
Chapter 31: The FBI Informant

Chapter 31: The FBI Informant

On the dock, in the shadow of countless containers, Mathison looked at the distant cruise ship departing and gently touched his cheek.

He started considering a variety of possibilities: when Pamela found out that she was flying in the sky, she could have been scared to open her eyes, or may not have been able to stop screaming, or have been fascinated by the thrill of soaring in the sky. He expected all of these possibilities to happen but one.

He never expected Pamela to be so bold as to kiss him.

Coming to think about it, not even Barbara had ever done that after she reached the age where she started to understand romance…

”However, I feel pretty good.”

Mathison’s heart was full of joy.

In any case, I have done my best, the rest now is up to Pamela herself.

Although Tony Stark is considered Mathison’s enemy, his character is guaranteed to remain the same, even after becoming Iron Man. He is still bold, charming, and easily attracted to girls, but he would never do something to Pamela.

When the cruise ship disappeared from sight, the Cat’s Eye incident was officially dealt with. Mathison once again changed his costume and calmly left the docks…

Late that night, work at Gotham City Hall had also come to an end.

”Thank you both for your help, I’ll send someone to help you arrange a place to stay later.”

Gordon said to Starling and Bob.

”However, our time is rather limited, the environment may not be too good.”

”All I require is a bed to sleep on, it is not the right time to be picky when carrying out such a mission. I will not trouble you, guys.”

Bob gladly accepted, as he mentioned, he did not have any high requirements for food and lodging.

Gordon nodded, then turned his eyes to Starling.

Women, at times, could be particularly picky.

”I’m not a spoiled little girl either, but I have some things to do before I rest. I need to be excused for a while.”, Starling said lightly.

”Does Agent Starling have something to do in Gotham as well?” Bob’s eyes narrowed.

”Don’t insist too much, Agent Bob, this is a CIA matter.”

”If you need a hand, the GCPD can help.”, Gordon offered.

”Thank you but no, I can handle it alone.”

”With all due respect, Agent Starling, Gotham is dangerous at night.”

”Yes, I’ve heard that many times, but is it any more dangerous than Hannibal’s restaurant?”, Starling ruffled her hair with a flash of reflection in her eyes.

To her words, Gordon had to give Starling the temporary address that the GCPD had arranged for her, so she could go there on her own after she finished her business.

Soon, the cab arrived near Gotham Avenue, only three or four blocks away from the Penguin’s Iceberg restaurant.

By the time the cab was at the nearest crossing to the Iceberg restaurant, a black car suddenly pulled out and followed the cab.

”Turn left at that fork in the road ahead and stop when you reach the third traffic light.”

Starling said to the driver, and the bearded white driver as he nodded his head at once.

This was Penguin territory, and he couldn’t wait to get out of it.

The black car continued to follow, always keeping a distance from the cab.

After Starling got out, the cab quickly left the area, and the black car stopped just in front of her.

Now at this time, there was not a single pedestrian on the street, and vehicles were also scarce.

Starling opened the passenger door naturally and sat in. Only then, the car moved to a hidden location.

”How did the mission go?”

At this point, Starling turned to the driver’s seat, only to see a young woman sitting on it.

”Everything is going well so far, Boss, Cobblepot does not suspect me yet.”

The woman was no other than the Penguin’s current secretary, Marvie Brandon!

In fact, Brandon is not her real surname, but a forged identity.

Her real name is Maiev Jean Angers, an Anglo-American and her real identity is that she is an informant the FBI put next to the Penguin!

Starling is Marvie’s direct supervisor.

”Very good, in this case, did you find a clue?”

At that, Marvie’s mood sank, “Cobblepot is very cautious, he hardly let me into any important places, I got very little information.”

”Well, we expected that the Penguin wouldn’t be the second-largest gangster in the country if he was really that trustful.”

Starling wasn’t surprised by this, “You’ve only been with him for two years, in addition to that, it’s really impossible to win Cobblepot’s trust completely.”

”Then tell us what information you have obtained, no matter how small!”

”Yes, Boss.”

Next, Marvie told Starling about her experience of working at the Iceberg Restaurant for the past two years, which of course included the secret trip to the Iceberg exchange with Phantom Kid.

”Phantom Kid… that great thief who has recently gained fame in Gotham?”

Starling pondered for a moment, “He has nothing to do with what we are going to investigate, not to mention that you have not seen his true face, this information is of little use.”

”Boss, there is one more detail that I think is very important!”, Marvel suddenly said seriously.

”Two years ago, when I first came, there were still a lot of homeless people in the East and Edinburgh districts, but every once in a while, their numbers decreased degradingly.”

”It was not obvious in the first year, but the situation this year is much clearer.”

Hearing the words of Marvie, the corner of Starling’s mouth rose as a brilliant light flashed in her eyes.

”That’s enough, that’s enough information, he must be here!”

”Marvie, you continue to work undercover beside Cobblepot, and always pay attention to your own safety.”; Starling put her hand on Marvel’s shoulder and cautioned.

”Don’t worry, Boss, I know how to protect myself.”, Marvel nodded.

After the intelligence report, Starling got out of the car, and the two left in opposite directions.

Meanwhile, over the Atlantic Ocean, Queen Elizabeth’s exclusive plane was flying high in the skies. It will reach Gotham in ten hours.

”Your Majesty, please don’t worry, with me here, you can enjoy this trip in peace.”, with a smile on his face, Johny told Elizabeth.

”Hahaha, yes, well, then my safety is in your hands.”, the queen laughed heartily and was satisfied.

Early the next morning, Gordon, Bob, and Starling left on time, and the entire GCPD was out, waiting for Queen Elizabeth’s arrival at the airport.

The Mayor of Gotham was also waiting there.

Generally speaking, when the leader of a country arrives, the airport will delay the operation of other flights to avoid accidents.

Although Elizabeth is the queen, she does not consider herself to have particularly a big frame. So, at her request, Archie Goodwin International Airport will not delay any flights or give her any special treatment.

In turn, this gave Mathison a golden opportunity.

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