
Chapter 10 - The Marriage Rules

He stretched out his neck, making soft cracking noises as he did before saying, "Let's go over the marriage. . . rules now."

An Luxia raised one eyebrow, "Marriage rules?"

He nodded his head, "After all, the basis of our marriage isn't built on. . . love." He licked his lips after saying this and lifted his hand up, brushing the tip of his nose with his thumb; a motion he unconsciously did when he lied.

An Luxia nodded his head, thinking that this made sense, "Okay. What are your rules?"

Mo Han straightened his back and leaned forward, resting his elbows onto his thighs, "Number one, we will be sleeping together. . . on the same bed."

An Luxia shrugged, "I'm fine with that. . ." She pressed her lips together, "We have done it already anyway."

What she didn't add was that she also secretly and shamelessly wanted to see his body. . .

"Good." Mo Han licked his lips before going on, "Second rule, we are both going to take this relationship seriously."

His expression also turned more serious as he said this.

An Luxia also agreed with that, "Okay. . . To be honest, I don't want to divorce either. It wouldn't be good on my 'romance record' if I am a divorced woman."

Plus, it isn't often you run into such a handsome and rich man! Of course she had to use this opportunity well.

"Is that all of your rules?"

Mo Han thought for a second before nodding his head.

"Good. I have some too." An Luxia also leaned forward, swinging her hair to the back of her shoulders, "Number one, I get freedom."

Mo Han raised one eyebrow, "Freedom?"

"Yes." Normally, she wouldn't have to make this clear in a relationship. However, he was the leader of the HLX. She had to be more careful.

"I can go anywhere I want, meet anyone I want, and do anything I want. . . Of course, anything that won't hurt our relationship or is illegal."

Mo Han furrowed his eyebrows together slightly and he was silent for a few seconds, causing An Luxia to become a little nervous that he wouldn't agree.

In the end, he nodded his head, "Okay."

"Second, if you hit or abuse me in any way; physically, emotionally, or mentally, we will divorce right away." An Luxia folded her hands together and put on a more serious expression when talking about this. She could not stand domestic violence!

This time, Mo Han did not hesitate at all and immediately nodded, "Okay."

He was certain that this wouldn't happen, so he did not have to worry.

An Luxia was a little embarrassed that she had more rules than he did when he brought up this idea, but she still had to say it.

"Um. . . Also, I am still in school so I don't want to get pregnant." She pressed her lips together and looked down at her hands.

To her surprise, he quickly agreed, "Okay."

She looked up at him and saw that he didn't seem angry or frustrated in any way. Maybe he didn't want to have kids yet as well. . .

But in reality, Mo Han was actually a little upset. If they could, he would love to get her pregnant right away and have kids with her. It was another layer of protection, more reassurance for him that she wouldn't easily divorce or leave him.

However, he respected her and if she didn't want to, he couldn't force her.

"One more! We. . . we can start like a dating couple." An Luxia smiled sweetly and looked up into his eyes, "I know we are married, but we can still start from dating and build our relationship."

Mo Han frowned slightly and lifted his hand up, pinching the area of skin in between his eyebrows. He thought that it wasn't necessary. . . Why should they start from dating when they were already married?!

However, seeing her hopeful expression, he couldn't say no.


An Luxia looked around the office curiously as a worker brought in a glass of wine for Mo Han, who began taking small sips as his eyes followed An Luxia wherever she went.

"What happened yesterday?" She suddenly asked after remembering. "How did I end up with you in your. . . other house, is it?"

Mo Han nodded his head but he didn't say anything else. He couldn't say he had someone knock her out and kidnap her. ..

He cleared his throat before gulping down the rest of the wine in the glass, "You fainted and I found you, so I took you to my house."

"Oh. . ." An Luxia nodded her head, not completely believing him but not pressing onto this subject any further. It didn't really matter. They are married now anyway.

She continued to walk around the room, which was quite large for a private office space. Well, the entire house was very large.

She looked through all the books on the bookshelves and realized that there were books on almost all the subjects possible, including business, science, information on weapons, and more.

She ran her fingers through the spines of the books and thought that "he" would have liked this.

As she looked around, she suddenly remembered something and her eyes widened.

"I - I forgot!" She gasped and turned towards Mo Han, "Can you show me where my room and luggage are?"

Mo Han blinked a few times in surprise before nodding his head and standing up, walking out of the door with An Luxia right behind him.

They made a few more turns before stopping at the very end of a hallway, where there was a small door. An Luxia swore that she would get lost by herself.

He stood in front of the door, looking down as he seemed to be doing something. Then, he took a step aside and looked over at her, "Come here."

She obediently stepped forward and watched as he took the pointer finger of her right hand and placed it onto the screen on the door handle. Then, the door opened.

An Luxia's face lit up in surprise.

"Your fingerprint should be registered on all the doors of the house now." He opened the door and walked in, opening the lights.

"This is my room. You will live here as well from now on."

She walked in and to no surprise, the room was all decorated with black as well.

"I will order someone to purchase a vanity for you and anything you need. There is a desk right there if you need to do any school work, or you could come to my office and. . ." He cleared his throat, "work with me."

An Luxia glanced at him and saw that although he was trying to hide it, his cheeks had turned slightly red. His skin was very pale, which made it easy to tell.

She chuckled and tilted her head slightly, "I think I prefer the second option."

Mo Han's lips twitched and he quickly licked them to hide the smile as he turned around, "If you would like to make any changes to the room you can also tell me or my assistant, K. The one who you had met earlier when we arrived."

An Luxia nodded her head. Yes, the first task here was to redecorate and maybe even remodel this room. It was way too plain and dark!

"Your luggage is right there," he said, pointing to the trunk near the enormous bed.

She immediately ran over, set her luggage down on the ground, and pulled out her computer.

"Do you have Internet here?" She asked.

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