer look and then popped her eyes while staring at them.

Damn! That was not illusion! Her legs had grown much fatter than before indeed! Not only her legs, but her body had also grown fat! Her legs had turned shorter than before too! God!

With disbelief, Lin Wenwen looked at her legs and body, which were much chubbier than before. Abruptly, she raised her hands and looked at them from side to side, then found that her hands weren’t the same as before either!

Looking at her chubby hands, Lin Wenwen felt so confused. She raised her hands to touch her face and felt a pair of fleshy cheeks. Also, her bangs seemed to be a little too long.

Something was wrong! She had side-swept bangs, but how come it turned into blunt bang?

She raised her hands higher and touched her long hair. The hair were not very long, but were indeed much longer than her original hair.

That was not right! That was not right! She was not like that!

Everything was not right! The strong and weird feeling confused her. She looked around and saw a commercial street. Many shops over there had glass walls.

She immediately ran toward the street. However, after running for tens of meters, she started gasping desperately for air and couldn’t even lift her feet anymore. She was so exhausted that she had to lean against a wall when she arrived.

That body was not hers!

She was trained for so long in Lin Qiao’s new base that she was able to run quickly for two hours without feeling exhausted. But just now, she only spent two minutes running before she felt as if she was dying.

She moved toward a shoe store and stood before the glass window. Looking at her own reflection, she fell into despair.

She buried her face in her hands and squatted.

That was not her face, not her body. Even the height was not right!

The girl that she saw in the glass window looked very young, about seventeen years old. She had shoulder-length hair and her bangs almost reached her eyes. Her cheeks were quite fleshy, such that her eyes seemed to have been squeezed by her flesh. That girl looked nothing like the original face of Lin Wenwen. She was only about one-hundred and fifty centimeters tall, but was actually wearing a tight suit! That one-hundred and fifty centimeters tall, over sixty-five kilograms body was honestly wrapped in a tight suit!

Lin Wenwen couldn’t help but cover her face and squat when she saw the layers of flesh on her waist which was wrapped so tightly in her clothes.

“A-are you okay?” A voice was suddenly heard.

Lin Wenwen raised her head and saw a young girl dressed like a shop attendant looking at her with concern.

She hurriedly stood up and waved her hands as she said to the girl, “Oh, I’m fine. I’m fine. Thank you!”

She read the girl’s badge and learned that she was the manager of the shop. She understood that her behavior might have caught the girl’s attention, making the latter think that she was probably having some kind of discomfort.

She was nearly suffering a mental collapse, but still managed to thank the shop manager with a calm face.

The girl looked at her confusedly. After confirming that she was really fine, the girl nodded and walked back into the shop.

Lin Wenwen immediately moved to the side and fumbled through her pockets to find a telephone. She pressed a button and the screen instantly showed the time and date.

The phone was locked and required a password. Thankfully, the phone was good enough to be unlocked with a fingerprint.

Lin Wenwen immediately unlocked the phone with her fingerprint.

Looking at the ‘4G’ showing on a corner of the screen, she wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. Internet… In the post-apocalyptic world, it no longer existed.

The date showing on the phone was three months before the apocalypse. She had actually traveled back to seven years ago into someone else’s body!

She could finally feel what her sister had felt. Thankfully, she did not become a zombie whose limbs were barely attached to her body!

How did it happen? Why did she jump back to seven years ago? Why did she become a fat girl? That body belonged to someone else, didn’t it?

She remembered herself in a special condition as her second superpower was upgrading. She spent an effort to consume up her space power and then started to absorb energies from zombie nuclei. Then, she felt that the energies she absorbed were all merged the second type of energy in her body.

As Lin Hao had said, her second superpower took over her body after her space power ran out.

Before long, she felt more and more sleepy. When she woke up, she found herself in an empty room. She couldn’t move, and only stood there quietly. She probably stood there for a long time, or not so long. She didn’t feel tired anyway.

She felt as if she was drifting in the air.

She had no idea how long she spent in that condition. But when she woke up again, she had become a fat girl!

Did she have a second life? Did she travel through time?

It would be nice if she became herself from seven years ago, but she ended up in someone else’s body. How did that happen?

Could she still go back to the post-apocalyptic world? She wouldn’t need to keep living with her current body, would she?

‘No. I’ll let you go back to where you came from as long as you do a few things for me.’?As Lin Wenwen felt so confused, a voice was suddenly heard from her mind.

“Who are you?” Lin Wenwen gave a start and a sharp beam of light flashed across her narrowed eyes.

That voice wasn’t heard again.

Lin Wenwen furrowed her brows and turned around. In the post-apocalyptic era, she had trained herself into a highly perceptive person. However, she found no one suspicious.

Who was talking to her just now? The voice was sent straight into her head. Her ears didn’t detect any sound.

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Chapter 1123: Pretty Boys and Girls

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

As Lin Wenwen was observing the surrounding environment, her telephone suddenly started buzzing. She lowered her head and saw the screen showing the word ‘brother’.

Was it the brother of the real owner of her body? Should she answer the call? If she couldn’t get what the brother said, would he detect that something was wrong?

She was hesitating, and the phone kept buzzing. When she gave up on answering the call, the call was ended. However, the phone soon started buzzing again.

Lin Wenwen stared at the telephone and fell into silence.

She thought for a moment and then answered the phone. The girl’s brother would probably be worried if the calls weren’t answered.


“Xinxin, what took you so long to answer the call?” A clear and refreshing boy’s voice was heard.

Xinxin? Xin-xin? Xingxing? Xing-xing? Was that the name of the real owner of her body?

Lin Wenwen blinked, then found an excuse, “Oh, em, I was in the middle of something, so I missed the call.”

“Oh, where are you now?” The boy quickly replied to her, “I wasn’t watching you for a second and then you’re gone. Stay wherever you are. Aren’t you aware that you’re terrible with directions? I might not be able to find you if you’re walking without knowing the way.”

The brother sounded very worried about the girl. He was probably used to looking after his sister like an adult looking after a child.

“I-I’m at a shoe store in front of Paradise Coffee,” Lin Wenwen looked around and saw a coffee house that had a large signboard, so she told that to the boy.

“Stay there! How did you get there? We’re coming to you right now,” The boy immediately ordered her not to move, then ended the call.

We? It sounded like he was not alone.

Lin Wenwen looked at the phone screen while thinking. She observed herself through the screen, then raised a hand and flipped her bangs.

She looked carefully and found that the girl was actually not ugly. She had pretty eyes and nose and mouth. However, her chubby cheeks made them look smaller than they really were. Her eyes could be large if she open them as widely as she could.

When Dong Lijia found his chubby sister, he saw her looking into her phone screen and squeezing her eyes. He had no idea what she was doing.

“I see her! Over there!” Hsaid to the others, then walked toward Lin Wenwen. “Xinxin, over here!”

Hearing that voice which she had heard just now through the phone, Lin Wenwen immediately raised her head to look at its owner and saw a few pretty boys and girls coming at her. They were so good-looking that she even felt being dazzled.

Damn! Standing together with those people, she could look really like a weird being with her current body.

She watched the two boys and two girls walk up to herself speechlessly. One of them was about six-feet tall, slim, straight, and handsome. The boy waved at her.

“Why are you staring at us? Let’s go! Don’t just stand there.” A well-dressed girl who had a long ponytail said to Lin Wenwen with a smile.

While moving slowly toward those people, Lin Wenwen quietly observed their expressions. Apart from her brother was another boy. He was expressionless and much more handsome than her brother. He seemed over six feet tall strong.

He could be the most good-looking boy in the school!

She then turned to the two girls. One of them had a ponytail while the other had long hair hanging loosely over her shoulders. Both of them wore light make-up, having delicate faces and nice body shapes. They were both over five feet and five inches, wearing ten-centimeter heels.

So pretty!

Those pretty boys and girls were so pleasant to the eyes. The people nearby had been turning to look at them from time to time. Clearly, that group of young people was very eye-catching.

However, Lin Wenwen sneered in her head once she gave a glance at the two girls in the eyes.

There was a distance between herself and the two girls, but still, she could clearly feel the disdain in their eyes. They should at least try to hide it.

“Why are you here? Didn’t I tell you to wait for us on the square? Here, your drink,” The brother walked to Lin Wenwen with a cup of warm drink. He was complaining, but his behavior clearly stated how nice he was to his little sister.

“Yeah, it’s so hot here. The sun is blinding me. Xinxin, aren’t you feeling hot?” The long-haired girl put her slim and fair hand above her eyes and said to Lin Wenwen.

Lin Wenwen looked at the girl without saying anything. She didn’t know about the personality of the real owner of her body yet. Would she smile? Was she outgoing or gloomy?

If she acted unlike the real owner of her body, at least her brother would notice.

Therefore, Lin Wenwen decided not to say anything.

Before she answered the question, her brother answered it for her, “It must be so hot. Xinxin is afraid of the heat the most.”

After saying that, he gave Lin Wenwen a glance with confusion and said, “Don’t you hate the heat? Why did you come here?”

It was July. The noontime could be really hot.

How should she explain that? It was certain weird for someone who couldn’t stand the heat to come all the way right under the sun.

Lin Wenwen looked at him calmly while trying to come up with a good reason.

She looked around. She was in a commercial street, and before her was a commercial plaza. She assumed that the group of people were out there shopping.

“Oh, I was…”

Before she finished, her brother interrupted her, “Are you here to buy shoes? I remembered you say that you wanted heels. Your body is still growing, so you can’t wear heels! Why don’t you listen to me?”

Lin Wenwen silently turned and glanced at the shoe store beside her. The store was selling some fashionable shoes indeed. Her brother had saved her from the difficult situation, so she followed his words.

“Because I’m short…” She murmured, then slightly lowered her head, seeming sad.

“Alright Lijia, Xinxin just wants to be pretty. Is it wrong for girls to want to be pretty?” The girl with a ponytail said to Dong Lijia with a smile.

Lin Wenwen gave her a grateful smile, then turned to look at Dong Lijia. At the same time, she observed the girl with a pony-tail through the corners of her eyes and saw her exchange glances with the other girl while the boys couldn’t see them.

“Alright. Don’t always put strange thoughts into my sister’s head. She has just turned seventeen. Wearing heels can affect the development of her bones.” Hearing the girl talk for his sister, Dong Lijia instantly gave her a glance with discontentment.

Having finished talking, he held his sister’s hand as he turned and walked toward the plaza.

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