
Chapter 29 A Mutual Exchange

Chapter 29 A Mutual Exchange

Seeing Gu-Chensha walking onto the boat, Luo Baiyue smiled: “You’re now also the Duke of the State and the Prince, and furthermore, you’ve won the title of County King easily, but when you go out on an errand, you don’t even bring an attendant with you, aren’t you afraid of losing face and losing your prestige?”

“My roots are shallow, and the only thing I rely on is a little attention from Father, and the Giant Spirit God Kung Fu secrets you gave me to fix me up to my current realm. Where is there any prestige to speak of?” Gu-Chensha looked around the building ship, but a different warship, bigger and more stable than the previous one, with more artillery placement down below, literally able to attack the city.

The financial strength of the Lou family is evident.

According to reason, although the princes and nobles of the capital have building ships, such large ships with cannon fire cannot be owned, otherwise it will be seen as a rebellion and the punishment is three generation of the entire family will be wiped out.

“This fire shark battleship was secretly ordered by the Emperor to allow me to transfer it from the Heavenly Engineering Academy.” Luo Baiyue saw Gu-Chensha’s suspicions: “Inside are eighteen newly developed Rift Mountain Cannons with the Dao Realm Alchemy Powerful inscriptions on them, and the shells also carry an incredible array of formations that can collapse a solid city wall ten miles away in a single blast.”

“Awesome, such artillery, the next year’s conquest of the barbarians will be unbeatable!” the Gu-Chensha was horrified, “Even the strongest of the Dao Realm would be blown to pieces.”

“The Dao Realm strongmen are not initially invincible. Only after cultivating to the Ninth Transformation, then the Gods are first-rate and cannot be destroyed by mortal means.” Luo Baiyue beckoned, and the Dao-nu took out the palm-sized black contraption and handed it up respectfully.

Gu-Chensha saw a trigger on it, which would be a type of concealed machine crossbow firearm.


Luo Baiyue pulls the trigger pointed toward the far side.

At almost 3,000 paces away, a waterfowl was shot, its whole body exploded and fell into a ball of fire, and in the blink of an eye it was just charred.

“It’s not a fire gun? Fire. Where did the gun get such powerful attack?” Gu-Chensha’s heart went cold.

“This is a fire talisman gun, the latest development from the Tiangong Institute.” Luo Baiyue returned the gun to the Dao-nu: “With this gun in hand, even a warrior with a little training can kill a clan master.”

“The Tiangong Institute actually made such a national weapon? But sooner or later, these murderous weapons will go out into the world, and if they are used by unruly people, won’t the world be in chaos?” Gu-Chensha comes to mind as the most serious problem.

“I had also thought of this problem, and had sent a secret letter to the Emperor to remind him of it, but the Emperor said that the people of the world might need such a thing to preserve their dignity. The emperor’s magnanimity, the fruit and the past dynasties and any rulers are very different. Whereas every dynasty and every generation had to fool the people, the emperor opened the people’s wisdom and overturned any great emperor in history.” When it comes to the Skyseal Emperor, Luo Baiyue truly admires him every time, from the bottom of her heart.

Gu-Chensha is also unconvincing about the governance of the entire Great Yong Dynasty.

“You haven’t had breakfast yet, have you? I asked my subordinate to prepare it for you?” Luo Baiyue asked again, “I have cultivated the Dao Realm, and I can just absorb the spirit of heaven and earth without eating it.”

“I’m a bit hungry, but I’ve been practicing lately and I hate the smell of fireworks. I heard that you found a lot of good things in the ruins of the Ancient Son of Heaven Void. I wonder if there’s anything I can use? I can trade for something.” Gu-Chensha has dense Sun Moon dragon scales storing energy in his abdomen, and it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t eat for a few months, but he doesn’t want to expose his killer and test out what Luo Baiyue has in store for him.

“Oh? What do you have to trade?” Luo Baiyue was raked in the interest.

“How about this?” Gu-Chensha took out Tiger Wolf Pill, a pill that was black and blue in color and had mighty qi on it, and he wanted to test Luo Baiyue’s eyesight.

“Ancient Tiger Wolf Pill!” Luo Baiyue’s eyes sharpened: “Even an ordinary person can become a Tiger Wolf as long as they take it, and be comparable to a warrior who has trained hard for twenty years. In addition to increasing strength with no after-effects, this medicine mainly changes a person with a weak character into a tiger-wolf brave, as this pill contains the majesty of a tiger-wolf.”

People’s character determines success or failure, a weak, forward-looking, indecisive person, even if he is given power, he will not use it. Eventually, he will be a total failure, while a person with a strong character will find a way to work hard even if he doesn’t have the power, and eventually he will achieve something.

The most important thing Tiger Wolf Pill can do is infuse the resilience of a wolf and the majestic confidence of a tiger into the souls of ordinary people.

These two are essential for success.

This is something no pill can do, and it must be blended with the power of the heavens.

“What a good eye, you can tell right away that this is Ancient Tiger Wolf Pill.” Gu-Chensha exclaimed, “I guess there are quite a few young sons and daughters of the House of Lou who need this pill.”

“Where did you get that? This pill comes from ancient times, in modern times it has long been lost, even the most brilliant master of alchemists can’t make it, there are pills that increase strength, but those that give people the nature of a tiger or wolf are impossible to make, this involves the Heavenly Dao change.” Luo Baiyue was clearly impressed, and while she couldn’t use it, many of the Lou House’s disciples needed it.

Lou family is a big family, if you want the family to flourish, talent is the most important, although most of the disciples have good resources, but too long pampered, their character will inevitably go lazy, arrogant, which is difficult to be a person of great responsibility if there is Tiger Wolf Pill, I’m afraid it’s very different, the family will all be elite.

What the family relies on is the constant emergence of talent and excellence.

Wolves can lurk for a long time without moving when hunting and can endure hunger and cold.

“My mother is, at any rate, Princess of the Xian Dynasty, so it’s not surprising that she left me something to defend myself with.” Gu-Chensha wouldn’t be stupid enough to tell the truth, and of course, no one would believe him even if he said Skyseal Sacrificial Edict was in his possession.

“How many of these pills do you have?” Luo Baiyue is crisp.

“How much do you want?” Gu-Chensha asked rhetorically.

“I want as much as you have.” Luo Baiyue instructed her subordinates, “Yuxiang, go bring the Heavenly Dew over here.”

“The Heavenly Dew, it really is the Heavenly Dew.” Gu-Chensha’s mine recalls the history books that Luo Baiyue really did take, on the Ancient Son of Heaven virtual ruins there’s the Heavenly Dew legacy in it, so he wondered how much Luo Baiyue gained.

A maid brought over a thumb-sized jade bottle in the twinkling of an eye.

“This is the Heavenly Dew, you are familiar with the history books, you should know what it does, and there are five drops in this bottle. For every drop you take, this dew will remain entrenched in your body for a month, improving your meridians, expanding your acupuncture points, toughening your flesh and blood, and you don’t have to eat any fireworks in January, lest your constitution be contaminated by vulgarity.” Luo Baiyue said, “Now five drops of the Heavenly Dew in exchange for your two Tiger Wolf Pill, you don’t lose.”

“Deal.” Gu-Chensha immediately exchanged the Heavenly Dew he was in need of right now, on the Ancient Son of Heaven to practice Son of Heaven Sealing, and himself needed the Heavenly Dew to match in order to practice Sun Moon Cultivation! To the point of sophistication.

In fact, it is only Sun Moon Cultivation that can fully bind the Heavenly Dew’s medicinal properties to the body.

Moreover, in the realm of a martial arts master, one must be very careful about what one eats and drinks, and try not to eat as much as one can, otherwise the impurities in one’s body will accumulate more and more, and not only will one not progress, but one will gradually decline.

And because of this, there are basically no martial arts masters in Jianghu who can promote the Dao Realm.

The best thing for a martial arts master to eat and drink is a pill refined to the extreme, or a heavenly treasure of that kind. Which of them could sustain such a huge consumption?

Even for a noble family, it’s a huge expense to raise a few martial arts masters who can hit the Dao Realm.

The two exchanged babies, and Gu-Chensha asked Luo Baiyue for a secluded room and was about to take a drop of the Heavenly Dew for the practice.

“County Sheriff, how did he get Tiger Wolf Pill?” That Yukari is obviously the heartthrob and immediately kneels down: “the information I gathered was wrong? A slave is guilty?”

“He still surprises me.” Luo Baiyue’s face as usual, “to take my ship without an attendant, that is to be able to endure humiliation but save trouble, this is great wisdom, good thing I can ride these days and see how strong he is, sail the ship!”


The huge iron anchor was pulled up, and this fire shark leaves the capital on the wind and waves.

On the shore, a few scouts dressed as civilians exchanged glances with each other: “I can’t believe that this Nineteenth Prince actually disregarded his identity and face and took Luo Baiyue’s boat, completely ruining our plan, and Ten explained that we would cause him trouble along the way, what now? Luo Baiyue we don’t dare to provoke at all.”

“It’s better to report this matter to the Tenth Master.”

A few people sped away.

In addition to that, there were several waves of people who also found it impossible to do anything.

“Huh! I don’t know how much trouble I would cause if I took a boat myself, lest I should be hindered in every way before I reached Xianzhou.” In the small elegant room Gu-Chensha observes the surroundings, calmly pondering in his mind.

The elegant room on this ship was also quite spacious, more than ten paces square and a foot high. It was made of steel, but framed with spices, and wrapped in furs, and was rich and magnificent.

Gu-Chensha drops out a drop of the Heavenly Dew, and the fragrance fills the room, the Heavenly Dew is azure in color, similar to the sky, like a small piece of the sky ripped off.

He drops it on his tongue and without swallowing it, the Heavenly Dew melts into his flesh and blood, spreading instantly throughout every part of his body.

The feeling is astonishing, like the smoothness of a spiritual vision.

For example, if you meditate on a problem for a long time and can’t get the point, and then suddenly you figure it out, that moment of feeling is when life is at its most intense.

The moment the Heavenly Dew entrance diffuses throughout the body, that’s what it tastes like.

“Sun Moon Cultivation!” He immediately urged Sun Moon Cultivation’s internal energy to run, the Heavenly Dew’s medicinal power flowing and changing through the meridians, all kinds of flesh and blood being altered and quenched, the meridians being gradually expanded.

There seems to be some kind of whirlwind created in the body between breaths.

Although he is Sun Moon Cultivation internally, he is practicing the Giant Spirit God Kung Fu externally. Because he practices Sun Moon Transformation, changer, change also, the practice of any martial art can be a Sun Moon Transformation practice.

After a long time, he regained his clarity, and only felt a small increase in strength, speed, agility, and thought, and his limits were raised.

On his back, several Sun Moon dragon scales also appear, protecting key points.

“He’s practicing the Giant Spirit God Kung Fu.” In another room, there was a mirror that showed Gu-Chensha’s every move, and Luo Baiyue observed and did not see anything: “The power within the body is rushing like a tide, and the bloodline is strong, giving one the feeling of being heavy as a mountain, it seems that is the gradually activating the Giant Spirit God bloodline.”

It was noon when the sky was red and the fog on the river was all gone.

Gu-Chensha cultivated for a full two hours.

The blue waves are vast, the river is vast, and although the wind is cold, there is a slight spring weather.

There is a lot of floating ice on the river, making it difficult for normal small boats to travel, but Fire Shark ships can break through even the thickest ice, let alone floating ice.

“County Sheriff, we have left the capital, and at the present rate we will reach the Shizhou boundary by night.” Someone came to report.

“The shipping lanes of the Shizhou land are also wide, but the currents are swift and the sides are all high mountains and valleys, yet one must be careful.” Luo Baiyue frowned, always feeling a bad feeling.

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