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Chapter 171 - A Chance Of Gaining A Comrade?

While they are on their way home, all of them use public transportation which is the bus to go home, although it was faster for them use to teleport there, Kyle suggested this because they have another guest from another world since they are outside, it would be better to let her look observe around.

Emroy was curious about everything around her, she was pretty much like Esdeath when she first arrived at this world, she would often ask what is that, and what is the purpose of such an item. Kyle was patient enough to answer her questions, with this at least would become less ignorant of his world.

Even though Emroy pretty much scanned the whole earth when she first arrived in this world, it doesn\'t mean she scanned everything, she was still ignorant of the world, while looking around she saw something that took her interest, she stared at that particular poster longer than she saw anything so far in this world.

Kyle noticed this behavior of hers, then he looked at the poster than she was looking and he was surprised, it was an anime advertisement poster, seeing this he couldn\'t help but think. \'Is this my chance to recruit another comrade?\'

By comrade, he means someone who liked the same thing as him, because other than Kanna no one in the house likes anime at all! Seeing this golden opportunity, he had to take this chance and make her an Otaku like him!

So what if she\'s a powerful God? It doesn\'t matter! He has to make her his brethren!

"Emroy, you have been staring at that poster for a while now, interested?"

She shifted her attention toward him and replied. "A bit."

She didn\'t deny that she was quite interested in that colorful-looking poster above them, it was something that she hadn\'t seen, it was different from the art she knew of, so she became curious.

"Let me tell you, that poster you just saw is an anime advertisement."

"Anime advertisement? What?" Emroy couldn\'t pronounce the word advertisement with her tongue, it was a bit hard for her.

"Ad-ver-tise-ment, so any way that isn\'t important! The important thing is the anime! I will tell you the beauty of anime! So listen carefully!" He became excited about discussing some anime, Emroy became a bit wary of him, because right now he was making a weird expression, his eyes were looking straight at Emroy as if they were trying to devour her!

While Kyle started his passionate speech about anime, Tohru was surprised to see this side of her fiance, she didn\'t know this part of him at all despite living together with him! Then she thought. \'Should I try watching this so-called anime?\'

Because seeing her fiance\'s excited expression, might be her only chance to know him better than before.

30 minutes later,

Kyle was nowhere done explaining about anime, but he had no chance to stop his passionate speech because they had already arrived at their destination, but because of his passionate speech about anime, Emroy somehow became more interested, she was looking forward to watching that anime that Kyle was talking about.


Inside the mansion,

Emroy was looking around with interest, because this was the first time she went inside a building of this world, unlike its outside appearance the inside was quite small, at least for her, remember that she was demon race royalty before she became a God, her house was a little bigger than this mansion, by little she means her bedroom is as big as this mansion.

But she didn\'t really care about the mansion\'s space size, what interested her were the stuff inside the mansion, everything was foreign and new to her, while she was looking around suddenly a girl who was just a little shorter than she arrived, she instantly realized that this little girl was a young dragon.

It was Kanna, she was staring at Emroy with question marks above her head, she couldn\'t understand why her instinct is telling her to stay away from Emroy, but because she was young, she didn\'t give her a hostile look like Tohru and Elma.

"Kyle, just how many dragons are in this household?" Emroy couldn\'t resist asking this question, because Kanna was the fourth dragon that she met today, and this was only her first day in this world!

"Oh, she\'s the last one, don\'t worry, dragons were supposed to be rare but for some reason, they all ended up gathering in my place, since all of them were homeless when I found I decided to let them stay in my house since they are too dangerous to be left alone, by just this, I feel like I\'ve saved the world from destruction."

Strangely no one refuted him, the dragons kept their silence without saying anything, this was one of those rare moments that they agreed with him.

"That\'s a relief, if there are more dragons I don\'t think I can handle them." She said,


Then he thought \'The way she said it is like saying that she is confident of defeating them if there are just 4 of them, no matter how I think about it I can\'t imagine her defeating Lucoa.\'

After that, they went to a separate location in the mansion, Lucoa went to her room, Elma went to the kitchen with Tohro because she wanted to eat, while Tohru wanted to continue cooking since she was interrupted before, because of the appearance of Emroy, she thought that her fiance was in danger they stopped whatever they are doing and rushed directly toward the location of Kyle.

But since it was a false alarm, she could breathe easily, however she was still wary of Emroy, so she would observe her every action in the future.

Presently in the living room, Emroy was watching a popular anime in this world on a Samsung UN105S9B flat screen tv, Kyle forced her to watch this show, however after she watched it, she became hooked and her eyes darted toward the tv screen.

Seeing this, he couldn\'t help but smile and thought. \'As expected she has the potential of becoming a comrade!\'

He didn\'t interrupt her fun time, even though he already watched this anime, it was still good as ever so he watched it with her, he didn\'t try to give her any spoilers because it would ruin the fun.

While they were enjoying the show, Nobu was staring at the screen with a sour expression, it\'s because she didn\'t like watching anime at all, she prefers watching historical drama, however, she couldn\'t change the channel as she likes, because something is stopping her from doing so.

She felt like if she interrupted this new girl in the house, she would face terrible consequences. Just by one glance, she could tell how dangerous this adorable-looking thing was beside her, so she didn\'t do anything to annoy her.

Nobu decided to leave the living room because it was pointless to stay in this place any longer. She\'s going to use the PC above to watch some historical drama.


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