
Chapter 24 Post War

We go stealth mode from here on boys.

Now then, one night has passed since the coup was over. Let’s check the battle result before we move on to the next city.

Let’s go with my status first, then Yamada-san, yes?

Name: 『Rena』 | Gender: 『Woman』

Race: 『Human』 | Level: 『39』

Condition: 『Possessed 《Kageyama-san》』

Karma Value: 『-181 《Evil》』

Class: 『Assassin』 | Second Class: 『Tamer』

SP: 35


『Dagger Art Lv. MAX』『Dagger Art・Master Lv. 11』『Throw Lv. MAX』『Boulder Throw Lv. 14』『Walk Lv. 43』『Lightweight Lv. 34』『Medicine Lv. MAX』『Hyper Medicine Lv. 2』『Surprise Attack Lv. 45』『Tame Lv. 39』『Camouflage Lv. 37』『Detection Lv. 34』『Friendship Lv. 29』『Thief Lv. MAX』『Master Thief Lv. 8』『Jump Lv. MAX』『Sky Kick Lv. 9』『Evasion Lv. MAX』『Shukuchi Lv. 12』『Martial Art Lv. MAX』『Martial Art・Master Lv. 17』『Assassination Art Lv. 43』『Fatal Blow Lv. 51』『Feint Lv. 36』『Escape Lv. MAX』『Lightning Speed Lv. 17』『Voice Change Lv. 27』『Disguise Lv. 24』『Acrobatics Lv. 21』『Encouragement Lv. MAX』『Honorary Flag Lv. 8』『Leadership Lv. MAX』『Whole Command Lv. 8』『Direction Lv. MAX』『Order Lv. 9』『Physical Resistance Lv. 27』『Magic Resistance Lv. 27』『Physical Abnormality Resistance Lv. 32』『Mental Abnormality Resistance Lv. 32』『Night Vision Lv. 24』『Stealth Lv. 34』『Silent Move Lv. 36』『Presence Detection Lv. MAX』『Hyper Awareness Lv. 5』『Danger Sense Lv. MAX』『Sixth Sense Lv. 7』『Listen Lv. MAX』『Forsake Lv. 28』『Ward Off Lv. 27』『Dismantle Lv. MAX』『Dissect Lv. 27』『Mind’s Eye Lv. 2』『Fire Attribute Resistance Lv. 7』『Poison Resistance Lv. 5』『Slash Resistance Lv. 5』


『Giant Killer』 – Successfully killed an enemy that is 20 or higher levels than yourself – 〚Increases damage against higher levels enemy 《Micro》〛〚Reduces damage taken 《Micro》〛

『The First Killer』 – The first person to successfully kill a person in this world – 〚Increases damage against human 《Micro》〛

『Daredevil』 – Successfully executed a person without any hesitation – 〚Increases Fear Resistance 《Micro》〛〚Increases Charm Resistance 《Micro》〛〚Increases Confuse Resistance 《Micro》〛

『Slaughterer』 – Successfully murdered a vast majority of people in a short time – 〚Adds a bonus to AGI based on the number of opponents at one time 《Max 150%》《Restricted to Humans》〛

『Demon』 – The person who has strayed off from humanity – 〚Karma value will be difficult to raise and will fall easily〛

『Plunderer』 – The person who has successfully looted more than a certain number of times from a certain number of people – 〚Increases the success rate of any looting skills 《Micro》〛

『Criminal』 – The person who has violated the law in the city – 〚Cannot get into any city by regular means〛

『God’s Enemy』 – The person who declared war or something similar towards the Order faction – 〚Increases damage against enemies with 『Virtuous』 karma value 《Small》〛〚Increases damage taken from enemies with 『Virtuous』 karma value 《Small》〛

『Fugitive・Temple』 – A wanted person in Temple – 〚Current bounty: 35.000.000 G〛

『Merciless』 – The person who has no mercy – 〚Increases critical rate《Small》〛

『Human Race Killer』 – The person who has killed Humans for at least 500 people – 〚Increases damage against Humans 《Medium》〛〚Reduces damage taken from Humans 《Medium》〛

『Human’s Natural Enemy』 – The person who has killed Humans for at least 1000 people – 〚Increases damage against Humans 《Huge》〛〚Reduces damage taken from Humans 《Huge》〛

『Hero Killer』 – The person who has killed an important NPC who has at least 150 karma value – 〚Increases all status 《Small》〛〚Increases damage against enemies with 『Virtuous』 karma value 《Medium》〛〚Increases damage taken from enemies with 『Virtuous』 karma value 《Medium》〛

『Fierce Battle』 – The person who has built a mountain of corpses and made a river of blood – 〚Increases all status 《Small》〛〚Increase STR and VIT status for every hostile opponents 《Max 75%》《Restricted to Humans》〛


Weapons: 『Scarlet Flame Kodachi』 《Possessed・Yamada-san》

Body: 『Explosive Lion’s Tunic』

Armor: 『Blue Flame Light Armor』 《Possessed・Inoue-san》

Arms: 『Engineer’s Gloves』

Lower Body: 『Night Sky Leggings』

Shoes: 『Gale Boots』


・ 『Night Sky Cloak』 《Possessed・Azabu-san》

・ 『Supreme God’s Rosary』 《Possessed・Santa-san》

・ 『Sturdy Ring of Power』

・『Silver Wolf’s Belt』

・『Anti-magic Bracelet』

Before I know it, I’m not in the wanted list for First Town anymore. Though, the bounty from the temple has increased, yes…?

Well, doesn’t matter. I strengthened my overall status, stripped off the coat and armor from the knight captain’s corpse, and made the feudal lord’s craftsman to combine the Darkness Cloak and Heavens Cloak into Night Sky Cloak and strengthen the Ring of Power into Sturdy Ring of Power.

Rena: “Next is Yamada-san.”

Yamada-san & Others: “『!!』”

Fufu, they are being restless as if want to say I don’t have a heart, yes? Let’s take a look, this is the evolution of Yamada-san and the others!!

Name: 『Yamada-san』

Race: 『Living Dead High Destroyer Sword』 | Level: 『1』

Condition: 『Possessing』


『Floating Lv. 17』『Night Vision Lv. 29』『Self-repair Lv. 34』『Arms Possession Lv. 36』『Cut Reinforcement Lv. MAX』『Cut Intensification Lv. 7』『Mental Abnormality Resistance Lv. -』『Poison Sheathing Lv. 2』『Fatal Blow Lv. 7』『Dark Magic Lv. 19』『Fire Magic Lv. 17』『Fire Attribute Resistance Lv. 8』


『Rena’s Follower』 – A monster that successfully became Rena’s follower – 〚Increases buff effects received from the master 《Small》〛

Name: 『Kageyama-san』

Race: 『Darkness Shadow』 | Level: 『1』

Condition: 『Possessing』


『Shadow Diving Lv. 34』『Shadow Travel Lv. 31』『Concealment Lv. 24』『Night vision Lv. 18』『Surprise Attack Lv. 36』『Dark Magic Lv. MAX』『Black Magic Lv. 2』『Magic Enhancement Lv. MAX』『Magic Intensification Lv. 4』『Mental Abnormality Resistance Lv. -』『Shadow Manipulation Lv. 4』『Bestowal Magic Lv. 5』『Fire Attribute Resistance Lv. 8』


『Rena’s Follower』 – A monster that successfully became Rena’s follower – 〚Increases buff effects received from the master 《Small》〛

Name: 『Azabu-san』

Race: 『Boreas Phantom Cloak』 | Level: 『1』

Condition: 『Possessing』


『Floating Lv. 28』『Night Vision Lv. 24』『Armor Possession Lv. 36』『Wind Magic Lv. MAX』『Gale Magic Lv. 3』『Dark Magic Lv. 28』『Magic Enhancement Lv. MAX』『Magic Intensification Lv. 4』『Mental Abnormality Resistance Lv. -』『Presence Detection Lv. 11』『Danger Sense Lv. 14』『Vigilance Lv. 21』『Distant View Lv. 12』『Fire Attribute Resistance Lv. 8』


『Rena’s Follower』 – A monster that successfully became Rena’s follower – 〚Increases buff effects received from the master 《Small》〛

Name: 『Santa-san』

Race: 『Greater Mimic』 | Level: 『1』

Condition: 『Possessing』


『Mimicry Lv. 34』『Night Vision Lv. 19』『Concealment Lv. 35』『Treasure Possession Lv. 36』『Light Magic Lv. MAX』『White Magic Lv. 4』『Illusion Magic Lv. 28』『Magic Enhancement Lv. MAX』『Magic Intensification Lv. 4』『Mental Abnormality Resistance Lv. -』『Bestowal Magic Lv. 5』『Barrier Magic Lv. 4』『Fire Attribute Resistance Lv. 8』


『Rena’s Follower』 – A monster that successfully became Rena’s follower – 〚Increases buff effects received from the master 《Small》〛

Name: 『Inoue-san』

Race: 『Darkness Living Armor』 | Level: 『1』

Condition: 『Possessing』


『Walking Lv. 34』『Night Vision Lv. 19』『Sword Art Lv. MAX』『Sword Art・Master Lv. 3』『Armor Possession Lv. 36』『Physical Strengthening Lv. MAX』『Physical Intensification Lv. 7』『Endurance Strengthening Lv. MAX』『Endurance Intensification Lv. 3』『Defense Strengthening Lv. MAX』『Defense Intensification Lv. 3』『Mental Abnormality Resistance Lv. -』『Cooperation Lv. 12』『Defense Art Lv. 14』『Martial Art Lv. 8』『Dark Magic Lv. 4』『Bestowal Magic Lv. 2』『Fire Attribute Resistance Lv. 8』


『Rena’s Follower』 – A monster that successfully became Rena’s follower – 〚Increases buff effects received from the master 《Small》〛

Rena: “Everyone, you have become stronger!”

Yamada-san: 『――!』

Kageyama-san: 『Uuu!』

Azabu-san: 『…! (*Bassabassa*!)』

Santa-san: 『Gaa!』

Inoue-san: 『Iiii!』

They are proud, yes? Especially when I saw that everyone including me had 『Fire Attribute Resistance』, as expected I have to recognize that the knight leader was strong.

Even if I said so, we still won, yes?

Rena: “Now then, I have finished checking our status so let’s check the town as well.”

It’s just only one night, but let’s check out the coup’s influence as we prepare to go to the next city.

Seems like the public order in noble district has not yet turned bad even if several guard stations were destroyed and three-digit soldiers got slaughtered, yes?

That also should be expected as the Moonlight Family, who handle the back society of the town, is controlling the wrongdoers, you see?

Normally, they would take the advantage of this chaos and do secret maneuvers so they were suppressed. It’s something that stereotypical if I may say? To begin withーーー

Hannes: “Oy! Behave yourself!”

Ryne: “Hannes, don’t run ahead!”

Eleanor: “Yes, it’s good that we caught them, but don’t go too far.”

Hannes: “S-sorry…”

――――seems like the players who were chasing after the villainess me, are working together to bring them down, you see?

Hence, everything should be alright until the next city is released and the people spread there.

I left the place after taking a sidelong glance to the noisy players, and gather some information at the NPC stall this time.

Rena: “Uncle, please give me one of this.”

Uncle: “A’ight, wait a little.”

I purchased one grilled skewer that seems to have a delicious scent and start gathering information.

Rena: “Yesterday was huge, yes?”

Uncle: “…Yeah, it was. The feudal lord announced that it was a successor fight so it turned bad, right?”

Rena: “Was that so?”

Uncle: “Yeah, seems like the feudal lord has a secret child. That child was discontent with the lord who hasn’t resolved the huge incident that occurred half a month ago. To begin with, he didn’t want to acknowledge and dissatisfied with the current state.”

Rena: “Hee~”

Apparently, the general public seems to believe what the feudal lord had announced formally. I don’t know what will the central do for the report,…but well, they won’t probably believe it.

Uncle: “But I didn’t think Alexei would lose.”

Rena: “It was surprising, yes?”

Uncle: “Yeah, I thought that the next generation would be safe if that person becomes the lord, you know~? What will the future be now…”

Well, seems like they have a huge anxiety. Though, it’s natural for them. That is what Eren-san has to do from now on for their expectation.

Uncle: “Here ya go, careful it’s still hot.”

Rena: “Thank you, farewell.”

Uncle: “Yeah, come again!”

Saying so, I proceed to ponder while walking around the town with skewer in one hand. Honestly speaking, it didn’t matter how troublesome it was as I was in the wanted list and it seems fun as well, hence I caused this coup, you see… It’s something like ‘that’, I guess. Either the rhino beetle or stag beetle that would win.

It was my win this time and it was good because it was fun. However, it’s regrettable that I couldn’t do a lot of pleasant things in this town anymore.

Rena: “…Should I go all out and continue capturing?”

I first created some potions that has been reduced from the inventory and reconfirm the cooperation with my followers… Seems like it will take around three days to start aiming for the next town, yes?

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