
Chapter 125 - It's Working

The entire room exploded as no one knew what to do, including the host. This had never happened during an interview before, and the interview was supposed to be live broadcasting, so the audience were also shocked.

The first thing that happened was that the shooting was stopped and the live broadcasting ended abruptly, and someone immediately screamed to call the ambulance.

The host tried to wake An Luxia up, but she wouldn't wake up. Within twenty minutes, an ambulance truck was rushed to the company, and An Luxia was placed on a stretcher and pushed out of the building to the hospital.

Everyone inside the room was busy guessing what had happened.

"Is she perhaps sick? What happened?"

  "I don't know. . ."

The workers looked amongst themselves and no one said anything as the interview ended abruptly.


About an hour later, An Luxia woke up again in a hospital room with Mo Han right next to her bed. He had his head buried in his hands and he looked up when he heard the tiniest commotion.

When he saw her eyes open, his mouth fell open as he jumped up from the chair, turning around as no words came out of his mouth. Finally, he reached for the red button at the end of the bed and pressed it.

An Luxia noticed that his eyes were red and she couldn't help but wonder if it had been that he was crying? No way. . . Mo Han never cried.

"I'm okay. . . It must have been that I didn't eat breakfast, so I fainted."

Mo Han frowned, "I told you to eat breakfast."

The doctor had said that An Luxia had fainted because of lack of energy as well. Her blood sugar was too low and so she had fainted, but this had never happened before, especially under Mo Han's care, so he was especially concerned and slightly angry.

The doctor entered the room and did a few tests on An Luxia before nodding, turning to Mo Han, "Do not worry, she is fine now. Her blood sugar is normal now. It was too low earlier, probably because she did not eat anything."

  An Luxia smiled weakly, still hungry as she watched the doctor leave the room, "Can we go now?"

Mo Han looked at the hospital bed and nodded, "Yeah, let's go."

"Good, I want something to eat."


After the interview, the small portion that did end up getting broadcasted blew up, partially because of how pretty An Luxia was, and mostly because of how she fainted on set.

Somehow, she managed to make it up to the most popular news of the day, the title being, 'Author of 'The Underworld King's Beloved Wife' Faints During an Interview'. Not exactly what she wanted to be known for, but she did not complain.

The netizens also quickly noticed how similar she was to the description of An Xia in the novel, and after watching the interview, they immediately knew why.

A few comments also mentioned how if the novel was based on a true story, then would Han Mo's occupation also be real in the real world. . . Of course, many did not believe it and said An Luxia must have altered it to make the story more interesting.

The day after the interview had gone out, more news was dug out, including the news from when An Luxia was in college. The news that Li Yilan had posted.

Before long, Mo Han was also dug out.

Apparently, someone recognized her when she was going to eat dinner with Mo Han at a restaurant and took a picture. The picture spread like wildfire on the Internet, and guesses of whether Mo Han was Han Mo was overtaking the entire country by now.

It was quite obvious, since the physical description of Han Mo in the novel matched Mo Han perfectly. It did not take much guessing to figure it out.

Now, the comments were all talking about how great a couple they are, and how much they fit each other. Girl is pretty and the boy is handsome, absolutely perfect!

  At night, An Luxia scrolled through the comments with a wide smile on her face, looking through all the compliments.

Mo Han walked out of the bathroom and saw her smiling sheepishly, "What are you looking at?"

An Luxia looked up and waved the phone at him, "The comments. You know how the picture of us eating dinner got leaked. Well, now everyone is commenting on how ideal a couple we are."

"Look at this!" An Luxia sat up on the bed, "This person says that we are a match made in heaven."

She giggled, leaning back against the bed again happily. Mo Han watched her with a faint grin and did not know what to say, as he was quite happy about the comments himself.

"Okay, let's go to bed now. You can read the comments tomorrow."

  "But the comments will pile up by tomorrow," An Luxia said, furiously scrolling through the comments until Mo Han snatched her phone away.

An Luxia frowned and buried her head underneath the blanket until a moment later, the world darkened and Mo Han joined her on the bed.

"I can't fall asleep," An Luxia whined after a few minutes, "I'll go read a few more comments."

"We can always do something else if you can't fall asleep," Mo Han said, taking this perfect opportunity to begin doing the "something else".


The next morning, An Luxia woke up early because she was going to go help her parents out at the bakery. As she got out of bed, she reached over to the cabinet nearby and pulled out a birth control pill container.

As she took out two pills to swallow it, she noticed a pair of eyes on her. She turned around and saw Mo Han staring at her, a hint of anger in his eyes.

Her lips twitched and she smiled at him, grabbing onto his arm, "Soon."

One more year of college to go.

Mo Han's expression lightened up slightly, but he had to keep up his grudge as he turned around and got off the bed, entering the restroom.

An Luxia quickly took the pills and ran into the restroom after him to go and comfort the angry kitten!


An hour later, An Luxia arrived in front of the bakery.

When she entered the back of the bakery, her parents were busy working inside.

"Mom! Dad! I'm here," she called as she entered. They didn't even bother to look at her as her mom replied, "Hurry and come help me!"

  An Luxia grabbed an apron and ran over, helping her mom ice the cupcakes. 

As she iced the cupcakes, she talked with her mom, who had moved on to make some cookies.

"How is it going between you and Mo Han?" Her mom asked.

An Luxia looked up, thinking for a few seconds as her dad perked his ears up to listen as well, "Good. We are doing fine."

  Her dad knit his eyebrows together, "Just fine? Is he not treating you well?"

  An Luxia chuckled, "No, he is treating me very well!"

Qi Lanyu stayed silent for a moment as she mixed the batter, opening and closing her mouth several times before she finally let those words out, "Then when will we get grandchildren?"

An Luxia almost choked on her own saliva as her hands shook and the icing on the second to last cupcake messed up slightly, "Grandchildren?! Mom, I'm still in college!"

  "I know! But for women, it's better to get pregnant early. You are healthy right now, so if you can, then it's better early than late. Listen to mom," Qi Lanyu said, nodding her head as she spoke.

An Luxia did not know how to respond, and she sighed as she continued to finish off the icing. As she did, she thought. . . Maybe it was time to consider it. 

After all, they had been married for over a year now. . .


An Luxia worked at the bakery for several hours, spending time with her parents and stealing a few treats as she worked. 

After a while, she sat down to enjoy a cup of tea before Mo Han came to pick her up to go back home. She opened her phone and began scrolling through the comments again, smiling as she went.

Her parents had also heard of her popularity, and they also asked her if the part about Mo Han's job being the king of the underworld had been altered.

To not make them worry, An Luxia just told them that she had indeed changed it to make it more interesting. That had them relax a little bit more.

As she finished the tea, Mo Han sent a message over: I'm almost here. Three more minutes.

An Luxia stood up, bringing the empty cup to the back kitchen and saying goodbye to her parents before leaving.

Outside, she waited on the sidewalk for Mo Han's familiar black car. When she finally saw it, she began slowly walking over to it when suddenly, she felt the world spin slightly as she fell backwards a few steps, her eyes closing as she felt dizzy.

It was like when you suddenly stood up after sitting for too long. . . After a few seconds, the feeling went away and she shook her head, noticing that the car was in front of her already.

She blinked a few times, thinking that it must have been because it was so hot outside and she had been in the air-conditioned room for too long.

  She entered the car and did not say anything to Mo Han as they drove back home.

Meanwhile, from behind a wall, a person wearing a black jacket and hat peaked his head out as a small grin crept up his face.

The person pulled out his phone and made a call, saying to the other end, "It's working."

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