
Chapter 95 - Injuries And

Just as An Luxia was getting tired, the door suddenly burst open.

She whirled around, afraid that the man had called helpers, because she would be screwed if he did. However, she immediately relaxed from what she saw.

K first burst into the room with several other men behind him, and he had a. . . a gun in his hand! An Luxia's eyes widened, wondering why he was armed as she unconsciously took a step back.

After the group of men had walked in, they lined the two corners of the hallway, giving room for An Luxia's husband to enter, the big boss - Mo Han.

However, he was not calm and steady like he always was. Instead, he burst in, only to calm down slightly when he saw An Luxia.

"Are you okay?!" He ran over, grabbing onto her and turning her around, "I'm so sorry."

Mo Han tightly knit his eyebrows together, and it was evident that he was very angry. But not angry at the man or An Luxia, but at himself. He did indeed put a tracking device into An Luxia's phone, but he was still late!

He still came here so late!

He looked around the room to see what had happened, and his eyes landed on the man writhing in pain on the ground. He raised one eyebrow, looking back at An Luxia, "This. . ."

An Luxia pressed her lips together and looked away as she stuck her tongue out playfully.

Mo Han did not know how to respond, and decided to bring An Luxia home first before coming back to deal with the situation. However, as they walked out of the room, a group of police suddenly entered the room.

They asked An Luxia a few questions, and to all of their surprise, An Luxia had to go to the police station and the man would be sent to the hospital for further investigation.

There was no evidence that the man had kidnapped and attempted to ra*e An Luxia, so they would need to investigate the situation further since the man was also injured in the process.

Mo Han was not happy about how things turned out, and he wondered who had called the police as they were forced to go to the police station.

In the police station, An Luxia was asked several questions, all of which she replied truthfully. In the end, she was forced to stay inside the station as they waited for more information.

Hours went by and the sky outside had turned dark already when a female police officer came and opened the door, "We apologize Mrs. Mo to keep you waiting. We have acquired more evidence now and you may leave."

An Luxia blinked a few times as she stood up, more than ready to leave this cramped room, "May I ask you what evidence?"

The female officer looked at her and grinned softly, "We have acquired the CCTV footage from the hotel and saw that you were indeed carried into the hotel room while being unconscious."

She opened up a door and An Luxia stepped out to see Mo Han seated in the police station, his arms and legs crossed as he glared at the two police officers in front of him.

The two police officers seemed to be very scared as they looked down at the ground, too scared to even look into Mo Han's eyes.

Mo Han looked up when he heard the door open, and his gaze finally softened slightly when he saw An Luxia, "Officer Yu, can my wife go home now?"

The old officer standing to the right immediately nodded his head, "Yes, yes. I apologize for the trouble caused, Mr and Mrs. Mo. Thank you for your cooperation."

Mo Han stood up and glared at the police officers once more before turning around to leave. He grabbed onto An Luxia's hand and together, they walked out of the police station.

It was nighttime already when they left the station and started driving home. The hotel was quite far from the school, so the car ride back to the mountain also took a while.

An Luxia looked out the window deep in thought at the chain of events that had happened today. First, the interview about her had spread all over the Internet, and the entire country was scolding her right now.

Then, she was kidnapped and almost ra*ed by a random stranger! This entire day was absolutely crazy. After careful thought, she turned and looked at Mo Han, "Let's go to the hospital."


Mo Han did not question her decision at all, and it almost seemed like he knew what she was thinking of. They entered the hospital and quickly found the man who had tried to dirty her because there was a group of police standing outside the door.

An Luxia had come because she had some suspicions on who was behind the kidnapping. There was no way this random stranger would just choose to kidnap her and dirty her. There had to be someone else behind it, and she had some guesses on who it was.

"Hello, police officer. I am An Luxia."

The police officer was the one who had first entered the hotel room, and he recognized An Luxia, "Yes, good evening Mrs. An. We are sorry for keeping you."

An Luxia grinned, "No worries. Thank you for coming in time during that situation." She looked towards the hospital door, "Is he. . ."

"He is still unconscious. Mrs. An, you are quite a tough fighter." The police laughed, "The man had several injuries but you do not have to worry, because they will all be counted as self defense because he is at fault."

An Luxia nodded, "Is he still unconscious?"

The police officer nodded.

"Are the injuries bad?" 

The officer cleared his throat, debating on whether he should tell her or not. Finally, he said, "The injuries aren't too bad. They should heal quickly. However, there is something else. . ."

An Luxia raised one eyebrow, "What is it?"

"Well. . . he may have. . .." The police officer looked down and his face turned slightly red, "erectile dysfunction."

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