
Chapter 48 - Prelude To The Battle

The water levels continued to increase, crossing the flight of stairs, soon covering her ankle. They seeped out of the granary through a small hole at the bottom of the entrance that Re\'Kha created using the needle-shaped Magic Artifact.

After creating it, she left the needle-shaped Magic Artifact in place, using it as a medium to extend her Water Qi perception to beyond the granary while filtering out the Fear Qi emitted from the Kalhas that tried to peer within. She kept the Magic Artifact in a deactivated state to prevent anyone from sensing it through Water Qi perception. Through its edges, water gushed out, thanks to the pressure building up in the granary due to its increasing height.

The gushing water created a flow in the kitchen, moving around the edges as it proceeded further and further, soon reaching the living room. It proceeded through the living room, going towards the exit. To prevent the house from retaining stagnant water in the off chance they had a leaking roof, all houses were structured in such a way there existed a negligible inclination in the flooring, with the bottom part leading to the exit.

It was negligible to the extent the people living in the house wouldn\'t even notice. But to the water that flowed from a higher position to a lower, it was more than enough. Thanks to this, the thin stream of water proceeded through the living room along the edges before exiting the house, slithering through a couple of steps at the entrance as it joined with the water beyond.

The frequent rains caused a thin layer of water to form over the ground. Now, through this connection, Re\'Kha was able to extend her Water Qi perception to gaze at the settlement and further beyond. She noticed the group of 20 people on horseback march towards the settlement, stopping before the breach in the walls.

\'They are experts in the field of tracking. They would be able to instantly sniff my position even if I continue to remain here or within the water. I have to ensure they let down their guard against me.\' Re\'Kha thought, using her right hand to cover the vial above her chest while facing her back towards the corner.

She crouched in the corner, her expression one of fear, trembling. She swiftly placed the whip-shaped Magic Artifact within her storage space, not carrying anything suspicious with her. As for the cloth banner, she didn\'t remove it, for what the scouts sensed was mostly her presence.

As her feet were drenched in the water, they would be able to confirm it was her through her presence generated within the water. If they activated the Water Qi perception on their own, they would only notice a pair of feet if they were to focus on her location.

But, if they activated it using their Pranic Avatar, they would be able to sense her presence through the water. That\'s why, she covered the two vials, unwilling to alert them. For, her targets were situated far away and were drenched by the rain.

The effect of the Fear Qi would have to travel the distance, affect their Pranic Avatars, follow the connection to them, and affect them. It would fully diminish and wouldn\'t even cause them a mild headache. Moreover, it would only serve to alert them of her possession of a Kalha. The Kalhas had always secluded themselves within the Kuhera Forest, never leaving its confines.

So, even killing one occurred rarely, and the killer would have become delirious and ended up as nourishment for the Kalhas. Moreover, none even dared to head there in the first place, for it meant a definite death sentence.

But now, thanks to the poison her master had released after death, they had been stirred up, moving out of the Kuhera Forest temporarily. That\'s why such a situation had been created that she took an advantage of to capture five of them.

A Water Qi Essence to generate a domain filled with Water Qi, a confined room, an expended Elemental Qi Essence to be used as a bait, the vessel of a Sha that covered the whole body and absorbed the Fear Qi unleashed by the Kalhas; if any one of them were lacking, then it was impossible to capture them.

And, no Clan would even try to think of such a method, for every Elemental Qi Essence was a Clan\'s treasure, the foundation they relied upon to grow and prosper. Only due to the surplus she obtained recently did she dare to think of such a method.

So, Re\'Kha was unwilling to show her trump card when it wasn\'t guaranteed to deliver the finishing blow. She covered both the vials using her dress, acting like she was trembling with fear, her body weak, unable to bear surviving any longer.

Moreover, she seemed unaware of her surroundings, acting in line with her blindness, behaving as such to make her opponents drop their guard. But all the while, she sensed their approach through her Water Qi perception. She emptied all the contents—eyeballs—of the Aeki near the entrance into the waters below, sensing them become submerged within the sea of food.

She then enclosed herself using it, the only contact with the outside was the water that entered through the holes she had made at the bottom. When the leader summoned his Pranic Avatar, she knew he was using it to sense her presence.

She then noticed him looking in her direction, displaying that he had figured out her location. Re\'Kha was mentally calm, hardened after suffering from numerous incidents ever since she was betrayed.

\'Come, I\'ll kill you!\'

She continued with her act, her hands grabbing a cloth strip that controlled the granary\'s entrance. She picked up a Metal Qi Essence from her storage ring, activating it after forming a mental connection with it, sensing it generate blank space all over. She limited the range, confining it within the Aeki, preventing the Metal Qi from escaping out. It formed a dense cocoon around her, leaving only her feet out of it—as they were submerged underwater.

It was to create a blanket of protection around her for her subsequent plans. Through the connection her feet had with the water, she sensed her opponent\'s approach while her opponent located her presence.

The leader was at the front, having dismounted his horse. He walked right behind his Pranic Avatar, his eyes closed, his ears blocked while a mask covered his face, seeking to filter out any smells. He was covered head to toe in armour, fully donned for the fight in the dangerous territory, with the Kalhas watching their every move.

Behind him trailed his men, their getup similar to him, all depending on their Water Qi perception to move forward, not daring to take a peek at any of the houses. They slowly marched their way towards the centre of the settlement, focusing on the house Re\'Kha had taken refugee within.

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