
Chapter 180 Blood Crisis

As the power within the blood spread through his body, he quickly focused his mind, then began to use a Body Refinement technique. The only way to make the vast tide of Natural Essence in his body subside was to absorb it, he knew.

Even as he attempted to absorb the power, he felt it course through his veins, violently raging through his body while he tried to control it.

The pain might have driven someone else to despair, but Arran’s mind remained steadfast. He had faced worse both in his Tempering and while training in the Eidaran city, and this time, it was clear that it was a simple matter of enduring until he absorbed all the power.

The first few moments were the worst, with the Natural Essence filling his veins until it felt like he would explode from the pressure. Nevertheless, he cycled it through his body, and after a while, both the pressure and the pain grew slightly weaker.

Yet while Arran slowly absorbed the power, he began to feel that something was off. The Natural Essence in the dragon blood was not behaving as it should. Instead of being absorbed passively, it was as if it was actively merging itself with his body.

The realization puzzled him for a moment, but then, surprise set in.

Although he could only barely sense it, it was as if the dragon’s blood held its own Body Refinement method — one that was far more efficient than his current one.

Had he taken less of the dragon’s blood, the effect would have been too weak to notice. But now, he could just barely make out what was happening, and even the hint of it helped him gain insights about Body Refinement.

These insights weren’t something he could use yet, but with time, they could help him create a Body Refinement method superior to his current one.

Now, he understood why Crassus hadn’t stopped him from draining the entire mug of dragon’s blood — it was a great opportunity, and seizing it would bring tremendous benefits.

He immediately focused his attention on the Natural Essence within him, observing how it merged with his body. While he could only barely perceive what was happening, just that little sliver of comprehension caused him enough excitement that he forgot about the pain.

This continued for some time, with Arran’s excitement only growing stronger as both his insights and his strength increased.

Although most of his concentration was focused on absorbing the Natural Essence, there was a feeling of anticipation in the back of his mind. Just a mug of dragon’s blood had such an effect, and he still had half a dragon waiting for him once he finished.

However, while he was engrossed in absorbing the power, he unexpectedly felt something different — something worrying.

The Blood magic’s bloodlust had long been silent in his mind, and ever since the Tempering, controlling it had been easy. Yet now, he suddenly felt it grow stronger.

That would have already worried him, but as the bloodlust strengthened, he also felt something different rising. Something was absorbing part of the strength he had ingested, a hungry force within his body that was rapidly growing in intensity.

His heart trembled when he realized he was feeling the Blood magic, feeding on the power contained by the Blood magic. And as it grew stronger and more violent, he sensed that it wasn’t just trying to absorb the dragon’s blood.

Rather, it was trying to absorb all power around it — including Arran himself.

The realization filled him with shock, and he immediately attempted to stop it, guiding the Natural Essence in his body away from the devouring force. He didn’t understand what was happening, nor why, but what he did understand was the grave danger he faced.

He focused every shred of willpower he could muster without delay, desperately trying to stop the devouring force from growing further. If left unchecked, he feared it would kill him.

Yet its growth seemed unstoppable — even as he willed his power away from it, the suction it caused grew stronger and more violent, and he was powerless to stop it.

Already, his body was growing weaker, and his power to resist faltered.

With a surge of effort, he opened his eyes, and saw Snowcloud and Crassus sitting on the ground in front of him. Snowcloud stared at him intently, her expression worried, but Crassus still looked unconcerned — amused even.

Arran struggled to form words to alert them to what was happening, but even making a sound seemed all but impossible with the violent energies raging within him.

"Blood magic..." Just saying the two words took most of the strength he still controlled, and he could feel his resistance slipping. Still, with an effort of will, he uttered a final word. "Dying..."

At once, a look of panic appeared on Snowcloud’s face, and Crassus’s amusement faded in an instant, an expression of grave concern replacing it.

"Something within him is feeding on the blood," Crassus said. He turned to Snowcloud. "What is it?"

Snowcloud hesitated, a panicked expression on her face as she weighed the danger of telling Crassus against the danger of whatever Arran was facing.

"Speak, child!" Crassus barked the words loudly, and his voice held a hint of his draconic power.

With another worried look at Arran, Snowcloud began to speak.

"Someone used Blood magic on him..."

She hurriedly explained what had happened to Arran in the deserters’ fortress, how he had been affected by Blood magic, and what Elder Naran had done to help Arran control it.

Crassus listened intently, and finally, he shook his head. "I don’t know a thing about any of that."

Snowcloud’s expression turned desperate when she heard those words. "Can’t you—"

"Step back!" Crassus interrupted her in a tone that brooked no argument.

As Snowcloud retreated, he turned his attention back to Arran. "I don’t know what this Blood magic is, but I’d like to see it resist the power of a real dragon."

Crassus took several steps backward, then gave Arran an annoyed look.

"Idiot mage."

At once, the man’s figure began to expand violently, his clothes torn to shreds as his body grew hundreds of paces tall in an instant. His size surged further, and within moments he turned back into his true form — an immense dragon.

This transformation was far faster than his previous one, and if Arran had been able to speak, he would have exclaimed in shock. Yet even while he saw Crassus transform in front of him, he felt the Blood magic strengthening further, devouring both the dragon’s blood and Arran’s power.

At this rate, he would soon be dead.

When Crassus reached his staggering full size, once more having taken the form of a gargantuan dragon, he took several giant steps back. Then, his claws shot out at the ground between him and Arran, tearing through the rock and leaving a wide pit.

Without hesitation, the dragon’s claws shot out once more — only this time, the target was his own leg. The attack left a deep gash in his flesh, and blood poured out in a large wave, filling the pit in an instant.

His claws moved a third time, now toward Arran. In a single movement, he picked up Arran’s motionless body, then tossed it into the blood-filled pit.

Although Arran knew what was happening, he was powerless to do anything. At this point, he could already feel that he only had minutes left, and all he could do was hope that whatever Crassus was doing would somehow save him.

He fell into the pit with a splash, immediately sinking deep into the dark crimson liquid. As it enveloped him, he could feel its monstrous power pressing on his body. At any other time, he would have been awed by the power, but now, his mind was entirely focused on the crisis he faced.

He tried to hold his breath as he was submerged in the liquid, but with his heart racing and his body on the verge of collapse, he only lasted a moment. Then, despite himself, he took a deep breath — and dragon’s blood filled his lungs.

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