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Chapter 50 - High Elf?

[ Drive your motorcycle straight at full speed, after traveling exactly 70 meters you\'ll be teleported to your intended destination! ]

After accepting the request, Kyle didn\'t have the time to think. The system had issued him to go immediately, so he did as instructed. He drove his motorcycle straight ahead, surprisingly, there was nothing blocking his way this time. Thus, after exactly 70 meters of high speed driving Kyle was sucked by a black hole that took him to his destination and vanished immediately after. ​​


Kyle reappeared in a forest that was riddled with trees, of fantasmic origins, as far as the eyes could see. This gave him a sense of Deja Vu, this scenery was exactly the same as the first delivery he had done for the system, it gave him a sense of nostalgia and reminiscence. 

That delivery was the first step to changing his life, propelling him to where he was now. It was the delivery where he had met with Esdeath; the cold loli was, ironically, the first person of the opposite gender to have confessed to him, unfortunately she was a child, so it didn\'t exactly count. Thinking about her, he couldn\'t help but worry and wonder; how was she now? Was she doing well? Was she happy? Was she taking care of herself? He also wondered if she had paid heed to the little advice he had given her. He hoped he did and changed for the better, with that she wouldn\'t be lonely anymore.

His reminiscence finished after a while, snapping back into reality, he started observing his mini map, searching for the person who had ordered, or if he phrased it correctly \'wished\', for his help. He felt a bit awkward, this was the first delivery in which he wasn\'t delivering any food or items.

Instead he was delivering himself, to be precise he was delivering his fighting prowess to the customer. The only requirement was for him to help, he had a nagging feeling it wasn\'t going to be an easy task; locating the customer on his system map, he drove his vehicle to their location.

The distance, in between, was just 2 kilometers. It wasn\'t that far per se, but travelling inside a forest which had no roads built in it made it a time consuming distance to reach. The rocky terrain didn\'t help him either and made his arrival time lengthen considerably.

Some time later, he had almost reached the customer\'s location, but a nagging thought had taken firm root in his mind for some time already. It wasn\'t difficult to understand that the customer might not be human, nobody would be living so deep in a forest like this one, the path was also very restrictive to move on foot and if it were not for his motorcycle, he would\'ve had a really hard time reaching here. There was always the possibility that some human had somehow stranded deep into the forest and was asking for his assistance, but he rejected that thought and firmly believed it to be a non-human.

He had a hunch about which race could be living in a location like this. And he was restless and expectant about it. If it turned out to be the race he was thinking of, it would be fantastic.

Yes, he\'s talking about elves, the, mostly, blonde haired race with pointy ears and graceful charm and beauty, the legendary elves of the forest!

He was a fan of this race, it was his dream to be able to converse with elves and know more about them and their lifestyle. He had in fact seen an elf and a half-elf in his 2nd delivery. But due to the atmosphere they were in and the overall serene vibe of the place, he wasn\'t able to strike up a conversation with them, nor was he able to fully observe them. They were busy stuffing themselves with otherworldly food and he was gentlemanly enough to not disturb their fun time. So, this was a golden opportunity for him, the world of gate had elves, he was sure of it and he was at least 90% certain that his customer was also one. Hence, he couldn\'t help but feel expectant about their encounter.

If spoken bluntly, elves weren\'t much different from humans look-wise. But they had a certain unique charm about themselves. Beautiful blonde hair, lithe and lean figures and a graceful aura. They were a majestic race of beauty and perfection. Just the imagination of being able to see a group of beautiful and handsome individuals of blonde haired, thin pointy eared people with natural grace was a truly enchanting sight...

…that is until you realize that among these beauties you were the ugliest creature present, it becomes mortifying, and also doesn\'t help with your self esteem issues. His journey continued and he was now very deep into the forest, even the greenery had become denser and darker in shade. As he got closer to the targeted location, he noticed that smoke was being emitted from a certain part of the forest, he realized, the forest in that area was burning!

"Huh…? don\'t tell me!" A certain thought flashed in his mind; a troublesome thought, he checked on the minimap to confirm his speculation, and it was as he had theorized. The person ordering for his help was inside that forest fire!

Kyle instantly sped up his motorcycle to its utmost limit, he didn\'t care about the rocky mountainous road anymore and went straight ahead, his client needed help and he had to deliver it pronto!


Tuka Luna Marceau was a member of the noble high elf race, today was yet another perfectly normal day for her. The high elf beauty was happily walking along the path of her elven village, carrying her bow on one hand and hanging a quiver filled with arrows on the other shoulder. Carrying one\'s weapon while outside was a natural everyday occurrence seen in her race, it had been their tradition for a long time already and it would continue on till the extinction of their race, it had already been ingrained in their genes!

Today she was going to hunt for food with her father, and yes they hunted animals to eat, they were omnivorous beings. They were unlike some other elves in many mainstream animes, where they were portrayed to be herbivores, nevertheless they were still connected to mother nature like the usual elves and they would pray and thank mother nature for any animals or ingredients taken from her.

Tuka, after walking for some time, finally saw her father\'s figure. He was waiting for her near the entrance of their village, she smiled merrily as she saw him. Tuka loved her father dearly, his father was almost perfect, with his only flaw being that he was a massive womanizer, bedding women left and right like the horny sex maniac that he was; for that nature of his she also despised and hated her father, but her love for him still triumphed over the loathing she felt for his depraved lifestyle.

"Father! I\'m here."

Her father had long ago noticed her arrival, turning towards her he gave her a small smile and spoke. "You\'re finally here, we can now start hunting."

Tuka\'s father\'s name was Hodor Marceau, his appearance was similar to a man in his twenties, looks could really be deceiving, such was the case here. Hodor for how he looked was actually already more than 300 years old, Tuka herself already being 165 years in age.

Yet if you look at her she won\'t look one second shy of sixteen. This was a common racial trait of the elves, their long lifespans enabled them to maintain their youth for longer than most other species of existence, the longevity factor was even more exaggerated when it came to Tuka and Hodor, since they were high elves, a far  rarer and nobler variant of the normal elves, they had a much bigger lifespan than most other elves in their village. It also made them stand out even amongst the massive gathering of beauty that their race was.

"Yes father!" Tuka immediately replied, she hastily approached her father, they were about to leave the village in search of food to hunt, alas, fate had something else written in their lot. An abrupt earth shattering roar echoed in the entirety of Koan forest as the father and daughter duo was about to leave for their journey.

Not even a second had passed, yet Hodor was already shouting orders of evacuation, he had already assessed the situation and found out the origin of the voice, he was a quick witted individual, and said origin was not something they were able to contend against. "A DRAGON IS HERE! RUN!!"

His booming voice brought most of the elves out of their shocked stupor and right into reality, instantly they started to move and prepare for evacuation.

"Bring the children and women to a safe location! For those who can fight follow me!" A certain leader of the gathered elves shouted, almost every single male elf volunteered for the battle, they didn\'t hesitate to put their life on the line to save their family, children and friends. It was possible due to the selfless demeanor of the elves, a stark contrast to human scums.

Also they weren\'t fools, they knew that they couldn\'t beat the dragon, it was impossible, but if they all ran for their lives the dragon would eventually kill everyone no matter how much they ran and hid, someone needed to be left behind to occupy it for the others to flee; and for the sake of their lovers, their wives, their children, their friends, their family; they were ready to make the ultimate sacrifice. Such was the unity of the elven people.

The dragon had finally entered their visibility range, it was now above their heads flapping it\'s long wings creating strong air pressure on the village below. It was at least 20 meters in length and had a sharp spiky exterior colored red. Just by looking at it one could tell that it had extremely hard scales. Seeing the dragon\'s intimidating appearance and feeling it\'s overbearing aura coupled with the air pressure it was constantly creating, it would be a lie to say that they weren\'t afraid. No they were terribly afraid. But they had also steeled their resolve to die for their loved ones.

Hence, despite the fear they felt, for the safety of the ones they cared for they prepared for battle, the leader barked orders for them to organize for the ensuing battle. "Ready your positions!"


All of the elves present shot their arrows, aiming for the body of the dragon, alas, their arrows weren\'t able to penetrate the dragon\'s scales, to be exact it couldn\'t even put a scratch onto it\'s hardened scales and either bounced off or broke in contact with said scales!

A depressed, helpless countenance hung on the faces of all the elves, it was really hopeless as they had previously expected, the fame of the flame dragon was famous for being undefeatable. They had to try nonetheless but it turned out to be useless. Alas! All they could do was to wait for their death as they stalled the dragon and pray for the safety of their loved ones.

The dragon was enraged by the insolence of the elves\' actions, even though it didn\'t hurt him, it was annoying nonetheless. It breathed out a huge fireball, which had the structure and power of a meteor, and aimed it towards the group of elves which dared to attack him. With that single breath attack one-third of the entirety of the group was wiped out!

Those who got hit by the fireball, instantly became something like grotesque humanoid corpses made of charcoal. The scene was obviously seen by the evacuating elvish women and children, instantly breaking their heart. Those who lost their husbands and lovers, children who lost their parents all cried out in a simultaneous resonance of a heart shattering rueful voice; bawling their eyes out at the loss of their lovers, their fathers, their friends; their partner for life, who were unable to fulfill their vows of lifelong companionship, and had departed before them. What made it worse was knowing that they had done it just so they themselves could survive. The heart wrenching echoes of their wailing snivels had filled the surroundings creating an atmosphere of painful grieving. It was saddening and painful to watch.

Tuka was no exception, she weeped and whimpered, bawling her eyes out seeing this devastating scenery of destruction and disaster the dragon had brought with it; boundless anger and extreme hatred mixed with agonizing rage had enveloped her whole being as she looked at the dragon\'s frame. 

She gripped her bow, causing deep trenches and creaking sound to be made by the weapon. She was frustrated, incomparably frustrated, at herself, at her lack of strength, at her helplessness in this situation. She could do nothing to help, except for praying. So she prayed, she prayed with the entirety of her heart for a savior, for God to send someone, anyone that would help them out of this hellish situation of death and extinction.

The flame dragon once again breathed out a massive fireball from its hovering position in the air! Now half of the elves fighting had been wiped out, subjected to a painfully gruesome death as the women and children could do nothing and watch and wail at their loss.

Tuka had run out of her patience, she couldn\'t stand it anymore, she had to do something, anything, she had to help. If she ran now, if she was unable to do anything to help her people, she reckoned it would be better that she died rather than to be subjected by the unbearable pain and guilt she would feel for leaving her people behind as a consequence, she was sure that death was a better relief than living like that. Therefore, pouring every single negative emotion she felt for the damnable dragon, she darted towards it with her bow in hand aiming to join in the fight for survival, mid run someone had noticed her presence, hurriedly trying to stop her; a pity that he was still too late.

"Tuka! Stop you\'ll only die if you go!"

Tuka didn\'t hear them, or she did but she didn\'t give a damn, all she could think of was how to kill the dragon who killed her people, her friends; rage had muddled her senses letting murderous drive and emotions control her actions instead of rationality as she entered the battlefield and howled with a voice oozing extreme bloodlust. "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY PEOPLE!"

( `END` )

Spoiler ~ In the original series of Gate only Tuka survived in the attack, though it\'s only in the anime, but in the Manga her father and half-sister survived I\'m not too sure because personally I haven\'t really read the manga and if I made some mistake my bad.

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