
Chapter 715 - It’s Important To Meet Commander-In-Chief’s Arrangement

Chapter 715: It’s Important To Meet Commander-In-Chief’s Arrangement

In others’ point of view, this was an opportunity, but to her, it was a surprising turn of event.

Principal Cao himself was quite taken aback at the arrangement, but Commander-in-Chief Xia’s security guards personally told him that, so it should not be wrong.

He smiled and said, “It’s the commander’s arrangement. Be calm. Major Xia will be in the car as well. You know him, so you don’t have to be afraid.”

He paused before continuing, “I believe you can see the relationship between Commander-in-Chief Xia and Major Xia, so you don’t have to worry about it. Major Xia will back you up. You just answer whatever the commander asks, don’t have to pretend. An honest and sincere answer is the best answer.”

With some headaches, Ye Jian1 tried to think of an excuse, like having heat stroke or fainting. It was because Xia Jinyuan2 was going to be there; that was why she was uneasy.

The most annoying thing was that she suspected that she had made Commander-in-Chief Xia’s son “bad”! Even though she was not the one that initiated it, she felt guilty too.

Ye Jian could not say anything but smile at Principal Cao, who tried to comfort her. She simply said insincerely, “Oh, Major Xia will be there as well, I’m relieved.”

How calm a child was, she was still a child. Principal Cao, who especially liked Ye Jian, glanced around, then whispered, “This is a good opportunity for you to perform well. It will help you in the army later. Little girl, it’s important to have the ability, but you also need a leader who can help you.”

This was one of the rules in the adult world that Ye Jian got to know in advance.

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Upon hearing this, Ye Jian raised her eyes, pursed her lips, and smiled, “I know, thank you.”

This was a kind reminder. Only a person who really cared about her would say such words. It was an elder’s reminder to an ignorant junior to seize the opportunity.

It was indeed a good opportunity, but she preferred to use her true skill to seize the opportunity that really belonged to her.

“Old Chen asked me to take care of you and to help you whenever appropriately. I, as a teacher, don’t know anything about the army, but you are destined to follow this path. All I can do is to tell you that this is your chance.”

Principal Cao would not say such things if the person were not Ye Jian, even if he or she were to be in the same car with Commander-in-Chief Xia, he would only say “Be careful, be aware, be polite, think before you speak, the more you speak, the more mistakes you make, the lesser you speak, the fewer mistakes you make.” And so on.

But towards Ye Jian, his reminders were different. Reason number one being that he knew Ye Jian would not make any mistakes when she speaks. Secondly, he wanted to help Ye Jian who had lost both her parents. Thirdly, he also hoped that she would be successful in the military. She would make First Provincial High proud if she succeeded.

Ye Jian lowered her head and whispered, “You can rest assured, I know what I should do. Commander-in-Chief is a busy person, yet he had personally come to take part in our school’s military training review. I think what he cares about now is whether the students have difficulties during the military training. He should want to know what I think about military training as a student.”

She would undoubtedly seize the opportunity when she had the chance, but her intuition told her that with Xia Jinyuan around, this was not an opportunity at all.

Upon hearing Ye Jian’s words, Principal Cao was silent for a while before sighing: “I’m not as clear as you as a student. From the capital to the Southern Province, and then to the Anti-Chemical Unit to see our students’ military training review, I believe Commander-in-Chief Xia is not that free, I’m afraid he wants to ask you about something else.”

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