
Chapter 24: Slaughtering The Pirates

Chapter 24: Slaughtering The Pirates

”Which group of bastards dare to attack the Soria Pirates! I will catch them all, whether it’s men or women, and smash them into pieces, then hang them on the sail!”

The pirate captain roared loudly. He was wearing an army uniform, He obtained it by killing a Continental Army officer before escaping to the sea. Since then, this uniform has been regarded by him as a symbol of honor.

All the pirates looked around, searching for the enemy.

Each one of them was roaring and cursing, promising to slice the attacker into pieces.


The sea surface suddenly broke open as a huge gold and black monster appeared on the sea surface;

The noisy pirates abruptly shut up. Everyone was seemingly frozen.

They looked at the huge monster blankly.

The size of this monster is huge, it’s almost as big as their warship. He stared at the pirates with his huge golden-black eyes, causing them to freeze.

A large amount of seawater slid down from the monster’s body.

His huge claws grabbed the edge of their warship, causing it to tilt to the side.

An inexplicable fear brewed in the heart of all pirates!

The pirates suddenly reacted and screamed loudly. Each scream louder than the last.

Some even peed their pants…

”Monster! It’s a monster!”

The pirates were terrified.

Some fell powerlessly on the ground, frightened.

Some became crazed. They used one hand to hold fixed objects in the ship in order to not fall, then used the gun in their other hand to crazily attack the monster.

”Pang! Pang! Pang!”

The sound of gunfire sounded through the ship. The pirates kept attacking Shillong with their muskets.

”Clang! Clang!”

The bullets landed on the body of the monster, but it had no effect.

As if hitting a steel wall, a series of sparks splashed around. The bullets didn’t even leave a scratch on the monster’s scales.

”It won’t work! Attack his eyes!” someone yelled.

The pirates with guns changed their target and started firing again.

The monster suddenly closed its eyes, causing the bullets to collide with its eyelids. Apart from some slight sparks, the bullets didn’t do any damage at all.

”It’s useless! It’s useless! This is a true monster! Something that humans can’t defeat at all!” A pirate broke down and sat powerlessly on the ground after seeing that their muskets have no effect.

”Damn monster! Get out of my ship!” The pirate captain roared loudly, his eyes full of wrath. He suddenly took an ominous black skull from his coat

The skull is very small, about the size of a baseball, but there is a weird black miasma surging out of it.

”Monster! Have a taste of magic!” The pirate captain grinned. He isn’t afraid of some random sea monster! He started to mutter some slurred notes from his mouth

When he finished chanting, his spirit visibly wilted.

He looked like a tired person that hasn’t slept for a few days.

Black energy that was invisible to the naked eye was dragged from the pirate captain into the skull. The skull’s eyes flashed with red light, then slowly opened its mouth.

A black arrow condensed in black mist suddenly shot towards Shillong! Leaving a black trail behind.


The black arrow landed right on Shillong’s eyelid.

Then, under the horrified gaze of the pirate captain, it turned into black smoke and dissipated, as if nothing happened…

”This…this is impossible!” The pirate captain muttered to himself, seemingly unable to accept the reality. His bottom card and most powerful attack were actually useless! How is this possible?

He used this spell to penetrate a 1-meter thick steel wall before! It’s far more powerful than his warship’s cannon attacks!

The monster looked at the horrified pirate captain and rubbed his eyelids slightly. “It’s a bit itchy, what spell did you use just now, human?”

”Th… the monster is talking! The monster is talking!” The pirate captain exclaimed. He has never heard or seen a talking monster before.

”Shut up, Trash! don’t call me a monster! My name is Shillong, now answer the question I just asked.” Shillong looked at the pirate captain with cold eyes and said, his voice was very deep and penetrating.

The pirate captain said with a fearful look on his face.

”I…I don’t know…I don’t know anything, I will give you whatever you want! Please let me go!”

”Didn’t you understand my question? What I hate the most is other people ignoring my questions! Damn you!”

Shillong slightly narrowed his eyes. He extended his claws and grabbed the frightened pirate captain, then lightly flexed his hands under the horrified sight of the pirate captain and the others…


Before the pirate captain could even scream, he was crushed into meat paste. His bright red blood dripped along with Shillong’s claws and back into the sea.

The original blue sea was gradually dyed with red.

”Tell me, trash, who can sail.”

Shillong asked another question.

His huge shiny eyes scanned the entire eyes.

The pirates that his eyes crossed trembled due to intense fear, many collapsed onto the floor of the ship, some fled by jumping into the sea and some even started attacking Shillong again.

Shillong pinched them to death one by one. Among the few still alive Pirates, a middle-aged man shouted loudly.”I! I can sail! Don’t kill me! Please don’t kill me!”

”Me too! I can sail too! Don’t kill me.”

The remaining pirates screamed one after the other. Dozens of them claimed that they could sail.

”You bastards! Are you fooling me? There are dozens of people who can set sail in a group of illiterate pirates?” Silom’s eyes flickered fiercely.

”I…I really know how to sail, they are all lying!” All the pirates suddenly said, then started blaming and cursing each other, insisting that only they can sail.

If it wasn’t for Shillong watching them, they might even have started to fight.

These pirates may have felt that only those who can sail will survive, so all of them insisted that they can do so, not budging at all.

Shillong scanned one pirate after the other. They all heavily trembled due to fear under his sight, but they still insisted on saying that they can set sail.

”You scumbags, do you think that I won’t be able to do anything if you keep lying?” Shillong grinned, then opened his mouth and started chanting a spell.

”Lie Detection Technique!”

A circle of golden light visible to the naked eye, spread around Shillong, engulfing all pirates

In Shillong’s eyes, the colors of these pirates have changed!

Shillong felt like he was wearing a thermal night vision device. The pirates were divided into two colors, one red and one blue.

This is a level 1 prophecy arcane spell that Jones taught him.

Its role is very simple, which is to identify liars. The pirates enveloped in red are lying, and the ones enveloped in blue are telling the truth.

Looking at the red pirate, Shillong stretched his paws and pinched them to death.

Fear broke out again amongst the pirates.

“Ahhhhh! I don’t want to die!”

“Die! You monster! Die!”

“Ahhh! Mom! Dad! Save me! I was wrong! I won’t do it again!”

A large group of people went crazy and attacked Shillong with their muskets, but more jumped off the ship. They would rather die in the sea than facing a monster like Shillong!

Shillong squeezed at the pirates enveloped in red one after the other. Even if they jumped into the sea, he stretched his claws to catch, then pinch them into a paste. Their blood stained the sea and the hull.

The shadow of death enveloped the pirate ship.

Only three pirates enveloped in blue remained on the ship, shrinking into a corner and looking at Shillong in horror.

”Scum! Your luck is good. You’re still useful. You can keep your life for now.” Shillong said indifferently.

”I… we aren’t going to die! We won’t die!” The three pirates hugged each other and danced in joy, tears and mucus fell from their face.

Shillong sneered at this sight, then turned his head and said.

”Jones, come out, this is my parting gift for you.”

The old man named Jones, after hearing this sound, hugged Puchi and slowly floated from behind Shillong, then fell on this boat.

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