
Chapter 275 - Ghost Eyes: Three Abilities

The moment her eyes shot open, Re'Kha released a subtle fluctuation, causing the cover of her bed to ripple, like the sea waves. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, for a moment flinching in fear.

Even though the gem on her Tikka jewellery was still the same blue, her eyes had turned jet black. Once all the information flowed into her mind, Re'Kha was able to understand the three abilities she had obtained.


The first was being able to spot a Sha, even if it hid within its shell. Normally, as a Sha developed, it was able to mask its presence completely, even making its shell look no different from a regular object.

Only when a Sha was actively roaming in the world would one be able to notice the Ghost Qi emanating from its shell. But, that was only possible if they had wrapped the area with the Elemental Qi from an Elemental Qi Essence. Otherwise, only an Elder would be able to notice it using his third eye.

Other than that, there was no other method to detect a Sha. If a Sha decided to hole up within its shell, no matter what, no one would be able to detect its presence even if its shell was right in front of their eyes, Martial Masters included.

And now, her first ability allowed her to see a Sha even if it hid within its shell. Though, she had to keep the ability active to do that. And when it was active, her eyes turned jet black. So, she had to be careful about it.

Her second power consisted of the ability she had felt when the Blinded Ghost had her eyes. It was being able to see what her eyes saw. And now, she was able to do the same in the eyes of others.

The second ability took effect the moment she made eye contact with someone. And for a short duration after that, she would be able to see everything the other person saw. Though, she could only do that with one person at a time.

And she would be able to see what the other person saw only when she kept her eyes closed. And, the advantageous factor of this ability is that the target of the ability wouldn't be able to notice her eyes turning black.

Though, any outsider would be able to notice it. But as long as she was careful, using this ability was without risks.

Both the abilities were investigation-based. And judging based on her needs, they were of immense use to her.

As for the final ability, Re'Kha felt both afraid and excited about it. For, it was a simple ability, but one that would cause fear in anyone. It was the power of a Kalha. That was what she had obtained when the jet-black Ghost Qi arm had swallowed two of her vials—with the Kalhas.

When she activated this ability and made eye contact with her foe, he/she would feel exactly the same as when they gazed at a Kalha. They would gouge their eyes out. It was a frightening power considering anyone could not avoid making eye contact.

And considering the effectiveness of a Kalha's ability, even if someone were only to stare at the reflection of her eye, they would be affected the same. It was a trump card that would allow her to dominate in the Harmoniser Realm irrespective of their strength.

But, she was only able to use it twice, one per each eye before needing to replenish the expended Fear Qi. The Fear Qi had become one with her eyes, impossible to detect. And, she had to be present in a place with fear for her eyes to absorb it and convert it into Fear Qi.

Though, as long as she ate food, the Fear Qi in her eyes would eventually replenish itself. Though, based on the information, Re'Kha determined that she needed a month to replenish the reserves in each eye.

Moreover, her ability of a Kalha was only visual-based. It didn't have the aspect of smell and sound a Kalha had. Even then, since the potency of sight was the highest, it was a tremendous power.

Re'Kha took out a vial from her storage ring, taking in a deep breath as she kept her eyes activated, gazing into the vial. She saw the appearance of the Kalha but wasn't affected by it the least. After all, by obtaining the ability, she developed immunity towards it.

And now, she was able to look at the Kalha in closeup, something no other person in her race had been able to do to date. An appearance similar to their eye but with optic nerves that dangled out from the back. They acted as the Kalha's feelers, also their sole mode of communication between their brethren.

In the place of the eye lens was a gaping hole with jagged teeth outlining it. And peeking out from it was a reddish tongue. It was the Kalha.

"You look gross," Re'Kha muttered, noticing the Kalha in the vial was almost like a statue, unmoving as it lacked space to do so. From time to time, its tongue flinched a bit, touching a tinge of the dust in the vial, absorbing into its tongue.

It was consuming the Water Qi Essence powder—obtained after expending all the Water Qi in it—to satiate itself and survive.

Smiling, Re'Kha placed it back in her storage space, deactivating her ability as she looked at her appearance in the mirror, noticing that her eyes had turned blue, "So, the dye doesn't vanish even after activating the ability."

She then iterated the names of her abilities, "Sha Vision, the ability to see the Sha anywhere; Connected Sight, the ability to see using the eyes of someone; Kalha, the ability to make the opponent gouge his eyes out. With all these abilities, am I ready to face your foes, master?"

She then let out a helpless laugh, "I don't even know the extent of their abilities."

And right at this time, Rim knocked on the door, saying, "Lady Re'Kha, it's time to head to the main hall."

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