
Chapter 723 - Ye Jian Can Stand The Test

Chapter 723: Ye Jian Can Stand The Test

With that said, Commander-in-chief Xia began laughing. These children, they even mentioned fair-faced Africans…… The metaphor was comical and yet suitable.

Ever since Ye Jian1 mentioned ‘fair-faced Africans,’ even Sixteenth High School students had used such a term to describe themselves.

Ye Jian, who never expected Commander-in-chief Xia to know about this matter, pouted. She felt embarrassed as she smiled and replied, “It happened to be the worst few days of the Indian summer; some students had a sunburn. But, even so, none of our classmates flinched; they all persisted.”

Xia Jinyuan2, sitting in front, would glance in the rearview mirror from time to time. He noticed that although Ye Jian was feeling nervous, there was no timidity in her eyes. The smile on his handsome face deepened, he interjected: “The military training during my time was during the summer, it was a whole month. When I returned, our Commander-in-chief Xia even suspected that I did not participate.”

” He can’t get tanned, several of his classmates who joined him were tanned by a few degrees, other than the redness in his neck, he was still fair,” It was as if they were talking about the daily life of a family, the environment of the car became more relaxed and joyful under Commander-in-chief Xia’s laughter.

Even so, Ye Jian was still feeling tense. The more she felt so, the more she could not relax. It was impossible for Commander-in-chief Xia, who had reached such a position today, to just talk about the daily life of his family with her.

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Her intuition was telling her that there was a big move waiting for her later on.

Indeed, as they spoke, Commander-in-chief Xia began testing Ye Jian, he smiled and said: “The military training this time is the first military training for students in the southern province, but it also could not be said to be the first. There was in the past, do you know when the student’s military training started? Have you heard of it?”

Ye Jian would not feel diffident as long as they were talking about proper business, not to mention, she had made preparations to answer the question.

Xia Jinyuan, who was sitting in front, raised his eyebrows. The history of the development of military training for students in the country…… It was quite a long time ago; the little fox would not be able to answer the question if she did not have any understanding.

He wanted to say a few words, but he heard Ye Jian’s gentle and severe answer: “The first Military Service Law was first promulgated in China in July 1955, for the first time. It was legally necessary for university and high school students to participate. In winter that same year, the Beijing Higher Schools of Learning took the lead to conduct military training. Still, the military training was interrupted during the turbulent period during the seventies.”

” After the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China[1], Our political and economic situation had shown a rare and good change, the time for developing student military training became more mature. The 11th article was issued in 1981, military training was incorporated into the teaching plan, and certain schools resumed military training.”

“The New Military Service Law was passed and issued at the Second Session of the Sixth National People’s Congress in 1984, which separates military training for college and high school students. Since then, military training trials have continued to expand. Until last year, our military training pilot institutions had extended to 157. “

” Universities in the southern province had been piloting military training since 1988, but it’s the first time for high school students. From this, we can see the country attaches great importance to student military training. Based on the military arrangement this time, we can also see the country has invested heavily in military training.”

Ye Jian was used to speaking with facts; it was more concise and organized that way. To a soldier, using facts to speak was the most rigorous thing.

“The start of military training in our country is relatively late. Overseas, regardless of whether it’s a peaceful or war-torn country, they value students’ military training.”

[1] The 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was a pivotal meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in Beijing, China, from December 18 to December 22, 1978. The conference marked the beginning of the “Reform and Opening Up” policy and is widely seen as the moment when Deng Xiaoping became the paramount leader of China replacing Chairman Hua Guofeng. The latter remained nominal Chairman of the Communist Party of China until 1981. The meeting was a decisive turning point in post-1949 Chinese history, marking the beginning of the wholesale repudiation of Chairman Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” policies, and set China on the course for nationwide economic reforms.

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