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Chapter 206: Malina

Chapter 206: Malina

But he jinxed himself because of that.

At the end of the 4th level of hell, he found the key toward the 5th level, he sighs as took the key from its place, he thought. ‘Why am I doing this anyway? Can I just go directly to the 9th floor?’

But then again he can’t do that, if he did he would have already done it so far this is the most annoying delivery that he got so far, if it wasn’t for that incident from before, he would have already finished this job, but anyway this is what he signed for he expected this to happen again soon.

Kyle looked at his demon followers, looking at them he couldn’t help but sigh deeply, he was interesting to them that’s why they followed him, sure he expected Beel to follow him because of their relationship, it was understandable however the rest of them Pandemonica, Modeus and Cerberus they followed him for personal reasons, for example, Pandemonica followed him because she wanted to know how he made Beel his servant, Modeus followed him because she wanted to have sex with a God cause it’s kinky.

While Cerberus is Cerberus.

Pandemonium touched her glasses and said. “Why do I feel like you’re thinking about something pointless, mind if you open the gate now? I’m getting impatient here.”

“First, it’s not pointless, it’s a major problem for me but fine, I do agree about opening the gate.” Then Kyle opened the gate to the 5th level and he was greeted by a sight that he expected but still surprised.

A City, but for devils.

As Beel said, there was really a city in hell!

Damn, as much as he doesn’t want to admit it. It was an amazing sight, based on the buildings he sees, their technological level is at least the same as back in his world.

Beel looks at him smugly. “Like what you see?”

“Yes, but why are you so smug?”

“Why? Is there a problem with me being smug?”

“Yes, on a personal level.” He admits.


“Heh! My ass, let’s go. I need to finish this quickly so that I can go back home.” Before he could move forward, Pandemonica stopped him.

“Wait, if you’re looking for a key you won’t find one, because there isn’t one,” Pandemonica explained.

“Huh? Then we can go directly toward the 6th floor?” He replied.

“Not ‘we’ only me, Modeus, and Cerberus,” Pandemonica said.

Kyle thought for a second before answering. “Let me guess, while you can go directly down to the 6th level, me and Beel can’t because I’m not a demon and she’s an exiled?”

“Hey!” Beel complained, even though she knew he had a point.

Pandemonica nodded. Kyle wasn’t wrong with his explanation but he wasn’t right either. “Yes you’re completely right about Beelzebub being exiled, but it wasn’t like being a demon mattered. What you need is a citizen I.D to get to the 6th level.”

Hearing that, he looked at her with a deadpan expression. “Citizen I.D in hell? Really?”

“Yep, is that surprising? We have a city filled with devils and you expect us to not have any I.D? Please we are civilized enough to have them, though there is another way to go through the 6th floor without I.D.”

He got interested and asked. “Which is?”

“By force and by doing that you’ll alarm the entire hell and will come and hunt you down, only they will stop until they catch you captive,” Pandemonica said calmly like it was nothing to be afraid of and there was even a hint of expectations in her tone.

Hearing that he instantly shot the idea down, he was here to deliver something to their CEO. Lucifer, not to start a war with her, even when he had a literal godly there is no way he would be that suicidal.

There are a lot of demons and devils that are a whole lot stronger than him by a whole margin, even if he had the balls to do that, there is a big difference between idiocy and courage.

“No, I’m not doing that, there is no way I’m forcing my death! I’m still way too young to die and besides, who would have the balls to conquer hell by force?”


(Helltaker Universe Earth)

A man with a huge muscular body wearing sunglasses suddenly started sneezing hard.

“Achou~! What the? Did I catch a cold? Better take some medicine then.”


“So anyway, how do I get a citizenship I.D?” Kyle asked Pandemonica.

“I know someone, she can help you get a Hell I.D, but it’s another story if she wants to help you and Beelzebub make one, that one is totally on you,” Pandemonica said with a yawn, right now she could totally get some coffee.

But sadly fate was not on her side today.

“Alright, I’m going to try asking her better than doing nothing, lead the way!” Kyle said as he pointed in a random direction.

Pandemonica ignored his antics.

After that, the 4 of them (Cerberus is considered as one by the way), followed Pandemonica’s lead to meet someone that could help Kyle and Beel and Citizen I.D from hell.

A few minutes later Cerberus started to smell something unpleasant, then the 3 of her bodies howled. “Vodka! It smells unpleasant! I hate it!”

Hearing that Pandemonica touched her glasses lazily. “That’s her, there is no other demon who drinks as much vodka as her, just a few blocks away we’ll meet her.”

The more they got closer the more Cerberus complained about the smell, her nose was so sensitive it’s a hundred times more than a normal demon, not humans it’s more than that.

They have finally arrived at the place of their destination. Kyle was about to knock on the door, but he paused as he realized that it wasn’t locked at all. He knew it was rude to go inside without permission, but he was a bit desperate.

So he went inside without knocking, the girls didn’t follow him for some reason, but he didn’t think much about it, as he got inside the house was really dark, the space wasn’t that big it was enough for a single room and there he was a P.C and goddamn P.C in hell!

But wasn’t why he was surprised, it was about the game that he saw in the P.C StarCraft 2 as far as he could remember it doesn’t exist back in his current world, this game existed in his original world seeing this game exist in this world a burst of nostalgia appeared inside him, it would be a lie that he didn’t miss this, right now his attention was fully into the game and not the person who was playing the game.

His hands were itching to play.

At the same time, the person who played the game noticed his presence, dark red eyes staring at him filled with sourness and hate, she shouted.

“Who the FUCK. ARE. YOU?! What are you doing inside my house?! GET. THE. FUCK. OUT OF HERE!”

Despite her angry outburst, Kyle managed to say. “That game you’re playing, that’s StarCraft 2 right?”

Hearing that from him, she momentarily paused and said. “You know this game?”

“Of course! Who doesn’t?! It’s a legendary strategy game that everyone played at least once in their lives!” Kyle shouted with passion, he didn’t even realize his tone.

She looked at him with a surprised expression, and after that, she decided to say. “Do you want to play?”

“Yes, please! Let’s do multiplayer! Do you have extra P.C?”

She was stunned at his response but then grinned after a moment. “Yes, I have.”

“Great! Let’s play against each other. Hopefully, my skills won’t get rusty.” Kyle was fully focused on playing that game, he cracked his fingers. It’s been a while since he played a strategy-based game but that didn’t let his excitement demise.

“Malina, what’s yours?”

“Kobayashi Kyle, you can call me Kyle.”

“Kyle is it? This is my first time doing multiples with another person, if you suck I’ll kill you.” Malina was serious about killing him if he sucks.

“Haha, you wish.” Kyle didn’t take her threat seriously, temporarily forgetting that he was in hell and was talking with demons, but then again there it wasn’t a problem because he’s pretty damn amazing with this game.

At that moment, both demon and god started to play StarCraft II.


The kind of girl I like.

Anyway, please do support me in Pat. reon.


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